/* * REminiscence - Flashback interpreter * Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Gregory Montoir (cyx@users.sourceforge.net) */ #include "scaler.h" #include "dynlib.h" #include "util.h" static void scanline2x(uint32_t *dst0, uint32_t *dst1, const uint32_t *src0, const uint32_t *src1, const uint32_t *src2, int w) { uint32_t B, D, E, F, H; // ABC // DEF // GHI int x = 0; // first pixel (D == E) B = *(src0 + x); E = *(src1 + x); D = E; F = *(src1 + x + 1); H = *(src2 + x); if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst1[1] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; } dst0 += 2; dst1 += 2; // center pixels E = F; for (x = 1; x < w - 1; ++x) { B = *(src0 + x); F = *(src1 + x + 1); H = *(src2 + x); if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst1[1] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; } D = E; E = F; dst0 += 2; dst1 += 2; } // last pixel (F == E) B = *(src0 + x); H = *(src2 + x); if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst1[1] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; } } static void scale2x(uint32_t *dst, int dstPitch, const uint32_t *src, int srcPitch, int w, int h) { assert(w > 1 && h > 1); const int dstPitch2 = dstPitch * 2; const uint32_t *src0, *src1, *src2; // y == 0 src0 = src; src1 = src; src2 = src + srcPitch; scanline2x(dst, dst + dstPitch, src0, src1, src2, w); dst += dstPitch2; // center src0 = src; src1 = src + srcPitch; src2 = src + srcPitch * 2; for (int y = 1; y < h - 1; ++y) { scanline2x(dst, dst + dstPitch, src0, src1, src2, w); dst += dstPitch2; src0 += srcPitch; src1 += srcPitch; src2 += srcPitch; } // y == h-1 src2 = src1; scanline2x(dst, dst + dstPitch, src0, src1, src2, w); } static void scanline3x(uint32_t *dst0, uint32_t *dst1, uint32_t *dst2, const uint32_t *src0, const uint32_t *src1, const uint32_t *src2, int w) { uint32_t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I; // ABC // DEF // GHI int x = 0; // first pixel (A == B, D == E and G == H) B = *(src0 + x); A = B; C = *(src0 + x + 1); E = *(src1 + x); D = E; F = *(src1 + x + 1); H = *(src2 + x); G = H; I = *(src2 + x + 1); if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = (E == B && E != C) || (B == F && E != A) ? B : E; dst0[2] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = (D == B && E != G) || (D == B && E != A) ? D : E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = (B == F && E != I) || (H == F && E != C) ? F : E; dst2[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst2[1] = (D == H && E != I) || (H == F && E != G) ? H : E; dst2[2] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst0[2] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = E; dst2[0] = E; dst2[1] = E; dst2[2] = E; } dst0 += 3; dst1 += 3; dst2 += 3; // center pixels B = C; E = F; H = I; for (x = 1; x < w - 1; ++x) { C = *(src0 + x + 1); F = *(src1 + x + 1); I = *(src2 + x + 1); if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = (E == B && E != C) || (B == F && E != A) ? B : E; dst0[2] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = (D == B && E != G) || (D == B && E != A) ? D : E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = (B == F && E != I) || (H == F && E != C) ? F : E; dst2[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst2[1] = (D == H && E != I) || (H == F && E != G) ? H : E; dst2[2] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst0[2] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = E; dst2[0] = E; dst2[1] = E; dst2[2] = E; } A = B; B = C; D = E; E = F; G = H; H = I; dst0 += 3; dst1 += 3; dst2 += 3; } // last pixel (B == C, E == F and H == I) if (B != H && D != F) { dst0[0] = D == B ? D : E; dst0[1] = (E == B && E != C) || (B == F && E != A) ? B : E; dst0[2] = B == F ? F : E; dst1[0] = (D == B && E != G) || (D == B && E != A) ? D : E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = (B == F && E != I) || (H == F && E != C) ? F : E; dst2[0] = D == H ? D : E; dst2[1] = (D == H && E != I) || (H == F && E != G) ? H : E; dst2[2] = H == F ? F : E; } else { dst0[0] = E; dst0[1] = E; dst0[2] = E; dst1[0] = E; dst1[1] = E; dst1[2] = E; dst2[0] = E; dst2[1] = E; dst2[2] = E; } } static void scale3x(uint32_t *dst, int dstPitch, const uint32_t *src, int srcPitch, int w, int h) { assert(w > 1 && h > 1); const int dstPitch2 = dstPitch * 2; const int dstPitch3 = dstPitch * 3; const uint32_t *src0, *src1, *src2; // y == 0 src0 = src; src1 = src; src2 = src + srcPitch; scanline3x(dst, dst + dstPitch, dst + dstPitch2, src0, src1, src2, w); dst += dstPitch3; // center src0 = src; src1 = src + srcPitch; src2 = src + srcPitch * 2; for (int y = 1; y < h - 1; ++y) { scanline3x(dst, dst + dstPitch, dst + dstPitch2, src0, src1, src2, w); dst += dstPitch3; src0 += srcPitch; src1 += srcPitch; src2 += srcPitch; } // y == h-1 src2 = src1; scanline3x(dst, dst + dstPitch, dst + dstPitch2, src0, src1, src2, w); } static void scale4x(uint32_t *dst, int dstPitch, const uint32_t *src, int srcPitch, int w, int h) { static struct { uint32_t *ptr; int w, h, pitch; int size; } buf; const int size = (w * 2) * (h * 2) * sizeof(uint32_t); if (buf.size < size) { free(buf.ptr); buf.size = size; buf.w = w * 2; buf.h = h * 2; buf.pitch = buf.w; buf.ptr = (uint32_t *)malloc(buf.size); if (!buf.ptr) { error("Unable to allocate scale4x intermediate buffer"); } } scale2x(buf.ptr, buf.pitch, src, srcPitch, w, h); scale2x(dst, dstPitch, buf.ptr, buf.pitch, buf.w, buf.h); } static void scaleNx(int factor, uint32_t *dst, int dstPitch, const uint32_t *src, int srcPitch, int w, int h) { switch (factor) { case 2: return scale2x(dst, dstPitch, src, srcPitch, w, h); case 3: return scale3x(dst, dstPitch, src, srcPitch, w, h); case 4: return scale4x(dst, dstPitch, src, srcPitch, w, h); } } const Scaler _internalScaler = { SCALER_TAG, "scaleNx", 2, 4, scaleNx, }; static DynLib *dynLib; static const char *kSoSym = "getScaler"; const Scaler *findScaler(const char *name) { dynLib = new DynLib(name); void *symbol = dynLib->getSymbol(kSoSym); if (symbol) { typedef const Scaler *(*GetScalerProc)(); return ((GetScalerProc)symbol)(); } return 0; }