#!/bin/bash # This script compiles the native GCC environment gild/bin/gild checkout binutils ${BINUTILS_VER} && \ gild/bin/gild checkout gcc ${GCC_VER} && \ make -C native-build -j4 # Prepare coreutils 5.2 (disabled) gild/bin/gild checkout coreutils 5.2 # Prepare coreutils 8.27 # gild/bin/gild checkout coreutils 8.27 && \ # gild/bin/gild checkout gnulib for-coreutils-8.27 && \ # cd coreutils/repo && \ # ./bootstrap # create the release packages cd /opt/adtools/native-build # The following might fail on [ and need to run twice make native-install make native-dist && \ make clib2-dist && \ mv adtools-os4-*.lha /gcc