REPO ?= walkero/agate-gemini TAG ?= 1.0 NAME ?= agate-gemini WORKSPACE ?= -w /home/gemini/content VOLUMES ?= -v "${PWD}/content":/home/gemini/content PORTS ?= -p 1965:1965 .PHONY: build buildnc shell push logs clean test release default: help help: @echo "This makefile helps on building agate Gemini server" @echo "The available parameters can be seen below:" @echo "" @echo "build - Build the Docker image" @echo "buildnc - Pull the latest repos' code and build the Docker image" @echo " without using caching" @echo "shell - Create a container with the latest Docker image and get" @echo " into it" @echo "clean - Remove the docker container, if this still exists." @echo "" build: docker build -f ./Dockerfile \ -t $(REPO):$(TAG) . buildnc: pullrepos docker build --no-cache -f ./Dockerfile \ -t $(REPO):$(TAG) . shell: docker run -it --rm --name $(NAME) $(VOLUMES) $(WORKSPACE) $(PORTS) $(REPO):$(TAG) /bin/bash push: docker push $(REPO):$(TAG) logs: docker logs $(NAME) clean: -docker rm -f $(NAME) test: snyk test --docker $(REPO):$(TAG) --file=Dockerfile release: build push