#include #include "agg_basics.h" #include "agg_rendering_buffer.h" #include "agg_scanline_u.h" #include "agg_scanline_bin.h" #include "agg_renderer_scanline.h" #include "agg_renderer_primitives.h" #include "agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h" #include "agg_conv_curve.h" #include "agg_conv_contour.h" #include "agg_pixfmt_rgb.h" #include "agg_font_win32_tt.h" #include "platform/agg_platform_support.h" #include "ctrl/agg_slider_ctrl.h" #include "ctrl/agg_cbox_ctrl.h" #include "ctrl/agg_rbox_ctrl.h" enum flip_y_e { flip = true }; typedef char char_type; static char_type text[] = //"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz " " Anti-Grain Geometry is designed as a set of loosely coupled " "algorithms and class templates united with a common idea, " "so that all the components can be easily combined. Also, " "the template based design allows you to replace any part of " "the library without the necessity to modify a single byte in " "the existing code. " "AGG is designed keeping in mind extensibility and flexibility. " "Basically I just wanted to create a toolkit that would allow me " "(and anyone else) to add new fancy algorithms very easily. " "AGG does not dictate you any style of its use, you are free to " "use any part of it. However, AGG is often associated with a tool " "for rendering images in memory. That is not quite true, but it can " "be a good starting point in studying. The tutorials describe the " "use of AGG starting from the low level functionality that deals with " "frame buffers and pixels. Then you will gradually understand how to " "abstract different parts of the library and how to use them separately. " "Remember, the raster picture is often not the only thing you want to " "obtain, you will probably want to print your graphics with highest " "possible quality and in this case you can easily combine the \"vectorial\" " "part of the library with some API like Windows GDI, having a common " "external interface. If that API can render multi-polygons with non-zero " "and even-odd filling rules it's all you need to incorporate AGG into " "your application. For example, Windows API PolyPolygon perfectly fits " "these needs, except certain advanced things like gradient filling, " "Gouraud shading, image transformations, and so on. Or, as an alternative, " "you can use all AGG algorithms producing high resolution pixel images and " "then to send the result to the printer as a pixel map." "Below is a typical brief scheme of the AGG rendering pipeline. " "Please note that any component between the Vertex Source " "and Screen Output is not mandatory. It all depends on your " "particular needs. For example, you can use your own rasterizer, " "based on Windows API. In this case you won't need the AGG rasterizer " "and renderers. Or, if you need to draw only lines, you can use the " "AGG outline rasterizer that has certain restrictions but works faster. " "The number of possibilities is endless. " "Vertex Source is some object that produces polygons or polylines as " "a set of consecutive 2D vertices with commands like MoveTo, LineTo. " "It can be a container or some other object that generates vertices " "on demand. " "Coordinate conversion pipeline consists of a number of coordinate " "converters. It always works with vectorial data (X,Y) represented " "as floating point numbers (double). For example, it can contain an " "affine transformer, outline (stroke) generator, some marker " "generator (like arrowheads/arrowtails), dashed lines generator, " "and so on. The pipeline can have branches and you also can have " "any number of different pipelines. You also can write your own " "converter and include it into the pipeline. " "Scanline Rasterizer converts vectorial data into a number of " "horizontal scanlines. The scanlines usually (but not obligatory) " "carry information about Anti-Aliasing as coverage values. " "Renderers render scanlines, sorry for the tautology. The simplest " "example is solid filling. The renderer just adds a color to the " "scanline and writes the result into the rendering buffer. " "More complex renderers can produce multi-color result, " "like gradients, Gouraud shading, image transformations, " "patterns, and so on. Rendering Buffer is a buffer in memory " "that will be displayed afterwards. Usually but not obligatory " "it contains pixels in format that fits your video system. " "For example, 24 bits B-G-R, 32 bits B-G-R-A, or 15 " "bits R-G-B-555 for Windows. But in general, there're no " "restrictions on pixel formats or color space if you write " "your own low level class that supports that format. " "Colors in AGG appear only in renderers, that is, when you " "actually put some data to the rendering buffer. In general, " "there's no general purpose structure or class like color, " "instead, AGG always operates with concrete color space. " "There are plenty of color spaces in the world, like RGB, " "HSV, CMYK, etc., and all of them have certain restrictions. " "For example, the RGB color space is just a poor subset of " "colors that a human eye can recognize. If you look at the full " "CIE Chromaticity Diagram, you will see that the RGB triangle " "is just a little part of it. " "In other words there are plenty of colors in the real world " "that cannot be reproduced with RGB, CMYK, HSV, etc. Any color " "space except the one existing in Nature is restrictive. Thus, " "it was decided not to introduce such an object like color in " "order not to restrict the possibilities in advance. Instead, " "there are objects that operate with concrete color spaces. " "Currently there are agg::rgba and agg::srgba8 that operate " "with the most popular RGB color space (strictly speaking there's " "RGB plus Alpha). The RGB color space is used with different " "pixel formats, like 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA with different " "order of color components. But the common property of all of " "them is that they are essentially RGB. Although, AGG doesn't " "explicitly support any other color spaces, there is at least " "a potential possibility of adding them. It means that all " "class and function templates that depend on the color type " "are parameterized with the ColorT argument. " "Basically, AGG operates with coordinates of the output device. " "On your screen there are pixels. But unlike many other libraries " "and APIs AGG initially supports Subpixel Accuracy. It means " "that the coordinates are represented as doubles, where fractional " "values actually take effect. AGG doesn't have an embedded " "conversion mechanism from world to screen coordinates in order " "not to restrict your freedom. It's very important where and when " "you do that conversion, so, different applications can require " "different approaches. AGG just provides you a transformer of " "that kind, namely, that can convert your own view port to the " "device one. And it's your responsibility to include it into " "the proper place of the pipeline. You can also write your " "own very simple class that will allow you to operate with " "millimeters, inches, or any other physical units. " "Internally, the rasterizers use integer coordinates of the " "format 24.8 bits, that is, 24 bits for the integer part and 8 " "bits for the fractional one. In other words, all the internal " "coordinates are multiplied by 256. If you intend to use AGG in " "some embedded system that has inefficient floating point " "processing, you still can use the rasterizers with their " "integer interfaces. Although, you won't be able to use the " "floating point coordinate pipelines in this case. "; #define AGG_BGR24 #include "pixel_formats.h" bool text_flip = false; class the_application : public agg::platform_support { typedef agg::renderer_base base_ren_type; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid renderer_solid; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_bin_solid renderer_bin; typedef agg::font_engine_win32_tt_int32 font_engine_type; typedef agg::font_cache_manager font_manager_type; agg::rbox_ctrl m_ren_type; agg::slider_ctrl m_height; agg::slider_ctrl m_width; agg::slider_ctrl m_weight; agg::cbox_ctrl m_hinting; agg::cbox_ctrl m_kerning; agg::cbox_ctrl m_performance; font_engine_type m_feng; font_manager_type m_fman; double m_old_height; // Pipeline to process the vectors glyph paths (curves + contour) typedef agg::conv_curve conv_curve_type; typedef agg::conv_contour conv_contour_type; conv_curve_type m_curves; conv_contour_type m_contour; public: the_application(HDC dc, agg::pix_format_e format, bool flip) : agg::platform_support(format, flip), m_ren_type (5.0, 5.0, 5.0+150.0, 110.0, !flip), m_height (160, 10.0, 640-5.0, 18.0, !flip), m_width (160, 30.0, 640-5.0, 38.0, !flip), m_weight (160, 50.0, 640-5.0, 58.0, !flip), m_hinting (160, 65.0, "Hinting", !flip), m_kerning (160, 80.0, "Kerning", !flip), m_performance (160, 95.0, "Test Performance", !flip), m_feng(dc), m_fman(m_feng), m_old_height(0.0), m_curves(m_fman.path_adaptor()), m_contour(m_curves) { m_ren_type.add_item("Native Mono"); m_ren_type.add_item("Native Gray 8"); m_ren_type.add_item("Outline"); m_ren_type.add_item("AGG Mono"); m_ren_type.add_item("AGG Gray 8"); m_ren_type.cur_item(1); add_ctrl(m_ren_type); m_ren_type.no_transform(); m_height.label("Font Height=%.2f"); m_height.range(8, 32); m_height.num_steps(32-8); m_height.value(18); m_height.text_thickness(1.5); add_ctrl(m_height); m_height.no_transform(); m_width.label("Font Width=%.2f"); m_width.range(8, 32); m_width.num_steps(32-8); m_width.text_thickness(1.5); m_width.value(18); add_ctrl(m_width); m_width.no_transform(); m_weight.label("Font Weight=%.2f"); m_weight.range(-2, 2); m_weight.text_thickness(1.5); add_ctrl(m_weight); m_weight.no_transform(); add_ctrl(m_hinting); m_hinting.status(true); m_hinting.no_transform(); add_ctrl(m_kerning); m_kerning.status(true); m_kerning.no_transform(); add_ctrl(m_performance); m_performance.no_transform(); // m_curves.approximation_method(agg::curve_div); // m_curves.approximation_scale(0.5); // m_curves.angle_tolerance(0.3); m_contour.auto_detect_orientation(false); } template unsigned draw_text(Rasterizer& ras, Scanline& sl, RenSolid& ren_solid, RenBin& ren_bin) { agg::glyph_rendering gren = agg::glyph_ren_native_mono; switch(m_ren_type.cur_item()) { case 0: gren = agg::glyph_ren_native_mono; break; case 1: gren = agg::glyph_ren_native_gray8; break; case 2: gren = agg::glyph_ren_outline; break; case 3: gren = agg::glyph_ren_agg_mono; break; case 4: gren = agg::glyph_ren_agg_gray8; break; } unsigned num_glyphs = 0; m_contour.width(-m_weight.value() * m_height.value() * 0.05); m_feng.hinting(m_hinting.status()); m_feng.height(m_height.value()); // Font width in Windows is strange. MSDN says, // "specifies the average width", but there's no clue what // this "average width" means. It'd be logical to specify // the width with regard to the font height, like it's done in // FreeType. That is, width == height should mean the "natural", // not distorted glyphs. In Windows you have to specify // the absolute width, which is very stupid and hard to use // in practice. //------------------------- m_feng.width((m_width.value() == m_height.value()) ? 0.0 : m_width.value() / 2.4); m_feng.italic(true); m_feng.flip_y(text_flip); agg::trans_affine mtx; //mtx *= agg::trans_affine_skewing(-0.3, 0); mtx *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(agg::deg2rad(-4.0)); m_feng.transform(mtx); if(m_feng.create_font("Arial", gren)) { m_fman.precache(' ', 127); double x = 10.0; double y0 = height() - m_height.value() - 10.0; double y = y0; const char_type* p = text; while(*p) { const agg::glyph_cache* glyph = m_fman.glyph(*p); if(glyph) { if(m_kerning.status()) { m_fman.add_kerning(&x, &y); } if(x >= width() - m_height.value()) { x = 10.0; y0 -= m_height.value(); if(y0 <= 120) break; y = y0; } m_fman.init_embedded_adaptors(glyph, x, y); switch(glyph->data_type) { case agg::glyph_data_mono: ren_bin.color(agg::srgba8(0, 0, 0)); agg::render_scanlines(m_fman.mono_adaptor(), m_fman.mono_scanline(), ren_bin); break; case agg::glyph_data_gray8: ren_solid.color(agg::srgba8(0, 0, 0)); agg::render_scanlines(m_fman.gray8_adaptor(), m_fman.gray8_scanline(), ren_solid); break; case agg::glyph_data_outline: ras.reset(); if(fabs(m_weight.value()) <= 0.01) { // For the sake of efficiency skip the // contour converter if the weight is about zero. //----------------------- ras.add_path(m_curves); } else { ras.add_path(m_contour); } ren_solid.color(agg::srgba8(0, 0, 0)); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_solid); break; } // increment pen position x += glyph->advance_x; y += glyph->advance_y; ++num_glyphs; } ++p; } } return num_glyphs; } virtual void on_draw() { pixfmt pf(rbuf_window()); base_ren_type ren_base(pf); renderer_solid ren_solid(ren_base); renderer_bin ren_bin(ren_base); ren_base.clear(agg::rgba(1,1,1)); agg::scanline_u8 sl; agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; if(m_height.value() != m_old_height) { m_width.value(m_old_height = m_height.value()); } if(m_ren_type.cur_item() == 3) { // When rendering in mono format, // Set threshold gamma = 0.5 //------------------- m_feng.gamma(agg::gamma_threshold(0.5)); } else { m_feng.gamma(agg::gamma_none()); } draw_text(ras, sl, ren_solid, ren_bin); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_ren_type); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_height); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_width); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_weight); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_hinting); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_kerning); agg::render_ctrl(ras, sl, ren_base, m_performance); } virtual void on_ctrl_change() { if(m_performance.status()) { pixfmt pf(rbuf_window()); base_ren_type ren_base(pf); renderer_solid ren_solid(ren_base); renderer_bin ren_bin(ren_base); ren_base.clear(agg::rgba(1,1,1)); agg::scanline_u8 sl; agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; unsigned num_glyphs = 0; start_timer(); for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { num_glyphs += draw_text(ras, sl, ren_solid, ren_bin); } double t = elapsed_time(); char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "Glyphs=%u, Time=%.3fms, %.3f glyps/sec, %.3f microsecond/glyph", num_glyphs, t, (num_glyphs / t) * 1000.0, (t / num_glyphs) * 1000.0); message(buf); m_performance.status(false); force_redraw(); } } virtual void on_key(int x, int y, unsigned key, unsigned flags) { text_flip = !text_flip; force_redraw(); } }; int agg_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HDC dc = ::GetDC(0); the_application app(dc, agg::pix_format_bgr24, flip); app.caption("AGG Example. Rendering TrueType Fonts with WinAPI"); if(app.init(640, 520, agg::window_resize)) { return app.run(); } ::ReleaseDC(0, dc); return 1; }