//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contact: mcseemagg@yahoo.com //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class pixel_map // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "platform/win32/agg_win32_bmp.h" #include "agg_basics.h" namespace agg { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ pixel_map::~pixel_map() { destroy(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ pixel_map::pixel_map() : m_bmp(0), m_buf(0), m_bpp(0), m_is_internal(false), m_img_size(0), m_full_size(0) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::destroy() { if(m_bmp && m_is_internal) delete [] (unsigned char*)m_bmp; m_bmp = 0; m_is_internal = false; m_buf = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::create(unsigned width, unsigned height, org_e org, unsigned clear_val) { destroy(); if(width == 0) width = 1; if(height == 0) height = 1; m_bpp = org; create_from_bmp(create_bitmap_info(width, height, m_bpp)); create_gray_scale_palette(m_bmp); m_is_internal = true; if(clear_val <= 255) { std::memset(m_buf, clear_val, m_img_size); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ HBITMAP pixel_map::create_dib_section(HDC h_dc, unsigned width, unsigned height, org_e org, unsigned clear_val) { destroy(); if(width == 0) width = 1; if(height == 0) height = 1; m_bpp = org; HBITMAP h_bitmap = create_dib_section_from_args(h_dc, width, height, m_bpp); create_gray_scale_palette(m_bmp); m_is_internal = true; if(clear_val <= 255) { std::memset(m_buf, clear_val, m_img_size); } return h_bitmap; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::clear(unsigned clear_val) { if(m_buf) std::memset(m_buf, clear_val, m_img_size); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::attach_to_bmp(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp) { destroy(); create_from_bmp(bmp); m_is_internal = false; } } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::calc_full_size(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp == 0) return 0; return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * calc_palette_size(bmp) + bmp->bmiHeader.biSizeImage; } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::calc_header_size(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp == 0) return 0; return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * calc_palette_size(bmp); } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::calc_palette_size(unsigned clr_used, unsigned bits_per_pixel) { int palette_size = 0; if(bits_per_pixel <= 8) { palette_size = clr_used; if(palette_size == 0) { palette_size = 1 << bits_per_pixel; } } return palette_size; } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::calc_palette_size(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp == 0) return 0; return calc_palette_size(bmp->bmiHeader.biClrUsed, bmp->bmiHeader.biBitCount); } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned char * pixel_map::calc_img_ptr(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp == 0) return 0; return ((unsigned char*)bmp) + calc_header_size(bmp); } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BITMAPINFO* pixel_map::create_bitmap_info(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned bits_per_pixel) { unsigned line_len = calc_row_len(width, bits_per_pixel); unsigned img_size = line_len * height; unsigned rgb_size = calc_palette_size(0, bits_per_pixel) * sizeof(RGBQUAD); unsigned full_size = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + rgb_size + img_size; BITMAPINFO *bmp = (BITMAPINFO *) new unsigned char[full_size]; bmp->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth = width; bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight = height; bmp->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmp->bmiHeader.biBitCount = (unsigned short)bits_per_pixel; bmp->bmiHeader.biCompression = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = img_size; bmp->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; return bmp; } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::create_gray_scale_palette(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp == 0) return; unsigned rgb_size = calc_palette_size(bmp); RGBQUAD *rgb = (RGBQUAD*)(((unsigned char*)bmp) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); unsigned brightness; unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < rgb_size; i++) { brightness = (255 * i) / (rgb_size - 1); rgb->rgbBlue = rgb->rgbGreen = rgb->rgbRed = (unsigned char)brightness; rgb->rgbReserved = 0; rgb++; } } //static //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::calc_row_len(unsigned width, unsigned bits_per_pixel) { unsigned n = width; unsigned k; switch(bits_per_pixel) { case 1: k = n; n = n >> 3; if(k & 7) n++; break; case 4: k = n; n = n >> 1; if(k & 3) n++; break; case 8: break; case 16: n *= 2; break; case 24: n *= 3; break; case 32: n *= 4; break; case 48: n *= 6; break; case 64: n *= 8; break; case 96: n *= 12; break; case 128: n *= 16; break; default: n = 0; break; } return ((n + 3) >> 2) << 2; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::draw(HDC h_dc, const RECT *device_rect, const RECT *bmp_rect) const { if(m_bmp == 0 || m_buf == 0) return; unsigned bmp_x = 0; unsigned bmp_y = 0; unsigned bmp_width = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth; unsigned bmp_height = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; unsigned dvc_x = 0; unsigned dvc_y = 0; unsigned dvc_width = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth; unsigned dvc_height = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; if(bmp_rect) { bmp_x = bmp_rect->left; bmp_y = bmp_rect->top; bmp_width = bmp_rect->right - bmp_rect->left; bmp_height = bmp_rect->bottom - bmp_rect->top; } dvc_x = bmp_x; dvc_y = bmp_y; dvc_width = bmp_width; dvc_height = bmp_height; if(device_rect) { dvc_x = device_rect->left; dvc_y = device_rect->top; dvc_width = device_rect->right - device_rect->left; dvc_height = device_rect->bottom - device_rect->top; } if(dvc_width != bmp_width || dvc_height != bmp_height) { ::SetStretchBltMode(h_dc, COLORONCOLOR); ::StretchDIBits( h_dc, // handle of device context dvc_x, // x-coordinate of upper-left corner of source rect. dvc_y, // y-coordinate of upper-left corner of source rect. dvc_width, // width of source rectangle dvc_height, // height of source rectangle bmp_x, bmp_y, // x, y -coordinates of upper-left corner of dest. rect. bmp_width, // width of destination rectangle bmp_height, // height of destination rectangle m_buf, // address of bitmap bits m_bmp, // address of bitmap data DIB_RGB_COLORS, // usage SRCCOPY // raster operation code ); } else { ::SetDIBitsToDevice( h_dc, // handle to device context dvc_x, // x-coordinate of upper-left corner of dvc_y, // y-coordinate of upper-left corner of dvc_width, // source rectangle width dvc_height, // source rectangle height bmp_x, // x-coordinate of lower-left corner of bmp_y, // y-coordinate of lower-left corner of 0, // first scan line in array bmp_height, // number of scan lines m_buf, // address of array with DIB bits m_bmp, // address of structure with bitmap info. DIB_RGB_COLORS // RGB or palette indexes ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::draw(HDC h_dc, int x, int y, double scale) const { if(m_bmp == 0 || m_buf == 0) return; unsigned width = unsigned(m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth * scale); unsigned height = unsigned(m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight * scale); RECT rect; rect.left = x; rect.top = y; rect.right = x + width; rect.bottom = y + height; draw(h_dc, &rect); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::blend(HDC h_dc, const RECT *device_rect, const RECT *bmp_rect) const { #if !defined(AGG_BMP_ALPHA_BLEND) draw(h_dc, device_rect, bmp_rect); return; #else if(m_bpp != 32) { draw(h_dc, device_rect, bmp_rect); return; } if(m_bmp == 0 || m_buf == 0) return; unsigned bmp_x = 0; unsigned bmp_y = 0; unsigned bmp_width = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth; unsigned bmp_height = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; unsigned dvc_x = 0; unsigned dvc_y = 0; unsigned dvc_width = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth; unsigned dvc_height = m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; if(bmp_rect) { bmp_x = bmp_rect->left; bmp_y = bmp_rect->top; bmp_width = bmp_rect->right - bmp_rect->left; bmp_height = bmp_rect->bottom - bmp_rect->top; } dvc_x = bmp_x; dvc_y = bmp_y; dvc_width = bmp_width; dvc_height = bmp_height; if(device_rect) { dvc_x = device_rect->left; dvc_y = device_rect->top; dvc_width = device_rect->right - device_rect->left; dvc_height = device_rect->bottom - device_rect->top; } HDC mem_dc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(h_dc); void* buf = 0; HBITMAP bmp = ::CreateDIBSection( mem_dc, m_bmp, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &buf, 0, 0 ); memcpy(buf, m_buf, m_bmp->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); HBITMAP temp = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(mem_dc, bmp); BLENDFUNCTION blend; blend.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; blend.BlendFlags = 0; #if defined(AC_SRC_ALPHA) blend.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; //#elif defined(AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA) // blend.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA; #else #error "No appropriate constant for alpha format. Check version of wingdi.h, There must be AC_SRC_ALPHA or AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA" #endif blend.SourceConstantAlpha = 255; ::AlphaBlend( h_dc, dvc_x, dvc_y, dvc_width, dvc_height, mem_dc, bmp_x, bmp_y, bmp_width, bmp_height, blend ); ::SelectObject(mem_dc, temp); ::DeleteObject(bmp); ::DeleteObject(mem_dc); #endif //defined(AGG_BMP_ALPHA_BLEND) } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::blend(HDC h_dc, int x, int y, double scale) const { if(m_bmp == 0 || m_buf == 0) return; unsigned width = unsigned(m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth * scale); unsigned height = unsigned(m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight * scale); RECT rect; rect.left = x; rect.top = y; rect.right = x + width; rect.bottom = y + height; blend(h_dc, &rect); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool pixel_map::load_from_bmp(FILE *fd) { BITMAPFILEHEADER bmf; BITMAPINFO *bmi = 0; unsigned bmp_size; if (std::fread(&bmf, sizeof(bmf), 1, fd) != 1) goto bmperr; if(bmf.bfType != 0x4D42) goto bmperr; bmp_size = bmf.bfSize - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); bmi = (BITMAPINFO*) new unsigned char [bmp_size]; if(std::fread(bmi, 1, bmp_size, fd) != bmp_size) goto bmperr; destroy(); m_bpp = bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount; create_from_bmp(bmi); m_is_internal = 1; return true; bmperr: if(bmi) delete [] (unsigned char*) bmi; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool pixel_map::load_from_bmp(const char *filename) { FILE *fd = std::fopen(filename, "rb"); bool ret = false; if(fd) { ret = load_from_bmp(fd); std::fclose(fd); } return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool pixel_map::save_as_bmp(FILE *fd) const { if(m_bmp == 0) return 0; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmf; bmf.bfType = 0x4D42; bmf.bfOffBits = calc_header_size(m_bmp) + sizeof(bmf); bmf.bfSize = bmf.bfOffBits + m_img_size; bmf.bfReserved1 = 0; bmf.bfReserved2 = 0; std::fwrite(&bmf, sizeof(bmf), 1, fd); std::fwrite(m_bmp, m_full_size, 1, fd); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool pixel_map::save_as_bmp(const char *filename) const { FILE *fd = std::fopen(filename, "wb"); bool ret = false; if(fd) { ret = save_as_bmp(fd); std::fclose(fd); } return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned char* pixel_map::buf() { return m_buf; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::width() const { return m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned pixel_map::height() const { return m_bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int pixel_map::stride() const { return calc_row_len(m_bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth, m_bmp->bmiHeader.biBitCount); } //private //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pixel_map::create_from_bmp(BITMAPINFO *bmp) { if(bmp) { m_img_size = calc_row_len(bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth, bmp->bmiHeader.biBitCount) * bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight; m_full_size = calc_full_size(bmp); m_bmp = bmp; m_buf = calc_img_ptr(bmp); } } //private //------------------------------------------------------------------------ HBITMAP pixel_map::create_dib_section_from_args(HDC h_dc, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned bits_per_pixel) { unsigned line_len = calc_row_len(width, bits_per_pixel); unsigned img_size = line_len * height; unsigned rgb_size = calc_palette_size(0, bits_per_pixel) * sizeof(RGBQUAD); unsigned full_size = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + rgb_size; BITMAPINFO *bmp = (BITMAPINFO *) new unsigned char[full_size]; bmp->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmp->bmiHeader.biWidth = width; bmp->bmiHeader.biHeight = height; bmp->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmp->bmiHeader.biBitCount = (unsigned short)bits_per_pixel; bmp->bmiHeader.biCompression = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = img_size; bmp->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmp->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; void* img_ptr = 0; HBITMAP h_bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(h_dc, bmp, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &img_ptr, NULL, 0); if(img_ptr) { m_img_size = calc_row_len(width, bits_per_pixel) * height; m_full_size = 0; m_bmp = bmp; m_buf = (unsigned char *) img_ptr; } return h_bitmap; } }