/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "entities.h" static void doMarker(Marker *m, int delta); static void handleTeleport(void); static int isObserving(void); static void addRider(void); static void checkPlatformContact(void); static void moveEntity(void); static void haltAtEdge(void); static int canWalkOnEntity(float x, float y); static void moveToOthers(float dx, float dy, PointF *position); static void addTouched(Entity *e); static int pushEntity(Entity *e, float dx, float dy); static void moveToMap(float dx, float dy, PointF *position); static int hasHitWorld(int mx, int my); static void compareEnvironments(void); static int getMarkerType(void); static int drawComparator(const void *a, const void *b); static Entity *riders[MAX_RIDERS]; static Entity *touched[MAX_TOUCHED]; static Texture *atlasTexture; static Marker targetMarker[3]; void initEntities(void) { int i; SDL_Rect *r; atlasTexture = getTexture("gfx/atlas/atlas.png"); for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { memset(&targetMarker[i], 0, sizeof(Marker)); targetMarker[i].sprite = getSprite("Marker"); } for (self = world.entityHead.next ; self != NULL ; self = self->next) { /* * Most things retain their dimensions, so this isn't a big deal. If we set * this each frame, it will muck up the bouncing, especially in the case of grenades. */ if (self->w == 0 || self->h == 0) { r = &self->sprite[self->facing]->frames[self->spriteFrame]->rect; self->w = r->w; self->h = r->h; } addToQuadtree(self, &world.quadtree); } } void doEntities(void) { Entity *prev, *oldSelf, *e; int camMidX, camMidY, flicker, i; SDL_Rect *r; memset(riders, 0, sizeof(Entity*) * MAX_RIDERS); camMidX = camera.x + (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2); camMidY = camera.y + (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2); doMarker(&targetMarker[0], 1); doMarker(&targetMarker[1], -1); doMarker(&targetMarker[2], 1); flicker = world.frameCounter % 3 > 0; prev = &world.entityHead; for (self = world.entityHead.next ; self != NULL ; self = self->next) { if (dev.cheatStatic && self != (Entity*)world.bob) { self->isVisible = 1; world.bob->flags |= (EF_WEIGHTLESS | EF_NO_CLIP); continue; } if (self->w == 0 || self->h == 0) { r = &self->sprite[self->facing]->frames[self->spriteFrame]->rect; self->w = r->w; self->h = r->h; } removeFromQuadtree(self, &world.quadtree); if (self->alive == ALIVE_DEAD) { prev->next = self->next; if (self == world.entityTail) { world.entityTail = prev; } free(self); self = prev; continue; } self->isVisible = 0; if (self->flags & EF_TELEPORTING) { handleTeleport(); prev = self; continue; } if ((self->flags & EF_ALWAYS_PROCESS) > 0 || getDistance(camMidX, camMidY, self->x, self->y) < SCREEN_WIDTH || isObserving()) { self->isVisible = 1; } else if (self->flags & EF_KILL_OFFSCREEN) { self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; } self->riding = NULL; if (self->isVisible) { memset(touched, 0, sizeof(Entity*) * MAX_TOUCHED); if (--self->thinkTime <= 0) { self->thinkTime = 0; self->action(); } if (self->flags & EF_GONE) { self->isVisible = 0; prev = self; continue; } self->tick(); self->observationTime = limit(self->observationTime - 1, 0, FPS * 5); self->isOnGround = 0; if (self->dy >= 0 && (!(self->flags & EF_WEIGHTLESS))) { checkPlatformContact(); } if (!self->isStatic) { moveEntity(); } self->animate(); for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_TOUCHED ; i++) { if (touched[i]) { self->touch(touched[i]); if (touched[i]->isStatic) { oldSelf = self; self = touched[i]; touched[i]->touch(oldSelf); /* for objects that never move */ self = oldSelf; } } } if (!(self->flags & EF_NO_ENVIRONMENT)) { compareEnvironments(); /* * Always sink if not in the air */ if (self->environment != ENV_AIR && (!(self->flags & EF_SWIMS))) { self->dy = 0.5f; } } if ((self->flags & EF_FLICKER) && flicker) { self->isVisible = 0; } if (self->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { if (self->health <= 0) { self->alive = ALIVE_DYING; self->spriteFrame = 0; self->die(); } } } if (!(self->flags & (EF_TELEPORTING | EF_GONE))) { addToQuadtree(self, &world.quadtree); } prev = self; } for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_RIDERS ; i++) { e = riders[i]; if (e != NULL) { if (e->dy > 0) { pushEntity(e, e->riding->dx, 0); if (!pushEntity(e, 0, e->riding->dy)) { e->riding->y -= e->riding->dy; } e->y = e->riding->y - e->h; } } } } void drawEntities(int plane) { int x, y, draw, i, t; Entity **candidates; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(camera.x, camera.y, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, NULL); /* counting entities to draw */ for (i = 0, self = candidates[i] ; self != NULL ; self = candidates[++i]) {}; qsort(candidates, i, sizeof(Entity*), drawComparator); for (i = 0, self = candidates[i] ; self != NULL ; self = candidates[++i]) { draw = self->isVisible && self->plane == plane; if (draw) { x = (-camera.x + self->x); y = (-camera.y + self->y); blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, x, y, self->getCurrentSprite(), 0); x += (self->w / 2) - 9; if (self->type == ET_ENEMY && ((Unit*)self)->carriedItem != NULL) { blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, x, y - (targetMarker[0].y + 5), &targetMarker[0].sprite->frames[0]->rect, 0); } if (self->isMissionTarget) { t = getMarkerType(); blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, x, y - (targetMarker[t].y + 5), &targetMarker[t].sprite->frames[t]->rect, 0); } } } } static int getMarkerType(void) { switch (self->type) { case ET_ENEMY: return 1; case ET_MIA: return 2; default: return 0; } } static void checkPlatformContact(void) { Entity *e; Entity **candidates; int i; SDL_Rect srcRect; srcRect.x = self->x; srcRect.y = self->y; srcRect.w = self->w; srcRect.h = self->h + 8; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.w, srcRect.h, NULL); for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e == self || e->type != ET_LIFT) { continue; } if (e->y > self->y + self->h - (8 + self->dy) && collision(self->x, self->y + 4, self->w, self->h, e->x, e->y, e->w, e->h)) { self->riding = e; self->isOnGround = 1; self->dy = 0; addRider(); /* required for bullets */ self->touch(NULL); } } } static void moveEntity(void) { PointF position; switch (self->environment) { case ENV_AIR: if (!(self->flags & EF_WEIGHTLESS)) { self->dy += GRAVITY_POWER; self->dy = limit(self->dy, -25, 25); if (self->dy > 0 && self->dy < 1) { self->dy = 1; } } break; case ENV_WATER: self->flags &= ~EF_BOUNCES; if (!(self->flags & EF_SWIMS)) { self->dy += GRAVITY_POWER; self->dy = limit(self->dy, -2, 2); } break; case ENV_SLIME: case ENV_LAVA: self->dy += GRAVITY_POWER; self->dx = limit(self->dx, -2, 2); self->dy = limit(self->dy, -2, 2); break; } if (self->flags & EF_HALT_AT_EDGE) { haltAtEdge(); } /* Deal with x movement */ position.x = self->x; position.y = self->y; position.x += self->dx; moveToOthers(self->dx, 0, &position); moveToMap(self->dx, 0, &position); /* Deal with Y movement */ position.y += self->dy; moveToOthers(0, self->dy, &position); moveToMap(0, self->dy, &position); if (self->dy > 0 && self->riding != NULL) { position.y = self->riding->y; position.y -= self->h; } self->x = position.x; self->y = position.y; if (!(self->flags & (EF_KILL_OFFSCREEN | EF_NO_CLIP))) { self->x = limit(self->x, world.map.bounds.x, world.map.bounds.w + SCREEN_WIDTH - self->w); self->y = limit(self->y, world.map.bounds.y, world.map.bounds.h + SCREEN_HEIGHT - self->h); } } static void haltAtEdge(void) { float x, y; int mx, my, i; if (!(self->flags & (EF_WEIGHTLESS | EF_SWIMS))) { if (self->environment == ENV_WATER) { return; } x = self->x + self->dx + (self->w / 2); y = self->y + self->h + 1; if (canWalkOnEntity(x, y)) { return; } mx = x / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my = y / MAP_TILE_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (isLiquid(mx, my + i)) { self->walk(); self->dx = 0; self->thinkTime = 0; return; } if (isWalkable(mx, my + i)) { return; } } self->walk(); self->dx = 0; self->thinkTime = 0; return; } else if ((self->flags & EF_SWIMS) && self->dy < 0) { x = self->x + self->dx + (self->w / 2); y = self->y + self->dy + (self->h / 2); mx = x / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my = y / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my--; if (world.map.data[mx][my] == MAP_TILE_AIR) { self->walk(); self->dx = 0; self->dy = 0; self->thinkTime = 0; return; } } else if ((self->flags & EF_WEIGHTLESS) && self->dy > 0) { x = self->x + self->dx + self->w; y = self->y + self->dy + self->h; mx = x / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my = y / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my++; if (isLiquid(mx, my)) { self->walk(); self->dx = 0; self->dy = 0; self->thinkTime = 0; return; } } } static int canWalkOnEntity(float x, float y) { int i; Entity *e; Entity **candidates; SDL_Rect srcRect; srcRect.x = x; srcRect.x = y; srcRect.w = 8; srcRect.h = MAP_TILE_SIZE * 4; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.w, srcRect.h, NULL); for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (self != e && e->isSolid && collision(x, y, 1, MAP_TILE_SIZE * 2, e->x, e->y, e->w, e->y)) { return 1; } } return 0; } static void moveToOthers(float dx, float dy, PointF *position) { Entity *e; Entity **candidates; int clearTouched, hit, dirX, dirY, solidLoopHits, i; SDL_Rect srcRect; srcRect.x = (int) position->x; srcRect.y = (int) position->y; srcRect.w = self->w; srcRect.h = self->h; clearTouched = 0; hit = 0; dirX = (dx > 0) ? 1 : -1; dirY = (dy > 0) ? 1 : -1; solidLoopHits = 0; do { hit = 0; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.w, srcRect.h, NULL); for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e == self || e->owner == self || self->owner == e) { continue; } if (collision(srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.w, srcRect.h, e->x, e->y, e->w, e->h)) { if (clearTouched) { memset(touched, 0, sizeof(Entity*) * MAX_TOUCHED); clearTouched = 0; } if (self->type == ET_BOB && e->type == ET_PUSHBLOCK && dx != 0) { if (!pushEntity(e, dx * 0.35, 0)) { position->x = e->x; position->x -= (dirX == 1) ? self->w : -e->w; self->dx = self->bounce(self->dx); } else { self->animate(); } } if (e->isSolid && self->type != ET_LIFT) { if (dx != 0) { position->x = e->x; position->x -= (dirX == 1) ? self->w : -e->w; self->dx = self->bounce(self->dx); } if (dy != 0) { if (e->y > self->y) { self->isOnGround = 1; self->riding = e; } position->y = e->y; position->y -= (dirY == 1) ? self->h : -e->h; self->dy = self->bounce(self->dy); self->dy = limit(self->dy, JUMP_POWER, -JUMP_POWER); } } if (self->isSolid && e->isSolid) { hit = 1; /* Infinite loop! Kill it! */ if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 && solidLoopHits++ > 1) { self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; printf("Warning: Killed stuck entity '%s', stuck in '%s'\n", self->name, e->name); return; } } addTouched(e); } } clearTouched = 1; srcRect.x = self->x; srcRect.y = self->y; srcRect.w = self->w; srcRect.h = self->h; } while (hit); } static int pushEntity(Entity *e, float dx, float dy) { float expectedX, expectedY; PointF position; Entity *oldSelf; expectedX = e->x + dx; expectedY = e->y + dy; position.x = e->x; position.y = e->y; oldSelf = self; self = e; removeFromQuadtree(e, &world.quadtree); if (dx != 0) { position.x += dx; moveToOthers(dx, 0, &position); moveToMap(dx, 0, &position); e->x = position.x; } if (dy != 0) { position.y += dy; moveToOthers(0, dy, &position); moveToMap(0, dy, &position); e->y = position.y; } addToQuadtree(e, &world.quadtree); self = oldSelf; return (e->x == expectedX && e->y == expectedY); } static void moveToMap(float dx, float dy, PointF *position) { int i, mx, my, width, height, adjX, adjY, hit; width = self->w; height = self->h; adjX = adjY = 0; if (self->flags & EF_NO_CLIP) { return; } if (dx != 0) { width = (dx > 0) ? self->w + 1 : -1; adjX = (dx > 0) ? self->w : -MAP_TILE_SIZE; } if (dy != 0) { height = (dy > 0) ? self->h + 1 : -1; adjY = (dy > 0) ? self->h : -MAP_TILE_SIZE; } hit = 0; mx = (position->x + width) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; my = (position->y + height) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; if (mx < 0 || my < 0) { return; } /* X Axis */ if (dx != 0) { for (i = 0; i < self->h - 1; i += MAP_TILE_SIZE) { my = (position->y + i) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; hit = (hasHitWorld(mx, my) ? 1 : hit); } my = (position->y + self->h - 1) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; hit = (hasHitWorld(mx, my) ? 1 : hit); } /* Y Axis */ if (dy != 0) { for (i = 0; i < self->w - 1; i += MAP_TILE_SIZE) { mx = (position->x + i) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; hit = (hasHitWorld(mx, my) ? 1 : hit); } mx = (position->x + self->w - 1) / MAP_TILE_SIZE; hit = (hasHitWorld(mx, my) ? 1 : hit); } if (hit) { if (dx != 0) { position->x = (mx * MAP_TILE_SIZE) - adjX; self->dx = self->bounce(self->dx); } if (dy != 0) { if (dy > 0) { self->isOnGround = 1; } position->y = (my * MAP_TILE_SIZE) - adjY; self->dy = self->bounce(self->dy); self->dy = limit(self->dy, JUMP_POWER, -JUMP_POWER); } self->touch(NULL); } } static int hasHitWorld(int mx, int my) { if (mx < 0 || mx >= MAP_WIDTH || my < 0 || my >= MAP_HEIGHT) { return 0; } if (isSolid(mx, my)) { return 1; } return 0; } static void compareEnvironments(void) { int prevEnv, x, y; prevEnv = self->environment; self->environment = ENV_AIR; x = self->x / MAP_TILE_SIZE; y = self->y / MAP_TILE_SIZE; if (x < 0 || x >= MAP_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= MAP_HEIGHT) { return; } switch (world.map.data[x][y]) { case MAP_TILE_LAVA: self->environment = ENV_LAVA; break; case MAP_TILE_WATER: self->environment = ENV_WATER; break; case MAP_TILE_SLIME: self->environment = ENV_SLIME; break; } if (self->environment == prevEnv) { return; } switch (prevEnv) { case ENV_WATER: playSound(SND_WATER_OUT, CH_EFFECTS); if ((self->environment == ENV_AIR) && (self->dy < 0)) { self->dy = JUMP_POWER; } break; case ENV_AIR: self->dx = 0; self->dy = 0.25f; if (self->environment == ENV_WATER) { playSound(SND_WATER_IN, CH_EFFECTS); } else { playSound(SND_SLIME, CH_EFFECTS); } break; default: break; } self->changeEnvironment(); } static int isObserving(void) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENTS_TO_OBSERVE ; i++) { if (world.entitiesToObserve[i] == self) { return 1; } } return 0; } void activateEntities(char *nameList, int active) { Entity *oldSelf; char *name, names[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; STRNCPY(names, nameList, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); oldSelf = self; name = strtok(names, "|"); while (name) { SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Activate '%s'", name); for (self = world.entityHead.next ; self != NULL ; self = self->next) { if (strcmp(self->name, name) == 0) { self->activate(active); } } name = strtok(NULL, "|"); } self = oldSelf; } void teleportEntity(Entity *e, float tx, float ty) { e->tx = tx; e->ty = ty; e->flags |= EF_TELEPORTING; addTeleportStars(e); } static void handleTeleport(void) { float diffX, diffY; diffX = abs(self->x - self->tx) / 20; diffY = abs(self->y - self->ty) / 20; addTeleportStar(self->x + rand() % self->w, self->y + rand() % self->h); diffX = MAX(3, MIN(30, diffX)); diffY = MAX(3, MIN(30, diffY)); if (self->x > self->tx) { self->x -= diffX; } if (self->x < self->tx) { self->x += diffX; } if (self->y > self->ty) { self->y -= diffY; } if (self->y < self->ty) { self->y += diffY; } if (collision(self->x, self->y, self->w, self->h, self->tx, self->ty, self->w, self->h)) { self->flags &= ~EF_TELEPORTING; self->x = self->tx; self->y = self->ty; addTeleportStars(self); self->dx = self->dy = 0; self->environment = ENV_AIR; playSound(SND_TELEPORT, CH_EFFECTS); } } void dropCarriedItem(void) { EntityExt *e; Item *i; e = (EntityExt*)self; if (e->carriedItem != NULL) { i = e->carriedItem; i->x = (e->x + e->w / 2) - i->w / 2; i->y = e->y; i->dx = 0; i->dy = -9; i->flags &= ~EF_GONE; i->thinkTime = FPS / 2; e->carriedItem = NULL; } } void teleport(Entity *e, float tx, float ty) { e->tx = tx; e->ty = ty; e->flags |= EF_TELEPORTING; addTeleportStars(e); if (e == (Entity*)world.bob) { terminateJetpack(); world.bob->flags &= ~(EF_WATER_BREATHING | EF_WEIGHTLESS); } } Entity *findEntity(char *name) { Entity *e; for (e = world.entityHead.next ; e != NULL ; e = e->next) { if (strcmp(e->name, name) == 0) { return e; } } return NULL; } Entity *getRandomObjectiveEntity(void) { Entity *rtn, *e; rtn = (Entity*)world.bob; for (e = world.entityHead.next ; e != NULL ; e = e->next) { if (e->isMissionTarget && rand() % 4 == 0) { return e; } } return rtn; } static void doMarker(Marker *m, int delta) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { m->value -= (0.05 * delta); m->y = 15 + (float) sin(m->value) * 5; } } static void addRider(void) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_RIDERS ; i++) { if (!riders[i]) { riders[i] = self; return; } } SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN, "Couldn't add rider: out of array space."); } static void addTouched(Entity *e) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_TOUCHED ; i++) { if (!touched[i]) { touched[i] = e; return; } } SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN, "Couldn't add touched: out of array space."); } void swapSelf(Entity *e) { static Entity *oldSelf = NULL; if (!oldSelf) { oldSelf = self; self = e; } else { self = oldSelf; oldSelf = NULL; } } static int drawComparator(const void *a, const void *b) { Entity *e1 = *((Entity**)a); Entity *e2 = *((Entity**)b); return e2->type - e1->type; } void destroyEntities(void) { Entity *e; while (world.entityHead.next) { e = world.entityHead.next; world.entityHead.next = e->next; free(e); } }