/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "hud.h" static void drawHealth(void); static void drawPower(void); static void drawOxygen(void); static void drawInventory(void); static void drawBossHealth(void); static int messageTime; static int infoMessageTime; static char message[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; static int messageType; static SDL_Color messageColor; static char infoMessage[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; static Texture *atlasTexture; static Atlas *health; static Atlas *power; static Atlas *oxygen; void initHud(void) { messageTime = FPS * 2; messageType = MSG_STANDARD; strcpy(message, ""); messageColor = colors.white; atlasTexture = getTexture("gfx/atlas/atlas.png"); health = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/hud/health.png"); power = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/hud/power.png"); oxygen = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/hud/oxygen.png"); } void doHud(void) { if (--messageTime <= 0) { messageType = MSG_STANDARD; messageTime = 0; strcpy(message, ""); } if (--infoMessageTime <= 0) { infoMessageTime = 0; } } void drawHud(void) { int x, y, h; drawHealth(); drawPower(); drawOxygen(); drawText(10, 82, 16, TA_LEFT, colors.white, _("Weapon: %s"), getWeaponName(world.bob->weaponType)); if (app.config.inventory) { drawInventory(); } if (world.isBossActive) { drawBossHealth(); } else if (messageTime > 0) { drawRect(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 32, SCREEN_WIDTH, 32, 0, 0, 0, 200); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 26, 16, TA_CENTER, messageColor, message); } if (infoMessageTime > 0) { limitTextWidth(500); h = getWrappedTextHeight(infoMessage, 20) + 20; drawRect((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - 300, 40, 600, h, 0, 0, 0, 168); drawOutlineRect((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - 300, 40, 600, h, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 50, 20, TA_CENTER, colors.white, infoMessage); limitTextWidth(0); } if (dev.debug) { x = -camera.x + world.bob->x + (world.bob->w / 2); y = -camera.y + world.bob->y - world.bob->h; drawText(x, y, 14, TA_CENTER, colors.white, "[%.0f, %.0f]", world.bob->x / MAP_TILE_SIZE, world.bob->y / MAP_TILE_SIZE); } } static void drawHealth(void) { int w, h; h = MAX(world.bob->health, 0); blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, 17, 17, &health->rect, 1); w = world.bob->healthMax * 12; drawRect(35, 8, w, 18, 0, 64, 0, 255); w = h * 12; drawRect(35, 8, w, 18, 0, 225, 0, 255); if (world.frameCounter % 60 < 30 && getPercent(h, world.bob->healthMax) <= 33) { drawRect(35, 8, w, 18, 255, 225, 255, 255); } w = world.bob->healthMax * 12; drawOutlineRect(35, 8, w, 18, 0, 0, 0, 255); drawText(35 + w + 5, 7, 14, TA_LEFT, colors.white, "%d", h); } static void drawPower(void) { float w; blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, 17, 42, &power->rect, 1); w = world.bob->powerMax * 24; drawRect(35, 33, w, 18, 64, 32, 0, 255); w = world.bob->power * 24; drawRect(35, 33, w, 18, 225, 112, 0, 255); w = world.bob->powerMax * 24; drawOutlineRect(35, 33, w, 18, 0, 0, 0, 255); drawText(35 + w + 5, 32, 14, TA_LEFT, colors.white, "%.1f", world.bob->power); } static void drawOxygen(void) { int w; blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, 17, 67, &oxygen->rect, 1); w = MAX_OXYGEN / 5; drawRect(35, 58, w, 18, 0, 32, 64, 255); w = world.bob->oxygen / 5; drawRect(35, 58, w, 18, 0, 112, 225, 255); if (world.frameCounter % 60 < 30 && getPercent(world.bob->oxygen, MAX_OXYGEN) <= 33) { drawRect(35, 58, w, 18, 255, 225, 255, 255); } w = MAX_OXYGEN / 5; drawOutlineRect(35, 58, w, 18, 0, 0, 0, 255); drawText(35 + w + 5, 57, 14, TA_LEFT, colors.white, "%.1fs", (world.bob->oxygen * 1.0) / FPS); } static void drawInventory(void) { int x, y, i, size, mid; float w, h, d; SDL_Rect *r; size = 45; mid = size / 2; x = 930; y = 5; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEMS ; i++) { if (i > 0 && i % (MAX_ITEMS / 2) == 0) { y += (size + 5); x = 930; } drawRect(x, y, size, size, 0, 0, 0, 128); drawOutlineRect(x, y, size, size, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (world.bob->items[i] != NULL) { r = getCurrentFrame(world.bob->items[i]->sprite[0]); w = r->w; h = r->h; if (w > 40 || h > 40) { d = 40; d /= (w > h) ? w : h; w *= d; h *= d; } blitRectScaled(atlasTexture->texture, x + mid, y + mid, w, h, r, 1); } x += (size + 5); } } static void drawBossHealth(void) { float percent; int w; percent = world.boss->health; percent /= world.boss->healthMax; w = MAX(500 * percent, 0); drawRect(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 32, SCREEN_WIDTH, 32, 0, 0, 0, 200); drawText(440, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 28, 16, TA_RIGHT, colors.white, world.boss->name); drawRect(450, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24, w, 16, 255, 0, 0, 255); drawOutlineRect(450, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24, 500, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); } void drawMissionStatus(void) { Objective *o; int y, x, w, h, size, mid, i; float rw, rh, d; SDL_Color c; SDL_Rect *r; char *status; drawRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 128); w = 800; h = 550; x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2; drawRect(x, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - h) / 2, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 128); drawOutlineRect(x, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - h) / 2, w, h, 255, 255, 255, 200); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 100, 40, TA_CENTER, colors.white, _("Objectives")); y = 180; for (o = world.objectiveHead.next ; o != NULL ; o = o->next) { c = o->required ? colors.red : colors.white; status = _("Incomplete"); if (o->currentValue >= o->targetValue) { c = colors.green; status = _("Complete"); } drawText(x + 20, y, 24, TA_LEFT, c, o->description); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 100, y, 24, TA_LEFT, c, "%d / %d", MIN(o->currentValue, o->targetValue), o->targetValue); drawText(x + w - 20, y, 24, TA_RIGHT, c, status); y += 55; } size = 60; mid = size / 2; y = (((SCREEN_HEIGHT - h) / 2) + h) - 165; x = ((SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2) + 90; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEMS ; i++) { if (i > 0 && i % (MAX_ITEMS / 2) == 0) { y += (size + 20); x = ((SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2) + 90; } drawRect(x, y, size, size, 0, 0, 0, 128); drawOutlineRect(x, y, size, size, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (world.bob->items[i] != NULL) { r = getCurrentFrame(world.bob->items[i]->sprite[0]); rw = r->w; rh = r->h; if (rw > 40 || rh > 40) { d = 40; d /= (rw > rh) ? rw : rh; rw *= d; rh *= d; } blitRectScaled(atlasTexture->texture, x + mid, y + mid, rw, rh, r, 1); if (world.bob->items[i]->value > 0) { drawText(x + size - 5, y, 14, TA_RIGHT, colors.white, "%d", world.bob->items[i]->value); } } x += (size + 30); } } void setGameplayMessage(int newMessageType, const char *format, ...) { char newMessage[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; va_list args; memset(&newMessage, '\0', sizeof(newMessage)); va_start(args, format); vsprintf(newMessage, format, args); va_end(args); if (strlen(newMessage) > 0 && newMessageType >= messageType && strcmp(message, newMessage)) { STRNCPY(message, newMessage, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); messageType = newMessageType; messageTime = FPS * 3; SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "%s", message); switch (messageType) { case MSG_STANDARD: case MSG_GAMEPLAY: messageColor = colors.white; break; case MSG_PROGRESS: messageColor = colors.cyan; break; case MSG_OBJECTIVE: messageColor = colors.green; break; } } } void showInfoMessage(char *newInfoMessage) { STRNCPY(infoMessage, newInfoMessage, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); infoMessageTime = FPS / 4; }