/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "trophies.h" static void setSparkleColor(Trophy *t); static void resetAlert(void); static void nextAlert(void); static int numTrophies; static SDL_Rect alertRect; static int alertTimer; static Trophy *alertTrophy; static float sparkleAngle; static Atlas *trophyIcons[TROPHY_MAX]; static Atlas *sparkle; static Atlas *alertSphere; static Texture *atlasTexture; static int awarded; static Atlas *left; static Atlas *right; static int page; static float maxPages; static int savedScreenshot; void initTrophies(void) { atlasTexture = getTexture("gfx/atlas/atlas.png"); trophyIcons[TROPHY_BRONZE] = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/bronze.png"); trophyIcons[TROPHY_SILVER] = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/silver.png"); trophyIcons[TROPHY_GOLD] = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/gold.png"); trophyIcons[TROPHY_PLATINUM] = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/platinum.png"); trophyIcons[TROPHY_UNEARNED] = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/unearned.png"); sparkle = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/sparkle.png"); alertSphere = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/trophies/alertSphere.png"); left = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/ui/left.png"); right = getImageFromAtlas("gfx/ui/right.png"); alertRect.h = 90; alertRect.y = 10; awarded = 0; sparkleAngle = 0; savedScreenshot = 0; page = 0; resetAlert(); } void doTrophies(void) { if (isControl(CONTROL_LEFT) || app.keyboard[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT]) { playSound(SND_MENU_NAV, 0); page = limit(page - 1, 0, maxPages - 1); app.keyboard[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT] = 0; clearControl(CONTROL_LEFT); } if (isControl(CONTROL_RIGHT) || app.keyboard[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT]) { playSound(SND_MENU_NAV, 0); page = limit(page + 1, 0, maxPages - 1); app.keyboard[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT] = 0; clearControl(CONTROL_RIGHT); } doWidgets(); } void drawTrophies(void) { Trophy *t; SDL_Rect r; int start, end, i, x, y; drawRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 128); r.w = 600; r.h = 650; r.x = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - r.w / 2; r.y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - r.h / 2; r.y += 15; drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, 0, 0, 0, 192); drawOutlineRect(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, 200, 200, 200, 255); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 60, 28, TA_CENTER, colors.white, app.strings[ST_TROPHIES]); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 100, 16, TA_CENTER, colors.lightGrey, app.strings[ST_PAGE], page + 1, (int)maxPages); if (page > 0) { blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 100, 110, &left->rect, 1); } if (page < maxPages - 1) { blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 100, 110, &right->rect, 1); } x = r.x + 15; y = 160; start = page * TROPHIES_PER_PAGE; end = start + TROPHIES_PER_PAGE; i = 0; for (t = game.trophyHead.next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (i >= start && i < end) { if (t->awardDate) { setSparkleColor(t); blitRectRotated(atlasTexture->texture, x + 32, y + 32, &sparkle->rect, sparkleAngle); blitRectRotated(atlasTexture->texture, x + 32, y + 32, &sparkle->rect, -sparkleAngle); blitRectScaled(atlasTexture->texture, x, y, 64, 64, &trophyIcons[t->value]->rect, 0); drawText(x + 85, y - 10, 20, TA_LEFT, colors.yellow, t->title); drawText(x + 85, y + 20, 18, TA_LEFT, colors.white, t->description); if (strlen(t->awardDateStr) == 0) { STRNCPY(t->awardDateStr, timeToDate(t->awardDate), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); } drawText(x + 85, y + 48, 18, TA_LEFT, colors.white, t->awardDateStr); } else { blitRectScaled(atlasTexture->texture, x, y, 64, 64, &trophyIcons[TROPHY_UNEARNED]->rect, 0); if (!t->hidden) { drawText(x + 85, y - 10, 20, TA_LEFT, colors.lightGrey, t->title); drawText(x + 85, y + 20, 18, TA_LEFT, colors.darkGrey, t->description); drawText(x + 85, y + 48, 18, TA_LEFT, colors.darkGrey, "-"); } else { drawText(x + 85, y + 20, 20, TA_LEFT, colors.darkGrey, app.strings[ST_HIDDEN]); } } y += 120; } i++; } SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 255, 255, 255); drawWidgets(); } void awardTrophy(char *id) { Trophy *t; int numRemaining; numRemaining = 0; for (t = game.trophyHead.next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (t->awardDate == 0 && strcmp(t->id, id) == 0) { t->awardDate = time(NULL); t->notify = SDL_GetTicks(); SDL_Delay(1); SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "Awarding trophy '%s'", t->id); } if (t->awardDate == 0) { numRemaining++; } } /* the Platinum will always be the last trophy to unlock */ if (numRemaining == 1) { awardTrophy("PLATINUM"); } } Trophy *getTrophy(char *id) { Trophy *t; for (t = game.trophyHead.next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (strcmp(t->id, id) == 0) { return t; } } SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "No such trophy '%s'", id); exit(1); } void awardTrophies(void) { int val; Trophy *t; for (t = game.trophyHead.next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (t->awardDate == 0 && t->statValue != 0) { val = game.stats[t->stat]; if (val >= t->statValue) { awardTrophy(t->id); } } } } void doTrophyAlerts(void) { if (app.config.trophyAlert == 1 || (app.config.trophyAlert == 2 && !app.restrictTrophyAlert)) { if (!alertTrophy) { nextAlert(); } else if (alertTrophy) { alertRect.x = MIN(alertRect.x + 24, -1); if (alertRect.x > -150) { alertTimer--; } if (alertTimer <= 0) { alertTrophy->notify = 0; resetAlert(); } } sparkleAngle = mod(sparkleAngle + 0.25, 360); } } static void nextAlert(void) { int w, h; Trophy *t; for (t = game.trophyHead.next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (t->notify) { if (!alertTrophy || t->notify < alertTrophy->notify) { alertTrophy = t; } } } if (alertTrophy) { playSound(SND_TROPHY, -1); textSize(alertTrophy->title, 30, &alertRect.w, &h); textSize(alertTrophy->description, 20, &w, &h); alertRect.w = MAX(alertRect.w, w); alertRect.w = MAX(400, alertRect.w); alertRect.w += 125; alertRect.x = -alertRect.w; } } static void resetAlert(void) { alertTimer = FPS * 3; alertTrophy = NULL; savedScreenshot = 0; } void drawTrophyAlert(void) { int x, y; if (alertTrophy) { drawRect(alertRect.x, alertRect.y, alertRect.w, alertRect.h, 0, 0, 0, 255); drawOutlineRect(alertRect.x, alertRect.y, alertRect.w, alertRect.h, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawText(alertRect.x + 15, alertRect.y + 5, 30, TA_LEFT, colors.white, alertTrophy->title); drawText(alertRect.x + 15, alertRect.y + 45, 20, TA_LEFT, colors.white, alertTrophy->description); x = alertRect.x + alertRect.w - 72; y = alertRect.y + 20; setSparkleColor(alertTrophy); blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, x + 24, y + 24, &alertSphere->rect, 1); blitRectRotated(atlasTexture->texture, x + 24, y + 24, &sparkle->rect, sparkleAngle); blitRectRotated(atlasTexture->texture, x + 24, y + 24, &sparkle->rect, -sparkleAngle); blitRectScaled(atlasTexture->texture, x, y, 48, 48, &trophyIcons[alertTrophy->value]->rect, 0); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 255, 255, 255); } } void loadTrophyData(void) { cJSON *root, *node; char *text; Trophy *t; char *filename; filename = "data/misc/trophies.json"; SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "Loading %s", filename); text = readFile(filename); root = cJSON_Parse(text); numTrophies = 0; for (node = root->child ; node != NULL ; node = node->next) { t = malloc(sizeof(Trophy)); memset(t, 0, sizeof(Trophy)); game.trophyTail->next = t; game.trophyTail = t; STRNCPY(t->id, cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "id")->valuestring, MAX_NAME_LENGTH); STRNCPY(t->title, _(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "title")->valuestring), MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); STRNCPY(t->description, _(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "description")->valuestring), MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); t->value = lookup(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "value")->valuestring); if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "hidden")) { t->hidden = cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "hidden")->valueint; } t->stat = -1; if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "stat")) { t->stat = lookup(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "stat")->valuestring); t->statValue = cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "statValue")->valueint; } numTrophies++; } cJSON_Delete(root); free(text); maxPages = numTrophies; maxPages /= TROPHIES_PER_PAGE; maxPages = ceil(maxPages); } static void setSparkleColor(Trophy *t) { switch (t->value) { case TROPHY_BRONZE: SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 255, 128, 0); break; case TROPHY_SILVER: SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 192, 192, 192); break; case TROPHY_GOLD: SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 255, 255, 0); break; case TROPHY_PLATINUM: SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlasTexture->texture, 0, 128, 255); break; default: break; } }