/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "particles.h" static void animate(Particle *p); static Particle *createParticle(void); static Sprite *bloodSprite[3]; static Sprite *explosionSprite[2]; static Sprite *flameSprite; static Sprite *smokeSprite; static Sprite *teleportStarSprite; static Texture *atlasTexture; void initParticles(void) { bloodSprite[0] = getSprite("Blood1"); bloodSprite[1] = getSprite("Blood2"); bloodSprite[2] = getSprite("Blood3"); explosionSprite[0] = getSprite("Explosion1"); explosionSprite[1] = getSprite("Explosion2"); flameSprite = getSprite("Flame"); smokeSprite = getSprite("Smoke"); teleportStarSprite = getSprite("TeleportStar"); atlasTexture = getTexture("gfx/atlas/atlas.png"); } void doParticles(void) { Particle *p, *prev; int camMidX, camMidY; camMidX = camera.x + (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2); camMidY = camera.y + (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2); prev = &world.particleHead; for (p = world.particleHead.next ; p != NULL ; p = p->next) { animate(p); p->x += p->dx; p->y += p->dy; p->onScreen = 0; if (--p->health <= 0 || (p->destroyAfterAnim && p->spriteTime == -1)) { if (p == world.particleTail) { world.particleTail = prev; } prev->next = p->next; free(p); p = prev; } else if (getDistance(camMidX, camMidY, p->x, p->y) < SCREEN_WIDTH) { p->onScreen = 1; } prev = p; } } void drawParticles(int plane) { Particle *p; int x, y; for (p = world.particleHead.next ; p != NULL ; p = p->next) { if (p->onScreen && p->plane == plane) { x = -camera.x + p->x; y = -camera.y + p->y; switch (p->type) { case PT_TEXTURED: blitRect(atlasTexture->texture, x, y, &p->sprite->frames[p->spriteFrame]->rect, 1); break; case PT_POINT: drawRect(x, y, 2, 2, p->r, p->g, p->b, 255); break; case PT_LINE: drawLine(x, y, (int) (x + p->dx), (int) (y + p->dy), p->r, p->g, p->b, 255); break; } } } } void addBlood(float x, float y) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->size = 1; p->dy = 1; p->health = rrnd(5, 30); p->sprite = bloodSprite[(int) (rand() % 3)]; } void addSparkParticles(float x, float y) { Particle *p; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { p = createParticle(); p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dx = (randF() - randF()) * 3; p->dy = (randF() - randF()) * 3; p->health = rrnd(5, 30); p->r = p->g = p->b = rrnd(128, 255); } } void addSmokeParticles(float x, float y, int rising) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->size = 1; p->health = rrnd(5, 30); p->sprite = smokeSprite; p->spriteTime = 5; p->spriteFrame = 0; p->destroyAfterAnim = 1; if (rising) { p->dy = rrnd(-5, -1); } } void addFlameParticles(float x, float y, int rising) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->size = 1; p->health = rrnd(5, 30); p->sprite = flameSprite; p->spriteTime = 5; p->spriteFrame = 0; p->destroyAfterAnim = 1; if (rising) { p->dy = rrnd(-5, -1); } } void addExplosionParticles(float x, float y, float radius, int amount) { int i; Particle *p; for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) { p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dx = (randF() - randF()) * radius; p->dx /= 5; p->dy = (randF() - randF()) * radius; p->dy /= 5; p->health = rrnd(FPS / 4, FPS); p->spriteTime = 5; p->spriteFrame = 0; p->sprite = explosionSprite[i % 2]; } } void addPopParticles(float x, float y) { int i; Particle *p; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dx = (randF() - randF()) * 12; p->dx /= 5; p->dy = (randF() - randF()) * 12; p->dy /= 5; p->health = rrnd(FPS / 4, FPS); p->spriteTime = -1; p->spriteFrame = 0; p->sprite = smokeSprite; } } void addTeleportStar(float x, float y) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dx = ((randF() - randF()) * 4); p->dy = ((randF() - randF()) * 4); p->health = rrnd(FPS / 4, FPS); p->r = p->g = p->b = 255; p->sprite = teleportStarSprite; p->spriteFrame = (rand() % 12); p->plane = PLANE_FOREGROUND; } void addTeleportStars(Entity *e) { int x, y, i; x = (int) (e->x + (e->w / 2)); y = (int) (e->y + (e->h / 2)); for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { addTeleportStar(x, y); } } void addMIATeleportStars(float x, float y) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dy = -(1 + (rand()) % 4); p->health = FPS * 3; p->r = p->g = p->b = 255; p->sprite = teleportStarSprite; p->spriteFrame = (rand() % 12); p->plane = PLANE_FOREGROUND; } void addTeleporterEffect(float x, float y) { Particle *p; p = createParticle(); p->type = PT_TEXTURED; p->x = x; p->y = y; p->dx = 0; p->dy = -(randF() * 2); p->health = rrnd(FPS / 4, FPS); p->r = p->g = p->b = 255; p->sprite = teleportStarSprite; p->spriteFrame = (rand() % 12); } static void animate(Particle *p) { Sprite *s; s = p->sprite; if (p->spriteTime != -1) { if (--p->spriteTime <= 0) { if (++p->spriteFrame >= s->numFrames) { p->spriteFrame = 0; } p->spriteTime = p->sprite->times[p->spriteFrame]; } } } static Particle *createParticle(void) { Particle *p; p = malloc(sizeof(Particle)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(Particle)); world.particleTail->next = p; world.particleTail = p; p->spriteTime = -1; return p; } void destroyParticles(void) { Particle *p; while (world.particleHead.next) { p = world.particleHead.next; world.particleHead.next = p->next; free(p); } }