/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "item.h" static void reset(void); static void tick(void); static void touch(Entity *other); static void changeEnvironment(void); static void die(void); static void destructablePickupItem(Structure *s); static void enemyPickupItem(Unit *u); static void bobPickupItem(void); void initItem(Entity *e) { Item *i; initEntity(e); i = (Item*)e; i->type = ET_ITEM; STRNCPY(i->spriteName, "Weapon", MAX_NAME_LENGTH); i->flags |= EF_IGNORE_BULLETS; i->isMissionTarget = 1; i->canBePickedUp = 1; i->canBeCarried = 0; i->collected = 0; i->sprite[FACING_LEFT] = i->sprite[FACING_RIGHT] = i->sprite[FACING_DIE] = getSpriteIndex(i->spriteName); i->tick = tick; i->touch = touch; i->changeEnvironment = changeEnvironment; i->reset = reset; i->die = die; } static void reset(void) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; i->startX = (int) self->x; i->startY = (int) self->y; } static void tick(void) { if (self->isOnGround) { self->dx *= 0.95; } /* hack, to ensure the size doesn't exceed the maxmium of something carrying it */ self->w = self->w > 32 ? 32 : self->w; } static void touch(Entity *other) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; if (i->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE && other != NULL && i->canBePickedUp) { if (other->type == ET_BOB && !world.bob->stunTimer) { bobPickupItem(); } else if (other->type == ET_ENEMY) { enemyPickupItem((Unit*)other); } else if (other->type == ET_DESTRUCTABLE) { destructablePickupItem((Structure*)other); } } } static void bobPickupItem(void) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; if (!i->isMissionTarget) { if (i->thinkTime == 0) { i->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; addKey(i->name); game.keysFound++; updateObjective("KEY"); setGameplayMessage(MSG_STANDARD, _("Picked up a %s"), i->name); playSound(SND_KEY, CH_ITEM); } else { setGameplayMessage(MSG_GAMEPLAY, _("Can't carry any more keys")); } } else if (i->canBeCarried) { if (numCarriedItems() < MAX_ITEMS) { i->flags |= EF_GONE; if (!i->collected) { updateObjective(i->name); i->collected = 1; } addBobItem(i); setGameplayMessage(MSG_STANDARD, _("Picked up a %s"), i->name); playSound(SND_ITEM, CH_ITEM); } else { setGameplayMessage(MSG_GAMEPLAY, _("Can't carry any more items")); } } else { i->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; updateObjective(i->name); if (strcmp(world.id, "teeka") != 0) { setGameplayMessage(MSG_STANDARD, _("Picked up a %s"), i->name); } playSound(SND_ITEM, CH_ITEM); } } static void enemyPickupItem(Unit *u) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; if (u->canCarryItem && u->carriedItem == NULL && u->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { u->carriedItem = i; i->flags |= EF_GONE; } } static void destructablePickupItem(Structure *s) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; if (s->carriedItem == NULL && s->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { s->carriedItem = i; i->flags |= EF_GONE; } } static void changeEnvironment(void) { Item *i; i = (Item*)self; if (i->environment == ENV_SLIME || i->environment == ENV_LAVA) { addTeleportStars(self); i->x = i->startX; i->y = i->startY; addTeleportStars(self); playSound(SND_APPEAR, CH_ANY); } } static void die(void) { /* we will handle this ourselves! */ }