/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "world.h" static void logic(void); static void draw(void); static void doWorldStart(void); static void doWorldInProgress(void); static void doWorldObserving(void); static void doWorldPaused(void); static void doWorldComplete(void); static void doGameComplete(void); static void doGameOver(void); static void doCommon(void); static void drawNormal(void); static void addHelperItems(void); static void spawnEnemies(void); static int canAdd(Unit *u, int mx, int my); static void startMission(void); static Texture *background; static int observationIndex; void initWorld(void) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); background = getTexture(world.background); loadMusic(world.music); initQuadtree(&world.quadtree); initObjectives(); initParticles(); initHud(); initWeapons(); initEffects(); initItems(); world.enemySpawnTimer = (FPS * rrnd(world.minEnemySpawnTime, world.maxEnemySpawnTime)); world.state = WS_START; observationIndex = 0; if (world.isBossMission) { startMission(); hideAllWidgets(); world.betweenTimer = 0; } else { playMusic(1); } if (!game.isResumingMission) { game.missionsPlayed++; } world.bob->flags |= EF_GONE; app.delegate.logic = logic; app.delegate.draw = draw; } static void logic(void) { if (--world.betweenTimer <= 0) { world.betweenTimer = 0; switch (world.state) { case WS_START: doWorldStart(); break; case WS_IN_PROGRESS: doWorldInProgress(); break; case WS_OBSERVING: doWorldObserving(); break; case WS_PAUSED: doWorldPaused(); break; case WS_COMPLETE: doWorldComplete(); break; case WS_GAME_OVER: doGameOver(); break; case WS_GAME_COMPLETE: doGameComplete(); break; default: break; } } if (--world.mapAnimTimer < 0) { world.mapAnimTimer = 4; } } static void draw(void) { clearScreen(); switch (world.state) { case WS_PAUSED: drawNormal(); drawMissionStatus(); break; case WS_START: drawNormal(); drawMissionStatus(); drawText(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 80, 24, TA_CENTER, colors.white, _("Press Fire to Continue")); break; default: if (world.betweenTimer == 0) { drawNormal(); drawHud(); } break; } } static void drawNormal(void) { blitScaled(background->texture, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0); drawEntities(PLANE_BACKGROUND); drawParticles(PLANE_BACKGROUND); drawMap(); drawEntities(PLANE_FOREGROUND); drawParticles(PLANE_FOREGROUND); } static void startMission(void) { Entity *self; SDL_Rect *r; self = (Entity*)world.bob; world.state = WS_IN_PROGRESS; world.betweenTimer = FPS / 2; r = &self->sprite[self->facing]->frames[self->spriteFrame]->rect; self->w = r->w; self->h = r->h; resetAtCheckpoint(); world.entityToTrack = self; self->flags &= ~EF_GONE; } static void doWorldStart(void) { float dist; if (world.entityToTrack != NULL) { dist = cameraChase(world.entityToTrack, 5); if ((dist <= world.entityToTrack->w && dist <= world.entityToTrack->h) || world.entityChaseTimer <= 0) { world.entityToTrack = getRandomObjectiveEntity(); world.entityChaseTimer = FPS * 5; } } else { world.entityToTrack = getRandomObjectiveEntity(); cameraTrack(world.entityToTrack); } world.entityChaseTimer = MAX(world.entityChaseTimer - 1, 0); doCommon(); if (isAcceptControl()) { clearControls(); startMission(); } } static void doWorldInProgress(void) { cameraTrack(world.entityToTrack); doPlayer(); if (!world.showingInfoMessage) { doBob(); doCommon(); doLocationTriggers(); if (isControl(CONTROL_PAUSE)) { world.state = WS_PAUSED; clearControl(CONTROL_PAUSE); } if (world.allObjectivesComplete && world.state != WS_COMPLETE) { world.bob->flags |= EF_IMMUNE; if (strcmp(world.id, "teeka") == 0) { world.state = WS_GAME_COMPLETE; } else { world.state = WS_COMPLETE; } world.missionCompleteTimer = FPS * 3; stopMusic(); } } if (world.observationTimer > 0) { if (--world.observationTimer == FPS * 1.5) { world.entityToTrack = world.entitiesToObserve[0]; world.state = WS_OBSERVING; } } } static void doWorldObserving(void) { int i; cameraTrack(world.entityToTrack); if (--world.observationTimer == 0) { if (++observationIndex < MAX_ENTS_TO_OBSERVE && world.entitiesToObserve[observationIndex] != NULL) { world.entityToTrack = world.entitiesToObserve[observationIndex]; world.observationTimer = FPS * 1.5; } else { for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENTS_TO_OBSERVE ; i++) { if (world.entitiesToObserve[i] != NULL) { world.entitiesToObserve[i]->observationTime = FPS * 5; } } memset(world.entitiesToObserve, 0, sizeof(Entity*) * MAX_ENTS_TO_OBSERVE); world.entityToTrack = (Entity*)world.bob; world.state = WS_IN_PROGRESS; observationIndex = 0; } } } static void doWorldPaused(void) { animateSprites(); if (isControl(CONTROL_PAUSE)) { world.state = WS_IN_PROGRESS; clearControl(CONTROL_PAUSE); } } static void doWorldComplete(void) { world.missionCompleteTimer--; if (world.missionCompleteTimer <= 0) { } else if (world.missionCompleteTimer == FPS * 1.5) { dropCarriedItems(); world.bob->flags |= EF_GONE; addTeleportStars((Entity*)world.bob); playSound(SND_TELEPORT, CH_BOB); } else { doBob(); } doCommon(); } static void doGameComplete(void) { world.missionCompleteTimer--; if (world.missionCompleteTimer <= 0) { initEnding(); } else { doBob(); } doCommon(); } static void doGameOver(void) { world.gameOverTimer--; doCommon(); if (world.gameOverTimer <= -(FPS * 5)) { initTitle(); } } static void doCommon(void) { animateSprites(); world.frameCounter++; world.frameCounter %= (FPS * 10); doHud(); if (world.minEnemySpawnTime > 0 && !dev.cheatNoEnemies) { spawnEnemies(); } if (world.isBossMission && --world.helperItemTimer <= 0) { addHelperItems(); } doEntities(); doParticles(); } static void addHelperItems(void) { int x, y, w, h; w = world.map.bounds.w - world.map.bounds.x; h = world.map.bounds.h - world.map.bounds.y; x = world.map.bounds.x + (rand() % w); y = world.map.bounds.y + 1; if (world.map.data[x / MAP_TILE_SIZE][y / MAP_TILE_SIZE] == 0) { dropRandomCherry(x, y); } x = world.map.bounds.x + (rand() % w); y = world.map.bounds.y + (rand() % h); if (world.map.data[x / MAP_TILE_SIZE][y / MAP_TILE_SIZE] == 0) { addRandomWeapon(x, y); } world.helperItemTimer = FPS * rrnd(3, 5); } static void spawnEnemies(void) { char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; int r, x, y; Unit *u; if (world.numToSpawn == 0) { if (--world.enemySpawnTimer <= 0) { world.numToSpawn = 3 + (rand() % 3); world.spawnInterval = 0; } return; } if (--world.spawnInterval <= 0) { r = (rand() % world.numEnemyTypes); x = world.bob->x; x += ((randF() - randF()) * 5) * MAP_TILE_SIZE; y = world.bob->y; y += ((randF() - randF()) * 5) * MAP_TILE_SIZE; if (x >= world.map.bounds.x && y >= world.map.bounds.y && x < world.map.bounds.w + SCREEN_WIDTH - 64 && y < world.map.bounds.h + SCREEN_HEIGHT - 64) { sprintf(name, "%s%s", world.enemyTypes[r], (rand() % 2 ? "Blob" : "EyeDroid")); u = (Unit*)createEntity(name); self = (Entity*)u; u->animate(); x /= MAP_TILE_SIZE; y /= MAP_TILE_SIZE; if (canAdd(u, x, y)) { u->x = x * MAP_TILE_SIZE; u->y = y * MAP_TILE_SIZE; u->spawnedIn = 1; u->canCarryItem = 0; addTeleportStars((Entity*)u); playSound(SND_APPEAR, CH_ANY); } } world.spawnInterval = rrnd(FPS / 4, FPS / 2); if (--world.numToSpawn <= 0) { world.enemySpawnTimer = (FPS * rrnd(world.minEnemySpawnTime, world.maxEnemySpawnTime)); } } } static int canAdd(Unit *u, int mx, int my) { int i; if (isSolid(mx, my)) { return 0; } if (isLiquid(mx, my) && (!(u->flags & EF_WATER_BREATHING))) { return 0; } if (!(u->flags & EF_WEIGHTLESS)) { for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { if (isLiquid(mx, my + i)) { return 0; } if (isWalkable(mx, my + i)) { return 1; } } /* long drop */ return 0; } return 1; } int getMissionStatus(void) { Objective *o; Entity *e; int status; status = MS_COMPLETE; for (o = world.objectiveHead.next ; o != NULL ; o = o->next) { if (o->required && o->currentValue < o->targetValue) { return MS_INCOMPLETE; } if (o->currentValue < o->totalValue) { status = MS_PARTIAL; } } if (status == MS_COMPLETE) { for (e = world.entityHead.next ; e != NULL ; e = e->next) { if (e->type == ET_HEART_CELL) { return MS_MISSING_HEART_CELL; } } } return status; } void observeActivation(Entity *e) { int i; if (e->observationTime == 0 && !isOnScreen(e)) { for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_ENTS_TO_OBSERVE ; i++) { if (world.entitiesToObserve[i] == NULL) { world.entitiesToObserve[i] = e; world.observationTimer = FPS * 2; return; } } SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "Can't observe entity - out of array space"); exit(1); } }