/* Copyright (C) 2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "unit.h" static void tick(void); static void init(void); static void attack(void); static void applyDamage(int damage); static int canFire(Entity *target); static SDL_Rect *getCurrentSprite(void); static void preFire(void); static void load(cJSON *root); static void save(cJSON *root); Unit *createUnit(void) { Unit *u; u = malloc(sizeof(Unit)); memset(u, 0, sizeof(Unit)); initEntity((Entity*)u); u->type = ET_ENEMY; u->oxygen = MAX_OXYGEN; u->spriteTime = 0; u->spriteFrame = 0; u->startX = u->startY = -1; u->init = init; u->tick = tick; u->preFire = preFire; u->attack = attack; u->canFire = canFire; u->getCurrentSprite = getCurrentSprite; u->applyDamage = applyDamage; u->load = load; u->save = save; return u; } static void init(void) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; if (u->startX == -1 && u->startY == -1) { u->startX = (int) u->x; u->startY = (int) u->y; } u->canCarryItem = rand() % 100 < 85; if (world.missionType == MT_OUTPOST) { u->canCarryItem = 1; u->health = u->healthMax = rrnd(1, 4); } if (game.plus & PLUS_STRONGER) { u->canCarryItem = 1; u->health = u->healthMax = rrnd(4, 8); } } static void tick(void) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; if (u->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { u->reload = limit(u->reload - 1, 0, FPS); } switch (u->environment) { case ENV_AIR: u->oxygen = limit(u->oxygen + 4, 0, MAX_OXYGEN); break; case ENV_WATER: u->oxygen = limit(u->oxygen - 1, 0, MAX_OXYGEN); if (u->oxygen == 0 && world.frameCounter % 30 == 0) { u->health--; } break; case ENV_SLIME: case ENV_LAVA: if (u->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { u->health = 0; } break; } if (u->flags & EF_WATER_BREATHING) { u->oxygen = MAX_OXYGEN; } if (u->spawnedIn) { if (getDistance(u->x, u->y, world.bob->x, world.bob->y) < app.config.winWidth) { u->spawnedInTimer = FPS * 5; } if (--u->spawnedInTimer <= 0) { u->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; } } if (u->carriedItem != NULL) { u->carriedItem->x = u->x; u->carriedItem->y = u->y; } } static void reappear(void) { int r; r = rand() % MAX_CHECKPOINTS; self->x = world.bob->checkpoints[r].x; self->y = world.bob->checkpoints[r].y; if (self->x != 0 && self->y != 0) { self->y -= (self->h + 10); self->action = self->walk; self->flags &= ~(EF_GONE | EF_ALWAYS_PROCESS); addTeleportStars(self); playBattleSound(SND_APPEAR, self->uniqueId % MAX_SND_CHANNELS, self->x, self->y); } else { self->thinkTime = FPS; } } static void applyDamage(int damage) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; if (u->alive != ALIVE_DEAD) { if (u->health < 0) { u->health = 0; u->alive = ALIVE_ALIVE; } u->health -= damage; if (u->health > 0) { u->thinkTime = 0; u->facing = u->x < world.bob->x ? FACING_RIGHT : FACING_LEFT; if (u->isMissionTarget && rand() % 100 < 10) { u->action = reappear; u->flags |= (EF_GONE | EF_ALWAYS_PROCESS); u->thinkTime = rrnd(FPS, FPS * 2); addTeleportStars(self); playBattleSound(SND_APPEAR, self->uniqueId % MAX_SND_CHANNELS, u->x, u->y); } } } } static void attack(void) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; if (u->canFire((Entity*)world.bob)) { switch (u->weaponType) { case WPN_AIMED_PISTOL: fireAimedShot(self); break; case WPN_MACHINE_GUN: fireMachineGun(self); break; case WPN_GRENADES: fireGrenade(self); break; case WPN_PLASMA: firePlasma(self); break; case WPN_SPREAD: fireSpread(self, 3); break; case WPN_LASER: fireLaser(self); break; case WPN_SHOTGUN: fireShotgun(self); break; case WPN_MISSILE: fireMissile(self); break; default: printf("Can't fire weapon: %d\n", u->weaponType); break; } } } static void preFire(void) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; if (!(u->flags & EF_WEIGHTLESS)) { if (world.bob->y < u->y && u->isOnGround && rand() % 4 == 0) { u->dy = JUMP_POWER; } } u->facing = (world.bob->x < u->x) ? FACING_LEFT : FACING_RIGHT; if (u->reload > 0) { return; } u->attack(); if (--u->shotsToFire == 0) { u->action = u->walk; } } static int canFire(Entity *target) { return 0; } static SDL_Rect *getCurrentSprite(void) { Sprite *s; s = (self->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) ? self->sprite[self->facing] : self->sprite[FACING_DIE]; if (self->spriteFrame >= s->numFrames) { SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN, "WARNING: %s (%d) bad sprite frames - %d > %d\n", self->name, self->type, self->spriteFrame, s->numFrames); self->spriteFrame = 0; } return &s->frames[self->spriteFrame]->rect; } static void load(cJSON *root) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; u->canCarryItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "canCarryItem")->valueint; u->startX = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "startX")->valueint; u->startY = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "startY")->valueint; u->isMissionTarget = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "isMissionTarget")->valueint; u->health = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "health")->valueint; u->healthMax = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "healthMax")->valueint; } static void save(cJSON *root) { Unit *u; u = (Unit*)self; cJSON_AddStringToObject(root, "type", u->unitType); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "canCarryItem", u->canCarryItem); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "startX", u->startX); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "startY", u->startY); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "isMissionTarget", u->isMissionTarget); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "health", u->health); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "healthMax", u->healthMax); }