/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "strings.h" void initStrings(void) { app.strings[ST_MISSION_COMPLETE] = _("Mission Complete!"); app.strings[ST_OBJECTIVES] = _("Objectives"); app.strings[ST_INCOMPLETE] = _("Incomplete"); app.strings[ST_COMPLETE] = _("Complete"); app.strings[ST_PRESS_FIRE] = _("Press Fire to Continue"); app.strings[ST_OPTIONS] = _("Options"); app.strings[ST_CONTROLS] = _("Controls"); app.strings[ST_TROPHIES] = _("Trophies"); app.strings[ST_PAGE] = _("Page %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HIDDEN] = _("Hidden"); app.strings[ST_WEAPON] = _("Weapon: %s"); app.strings[ST_CELL] = _("Found a battery cell - Max power increased!"); app.strings[ST_HEART] = _("Found a heart - Max health increased!"); app.strings[ST_TELEPORTER] = _("Teleporter activated ..."); app.strings[ST_LASERS] = _("Lasers disabled ..."); app.strings[ST_POWER_POINT] = _("Not enough power (%d units required)"); app.strings[ST_LIFT] = _("Platform activated ..."); app.strings[ST_EXIT] = _("Can't exit yet - required objectives not met"); app.strings[ST_LOCKED] = _("Door is locked"); app.strings[ST_OPENED] = _("Door opened ..."); app.strings[ST_GOT_GRENADES] = _("Got some Grenades"); app.strings[ST_PICKED_UP] = _("Picked up a %s"); app.strings[ST_REMOVED] = _("%s removed"); app.strings[ST_REQUIRED] = _("%s required"); app.strings[ST_CANNOT_CARRY_KEYS] = _("Can't carry any more keys"); app.strings[ST_CANNOT_CARRY_ITEMS] = _("Can't carry any more items"); app.strings[ST_RESCUED] = _("Rescued %s"); app.strings[ST_JETPACK_POWER] = _("Not enough power for jetpack"); app.strings[ST_AQUALUNG_POWER] = _("Not enough power for aqualung"); app.strings[ST_QUIT_HUB] = _("Quit and return to hub?"); app.strings[ST_QUIT_TUTORIAL] = _("As this is a tutorial mission, you can skip it and move onto the main game."); app.strings[ST_QUIT_SAVE] = _("Your progress on this mission will be saved."); app.strings[ST_QUIT_FREE_PLAY] = _("Your progress on this mission will not be saved, but you will keep any keys, Hearts, and Cells that you have collected."); app.strings[ST_QUIT_LOSE] = _("Warning: if you quit now, you will lose all progress on this level."); app.strings[ST_MIAS] = _("MIAs"); app.strings[ST_ITEMS] = _("Items"); app.strings[ST_TARGETS] = _("Targets"); app.strings[ST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE] = _("%s - Objective Complete!"); app.strings[ST_CHERRY_BUNCH] = _("bunch of cherries"); app.strings[ST_CHERRY_PAIR] = _("pair of cherries"); app.strings[ST_CHERRY_SMALL] = _("small cherry"); app.strings[ST_BATTERY_FULL] = _("full battery"); app.strings[ST_BATTERY] = _("battery"); app.strings[ST_USED_BATTERY] = _("used battery"); app.strings[ST_WEAK_BATTERY] = _("weak battery"); app.strings[ST_CHOOSE_SAVE] = _("Choose a save slot to use ..."); app.strings[ST_LOAD] = _("Choose a save game to load ..."); app.strings[ST_OVERWRITE_1] = _("Are you sure you want to overwrite this game?"); app.strings[ST_OVERWRITE_2] = _("All progress will be lost!"); app.strings[ST_FREEPLAY] = _("As the game is now complete, free play for this mission has been unlocked. You may replay it as often as you wish. Hearts and Cells will be randomly available. You may also configure various aspects of the mission on the next screen."); app.strings[ST_HEART_CELL] = _("All objectives for this misson have been completed. However, there is a Cell or a Heart left to find. See if you can locate it."); app.strings[ST_HUB_MISSIONS] = _("Missions: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HUB_MIAS] = _("MIAs: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HUB_TARGETS] = _("Targets: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HUB_KEYS] = _("Keys: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HUB_HEARTS] = _("Hearts: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_HUB_CELLS] = _("Cells: %d / %d"); app.strings[ST_MISSION_CONFIG] = _("Mission configuration"); app.strings[ST_CORRUPT_SAVE] = _("! Corrupt data"); app.strings[ST_EMPTY_SAVE] = _("- empty -"); }