#include "fileio.h" #include "resource.h" #include "sys.h" #include "unpack.h" #include "util.h" struct resource_data_t g_res; void res_init(int vga_size) { static const int SQL_SIZE = 640 * 25; g_res.sql = (uint8_t *)malloc(SQL_SIZE); if (!g_res.sql) { print_error("Failed to allocate sql buffer, %d bytes", SQL_SIZE); } static const int SPR_SQV_SIZE = 64000; g_res.spr_sqv = (uint8_t *)malloc(SPR_SQV_SIZE); if (!g_res.spr_sqv) { print_error("Failed to allocate sprite buffer, %d bytes", SPR_SQV_SIZE); } static const int AVT_SQV_SIZE = 437 * 16; g_res.avt_sqv = (uint8_t *)malloc(AVT_SQV_SIZE); if (!g_res.avt_sqv) { print_error("Failed to allocate avt buffer, %d bytes", AVT_SQV_SIZE); } const int tmp_size = 32000 + vga_size; g_res.tmp = (uint8_t *)malloc(tmp_size); if (!g_res.tmp) { print_error("Failed to allocate tmp buffer, %d bytes", tmp_size); } g_res.vga = (uint8_t *)malloc(vga_size); if (!g_res.vga) { print_error("Failed to allocate vga buffer, %d bytes", vga_size); } g_res.vga_size = vga_size; static const int TILES_SIZE = 640 * 200; g_res.tiles = (uint8_t *)malloc(TILES_SIZE); if (!g_res.tiles) { print_error("Failed to allocate tiles buffer, %d bytes", TILES_SIZE); } static const char *filename = "sound"; if (fio_exists(filename)) { g_res.snd = (uint8_t *)malloc(SOUND_SIZE); if (!g_res.snd) { print_warning("Failed to allocate sound buffer, %d bytes", SOUND_SIZE); } else { read_file(filename, g_res.snd, SOUND_SIZE); } } if (fio_exists("demomag.sql")) { g_res.dos_demo = true; } if (fio_exists("mag.tbl")) { g_res.amiga_data = true; } } void res_fini() { free(g_res.sql); g_res.sql = 0; free(g_res.spr_sqv); g_res.spr_sqv = 0; free(g_res.avt_sqv); g_res.avt_sqv = 0; free(g_res.tmp); g_res.tmp = 0; free(g_res.vga); g_res.vga = 0; free(g_res.tiles); g_res.tiles = 0; free(g_res.snd); g_res.snd = 0; } int read_file(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, int size) { const int f = fio_open(filename, 1); const int filesize = fio_size(f); if (size > 0 && size != filesize) { print_error("Unexpected '%s' file size %d (%d)", filename, filesize, size); } else if (fio_read(f, dst, filesize) != filesize) { print_error("Failed to read %d bytes from file '%s'", filesize, filename); } fio_close(f); return filesize; } int read_compressed_file(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst) { return unpack(filename, dst); } extern const uint8_t dither_cga_table[]; static void dither_cga(int num, uint8_t *dst) { const uint8_t *p = dither_cga_table + num * 32; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i, p += 2) { dst[i] = p[0] & 3; // even scanline dst[0x10 + i] = p[1] & 3; // odd scanline } } static void copy_cga(uint8_t *dst, int dst_pitch, uint8_t *dither_lut) { for (int y = 0; y < 200; ++y) { const uint8_t *p = dither_lut + (y & 1) * 0x10; for (int x = 0; x < 320; ++x) { dst[x] = p[dst[x]] & 3; } dst += dst_pitch; } } static void decode_bitplane_scanline(const uint8_t *src, int depth, int w, uint8_t *dst) { const int plane_size = w / depth; for (int x = 0; x < plane_size; ++x) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int color = 0; const int mask = 1 << (7 - i); for (int bit = 0; bit < depth; ++bit) { if (src[bit * plane_size] & mask) { color |= 1 << bit; } } dst[i] = color; } ++src; dst += 8; } } static void load_iff(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size, uint8_t *dst, int dst_pitch, int cga_dither_pattern) { print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "load_iff size %d", size); if (data && memcmp(data, "FORM", 4) == 0) { int offset = 12; while (offset < size) { const uint8_t *buf = data + offset; const int len = (READ_BE_UINT32(buf + 4) + 1) & ~1; print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "tag '%c%c%c%c' len %d", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], len); if (memcmp(buf, "BMHD", 4) == 0) { buf += 8; const int w = READ_BE_UINT16(buf); const int h = READ_BE_UINT16(buf + 2); const int planes = buf[8]; const int compression = buf[10]; print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "w %d h %d planes %d compression %d", w, h, planes, compression); if (w != 320 || h < 200) { print_error("Unhandled LBM dimensions %d,%d", w, h); return; } if (planes != 4) { print_error("Unhandled LBM planes count %d", planes); return; } if (compression != 1) { print_error("Unhandled LBM compression %d", compression); return; } } else if (memcmp(buf, "CMAP", 4) == 0) { buf += 8; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { g_res.palette[i] = buf[i]; } } else if (memcmp(buf, "BODY", 4) == 0) { buf += 8; int offset = 0; int i = 0; int y = 0; uint8_t scanline[160]; while (i < len && offset < 32000) { int code = (int8_t)buf[i++]; if (code != -128) { const int scanline_offset = offset % 160; if (code < 0) { code = 1 - code; memset(scanline + scanline_offset, buf[i], code); ++i; } else { ++code; memcpy(scanline + scanline_offset, buf + i, code); i += code; } offset += code; if ((offset % 160) == 0) { decode_bitplane_scanline(scanline, 4, 160, dst + y * dst_pitch); ++y; } } } print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "scanlines %d", y); } offset += 8 + len; } } if (!(cga_dither_pattern < 0)) { uint8_t cga_lut[16 * 2]; dither_cga(cga_dither_pattern, cga_lut); copy_cga(dst, dst_pitch, cga_lut); } } void load_avt(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, int offset, int dither_pattern) { read_compressed_file(filename, dst); const uint8_t *ptr = dst; const int count = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 6; print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "avt count %d", count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { g_res.avt[offset + i] = ptr; ptr += 132; } g_res.avt_count = count; if (!(dither_pattern < 0)) { dither_cga(dither_pattern, g_res.cga_lut_avt); } } static const uint8_t *trigger_lookup_table1(uint8_t num) { extern const uint8_t *level_triggersdata_3356[]; assert(num < 4); return level_triggersdata_3356[num]; } static const uint8_t *trigger_lookup_table2(uint8_t num) { if (num == 255) { return 0; } extern uint8_t *level_tilesdata_1e8c[]; if (num < 128) { assert(num < 86); return level_tilesdata_1e8c[num]; } extern uint8_t *level_tilesdata_1fe8[]; num -= 128; assert(num < 17); return level_tilesdata_1fe8[num]; } static const uint8_t *trigger_lookup_table3(uint8_t num) { if (num == 255) { return 0; } extern const uint8_t *level_triggersdata_2030[]; assert(num < 61); return level_triggersdata_2030[num]; } void load_bin(const char *filename) { uint8_t bin[MAX_TRIGGERS * 10]; read_file(filename, bin, MAX_TRIGGERS * 10); const uint8_t *p = bin; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TRIGGERS; ++i) { struct trigger_t *t = &g_res.triggers[i]; t->tile_type = p[0]; t->tile_flags = p[1]; t->op_func = p[2]; t->op_table1 = trigger_lookup_table1(p[3]); t->op_table2 = trigger_lookup_table2(p[4]); t->unk10 = p[5]; t->op_table3 = trigger_lookup_table3(p[6]); t->unk16 = p[7]; t->tile_index = p[8]; t->foreground_tile_num = p[9]; p += 10; } } void load_blk(const char *filename) { read_file(filename, g_res.tiles, 256 * 16 * 8); } void load_ck(const char *filename, uint16_t offset, int dither_pattern) { const int size = read_compressed_file(filename, g_res.tmp); switch (offset) { case 0x6000: // page3 offset = 0; break; case 0x8000: // page4 offset = 320; break; default: print_error("Unexpected offset 0x%x in load_ck()", offset); break; } load_iff(g_res.tmp, size, g_res.tiles + offset, 640, dither_pattern); if (dither_pattern < 0) { g_sys.set_screen_palette(g_res.palette, 16); } } void load_img(const char *filename, int screen_w, int dither_pattern) { int size; const char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext && strcmp(ext + 1, "lbm") == 0) { size = read_file(filename, g_res.tmp, 0); } else { size = read_compressed_file(filename, g_res.tmp); } assert(size <= 32000); load_iff(g_res.tmp, size, g_res.tmp + 32000, screen_w, dither_pattern); if (dither_pattern < 0) { g_sys.set_screen_palette(g_res.palette, 16); } g_sys.update_screen(g_res.tmp + 32000, 0); memcpy(g_res.vga, g_res.tmp + 32000, g_res.vga_size); } void load_m(const char *filename) { const int filesize = read_file(filename, g_res.tmp, 0); const int count = READ_BE_UINT16(g_res.tmp); assert(filesize == 2 + count * 32); // 1-bit 16x16 mask } static int load_spr_helper(int offset, const uint8_t *ptr, uint16_t (*read16)(const uint8_t *), int depth) { const int count = read16(ptr); ptr += 6; print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "spr count %d", count); assert(offset + count <= MAX_SPR_FRAMES); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { g_res.spr_frames[offset + i] = ptr; const int h = read16(ptr - 4); const int w = read16(ptr - 2); assert((w & 3) == 0); const int size = h * w * depth / 8; print_debug(DBG_RESOURCE, "sprite %d, dim %d,%d size %d", i, w, h, size); ptr += size + 4; } return count; } void load_spr(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, int offset) { read_file(filename, dst, 0); // player sprites use 8 colors const int depth = (offset == 0) ? 3 : 4; const int count = load_spr_helper(offset, dst, READ_BE_UINT16, depth); g_res.spr_count = offset + count; // convert to little endian uint8_t *ptr = dst; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const int h = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr + 2); ptr[2] = h; ptr[3] = 0; const int w = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr + 4); ptr[4] = w; ptr[5] = 0; assert((w & 3) == 0); const int size = h * w * depth / 8; ptr += size + 4; } } void load_sqv(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, int offset, int dither_pattern) { read_compressed_file(filename, dst); const int count = load_spr_helper(offset, dst, READ_LE_UINT16, 4); g_res.spr_count = offset + count; if (!(dither_pattern < 0)) { dither_cga(dither_pattern, g_res.cga_lut_sqv); } } void load_sql(const char *filename) { read_compressed_file(filename, g_res.sql); } uint8_t *lookup_sql(int x, int y) { return g_res.sql + y * 128 + x; }