# Blues Brothers This is a rewrite of the [Blues Brothers](https://www.mobygames.com/game/blues-brothers) and [Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure](https://www.mobygames.com/game/blues-brothers-jukebox-adventure) game engines developed by [Titus Interactive](https://www.mobygames.com/company/titus-interactive-sa). ![Screenshot1](blues1.png) ![Screenshot2](bbja2.png) ## Requirements ### Blues Brothers The game data files of the DOS or Amiga version are required. ``` *.BIN, *.CK1, *.CK2, *.SQL, *.SQV, *.SQZ ``` For sounds and music, the Amiga version files or the [ExoticA](https://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/The_Blues_Brothers) set need to be copied. ### Jukebox Adventure The game data files of the DOS version are required. ``` *.EAT, *.MOD ``` ## Running By default, the executable loads the data files from the current directory. This can be changed using command line switches. ``` Usage: blues [OPTIONS]... --datapath=PATH Path to data files (default '.') --level=NUM Start at level NUM --cheats=MASK Cheats bitmask --startpos=XxY Start at position (X,Y) --fullscreen Enable fullscreen --scale=N Graphics scaling factor (default 2) --filter=NAME Graphics scaling filter (default 'nearest') --screensize=WxH Graphics screen size (default 320x200) --cga Enable CGA colors ```