function add_tiles_to_room (map, room_x, room_y, texture) for i=0,11 do for j=0,15 do if (i == 0 and j == 0) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 0, 48) elseif (i == 11 and j == 0) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 0, 80) elseif (i == 0 and j == 15) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 32, 48) elseif (i == 11 and j == 15) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 32, 80) elseif (i == 0) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 16, 48) elseif (j == 0) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 0, 64) elseif (i == 11) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 16, 80) elseif (j == 15) then add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 32, 64) else add_tile(map, room_x, room_y, i, j, texture, 16, 64) end end end end map = create_map() -- add_texture(map, "path/to/a/fancy/texture") -- add_tile(map, 1, 2, 3) local floorTexture = add_texture(map, "assets/Objects/Floor.png") for i=0,9 do for j=0,9 do add_tiles_to_room(map, i, j, floorTexture); end end