/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui.h" #include "util.h" #include "map.h" #define DEFAULT_LOG { NULL, 50, 0, 200 } #define POS_Y_COLLECTABLES 64 #define POS_Y_XPBAR 112 static SDL_Rect frame_top_left = { 16, 160, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_top_right = { 48, 160, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_bottom_left = { 16, 192, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_bottom_right = { 48, 192, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_top = { 32, 160, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_bottom = { 32, 192, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_center = { 32, 176, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_left = { 16, 176, 16, 16 }; static SDL_Rect frame_right = { 48, 176, 16, 16 }; static struct LogData_t { char **log; unsigned int len; unsigned int count; unsigned int strlen; } log_data = DEFAULT_LOG; static Texture* add_texture(Gui *gui, const char *path, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Texture *t = ht_get(gui->textures, path); if (t == NULL) { t = texture_create(); texture_load_from_file(t, path, renderer); t->dim = (Dimension) { 16, 16 }; ht_set(gui->textures, path, t); } return t; } static void gui_malloc_log(void) { if (log_data.log != NULL) return; unsigned int i; log_data.log = ec_malloc(log_data.len * sizeof(char*)); for (i = 0; i < log_data.len; ++i) log_data.log[i] = NULL; } static Sprite* create_xp_sprite(Texture *t, SDL_Rect clip, Position pos) { Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->fixed = true; s->clip = clip; s->pos = pos; return s; } static Sprite* create_label_sprite(Position pos) { Sprite *s = sprite_create(); s->fixed = true; s->pos = pos; sprite_load_text_texture(s, "GUI/SDS_8x8.ttf", 0, LABEL_FONT_SIZE); return s; } static void init_sprites(Gui *gui, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Texture *t; unsigned int i; t = add_texture(gui, "GUI/GUI0.png", renderer); /* * Add XP bar decoration */ // Left end linkedlist_append(&gui->sprites, create_xp_sprite( t, (SDL_Rect) { 6 * 16, 0, 16, 16 }, (Position) { 16, POS_Y_XPBAR } )); // Right end linkedlist_append(&gui->sprites, create_xp_sprite( t, (SDL_Rect) { 8 * 16, 0, 16, 16 }, (Position) { 16 + (16 * 7), POS_Y_XPBAR } )); for (i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { linkedlist_append(&gui->sprites, create_xp_sprite( t, (SDL_Rect) { 7 * 16, 0, 16, 16 }, (Position) { 16 + (i * 16), POS_Y_XPBAR } )); } for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { linkedlist_append(&gui->xp_bar, create_xp_sprite( t, (SDL_Rect) { 6 * 16, 4 * 16, 16, 16 }, (Position) { 16 + (i * 16), POS_Y_XPBAR } )); } Sprite *s; t = add_texture(gui, "Items/Potion.png", renderer); s = sprite_create(); s->fixed = true; sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 0, 0, 16, 16 }; s->pos = (Position) { 16, POS_Y_COLLECTABLES }; linkedlist_append(&gui->sprites, s); t = add_texture(gui, "Items/Money.png", renderer); s = sprite_create(); s->fixed = true; sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 16, 16, 16, 16 }; s->pos = (Position) { 16, POS_Y_COLLECTABLES + 16 }; linkedlist_append(&gui->sprites, s); } Gui* gui_create(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Texture *t; unsigned int i; Gui *gui = ec_malloc(sizeof(Gui)); gui->sprites = linkedlist_create(); gui->health = linkedlist_create(); gui->xp_bar = linkedlist_create(); gui->textures = ht_create(5); for (i = 0; i < LOG_LINES_COUNT; ++i) { t = texture_create(); texture_load_font(t, "GUI/SDS_8x8.ttf", LOG_FONT_SIZE); gui->log_lines[i] = t; } gui->labels[CURRENT_XP_LABEL] = create_label_sprite((Position) { 16, POS_Y_XPBAR + 18 }); gui->labels[LEVEL_LABEL] = create_label_sprite((Position) { 16, POS_Y_XPBAR + 18 + 14 }); gui->labels[DUNGEON_LEVEL_LABEL] = create_label_sprite((Position) { 16, POS_Y_XPBAR + 18 + (2*14) }); gui->labels[HEALTH_POTION_LABEL] = create_label_sprite((Position) { 32, POS_Y_COLLECTABLES + 5 }); gui->labels[GOLD_LABEL] = create_label_sprite((Position) { 32, POS_Y_COLLECTABLES + 16 + 5 }); gui_malloc_log(); init_sprites(gui, renderer); return gui; } static void set_max_health(Gui *gui, int max, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Texture *texture; int i; assert(max % 3 == 0); if (((unsigned int) max / 3) == (unsigned int) linkedlist_size(gui->health)) return; // Clear sprite list while (gui->health != NULL) sprite_destroy(linkedlist_pop(&gui->health)); texture = add_texture(gui, "GUI/GUI0.png", renderer); for (i = 0; i < max/3; ++i) { Sprite *sprite = sprite_create(); sprite->fixed = true; sprite->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 0, 16, 16, 16 }; sprite->pos = (Position) { 16 + (i%8)*16, 16 + ((i-(i%8))/8)*16 }; sprite_set_texture(sprite, texture, 0); linkedlist_append(&gui->health, sprite); } } static void set_current_health(Gui *gui, int current) { if (current < 0) current = 0; int partial = current % 3; int full = (current - partial)/3; int count = 0; LinkedList *item = gui->health; while (item != NULL) { Sprite *sprite = (Sprite*) item->data; if (count < full) { sprite->clip.x = 0; } else if (count == full) { sprite->clip.x = 64 - (partial * 16); } else { sprite->clip.x = 64; } ++count; item = item->next; } } static void update_xp_bar(Gui *gui, ExperienceData *data) { unsigned int xp_from_levelup = data->current - data->previousLevel; unsigned int xp_required_from_last_level = data->nextLevel - data->previousLevel; float xp_step = ((float)xp_required_from_last_level) / 32; // 4 * 8 float xp_current_step = (float) xp_from_levelup / xp_step; unsigned int partial_xp_block = ((unsigned int) xp_current_step) % 4; unsigned int full_xp_blocks = (unsigned int) ((xp_current_step - (float) partial_xp_block) / 4); LinkedList *xp_bars = gui->xp_bar; unsigned int i = 0; while (xp_bars != NULL) { Sprite *s = xp_bars->data; s->hidden = false; xp_bars = xp_bars->next; if (i < full_xp_blocks) { s->clip.x = 6 * 16; } else if (i == full_xp_blocks && partial_xp_block != 0) { s->clip.x = (6 * 16) + (16 * (4 - partial_xp_block)); } else { s->hidden = true; } ++i; } } void gui_update_player_stats(Gui *gui, Player *player, Map *map, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { // TODO(Linus): Perhaps split this up a bit? // some static functions maybe? static unsigned int last_level = 0; static int last_xp = -1; static double last_gold = -1; static unsigned int dungeon_level = 0; static int max_health = -1; static int current_health = -1; static int current_potion_sips = -1; static SDL_Color color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; char buffer[200]; ExperienceData data = player_get_xp_data(player); if (max_health != player->stats.maxhp) { max_health = player->stats.maxhp; set_max_health(gui, max_health, renderer); } if (current_health != player->stats.hp) { current_health = player->stats.hp; set_current_health(gui, current_health); } if (last_xp != (int) data.current) { update_xp_bar(gui, &data); } if (dungeon_level != (unsigned int) map->level) { m_sprintf(buffer, 200, "Dungeon level: %d", map->level); texture_load_from_text(gui->labels[DUNGEON_LEVEL_LABEL]->textures[0], buffer, color, renderer); dungeon_level = (unsigned int) map->level; } if (current_potion_sips != (int) player->potion_sips) { m_sprintf(buffer, 200, "x %u", (unsigned int) player->potion_sips); texture_load_from_text(gui->labels[HEALTH_POTION_LABEL]->textures[0], buffer, color, renderer); current_potion_sips = player->potion_sips; } if (last_gold != player->gold) { m_sprintf(buffer, 200, "x %.2f", player->gold); texture_load_from_text(gui->labels[GOLD_LABEL]->textures[0], buffer, color, renderer); last_gold = player->gold; } if (last_xp != (int) data.current) { m_sprintf(buffer, 200, "XP: %u / %u", data.current, data.nextLevel); texture_load_from_text(gui->labels[CURRENT_XP_LABEL]->textures[0], buffer, color, renderer); last_xp = data.current; } if (last_level != data.level) { m_sprintf(buffer, 200, "Level: %u", data.level); texture_load_from_text(gui->labels[LEVEL_LABEL]->textures[0], buffer, color, renderer); last_level = data.level; } } static void gui_render_frame(Gui *gui, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Camera *cam) { Texture *texture = ht_get(gui->textures, "GUI/GUI0.png"); Position pos = { 0, 0 }; unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { pos.x = i * 16; pos.y = j * 16; if (i == 0 && j == 0) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_top_left, cam); } else if (i == (width - 1) && j == 0) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_top_right, cam); } else if (i == 0 && j == (height - 1)) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_bottom_left, cam); } else if (i == (width - 1) && j == (height - 1)) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_bottom_right, cam); } else if (i == 0) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_left, cam); } else if (i == (width - 1)) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_right, cam); } else if (j == 0) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_top, cam); } else if (j == (height - 1)) { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_bottom, cam); } else { texture_render_clip(texture, &pos, &frame_center, cam); } } } } void gui_render_panel(Gui *gui, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Camera *cam) { gui_render_frame(gui, width/16, height/16, cam); LinkedList *item = gui->health; while (item != NULL) { Sprite *s = item->data; sprite_render(s, cam); item = item->next; } item = gui->xp_bar; while (item != NULL) { Sprite *s = item->data; sprite_render(s, cam); item = item->next; } item = gui->sprites; while (item != NULL) { Sprite *s = item->data; sprite_render(s, cam); item = item->next; } for (int i = 0; i < LABEL_COUNT; ++i) sprite_render(gui->labels[i], cam); } void gui_log(const char *fmt, ...) { char buffer[200]; char *new_message; unsigned int i; char tstamp[10]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); #ifndef _MSC_VER vsprintf(buffer, fmt, args); #else // _MSC_VER vsprintf_s(buffer, log_data.strlen, fmt, args); #endif // _MSC_VER va_end(args); new_message = ec_malloc(log_data.strlen * sizeof(char)); timestamp(tstamp, 10); m_sprintf(new_message, log_data.strlen, "%s > %s", tstamp, buffer); log_data.count++; if (log_data.count > log_data.len) { log_data.count = log_data.len; free(log_data.log[log_data.count-1]); log_data.log[log_data.count-1] = NULL; } for (i = log_data.count - 1; i > 0; --i) { log_data.log[i] = log_data.log[i-1]; } log_data.log[0] = new_message; } void gui_render_log(Gui *gui, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Camera *cam) { static SDL_Color color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; unsigned int i; unsigned int render_count; Position p; render_count = LOG_LINES_COUNT > log_data.count ? log_data.count : LOG_LINES_COUNT; p = (Position) { 16, 0 }; gui_render_frame(gui, width/16, height/16, cam); for (i = 0; i < render_count; ++i) { Texture *t; p.y = 16 + ((LOG_FONT_SIZE+5) * i); t = gui->log_lines[i]; texture_load_from_text(t, log_data.log[i], color, cam->renderer); texture_render(t, &p, cam); } } static void destroy_log(void) { if (log_data.log == NULL) return; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < log_data.count; ++i) free(log_data.log[i]); free(log_data.log); log_data.log = NULL; } void gui_destroy(Gui *gui) { destroy_log(); while (gui->sprites != NULL) sprite_destroy(linkedlist_pop(&gui->sprites)); while (gui->health != NULL) sprite_destroy(linkedlist_pop(&gui->health)); while (gui->xp_bar != NULL) sprite_destroy(linkedlist_pop(&gui->xp_bar)); for (int i = 0; i < LOG_LINES_COUNT; ++i) texture_destroy(gui->log_lines[i]); for (int i = 0; i < LABEL_COUNT; ++i) sprite_destroy(gui->labels[i]); ht_destroy_custom(gui->textures, (void (*)(void*)) &texture_destroy); free(gui); }