/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "item_builder.h" #include "texture.h" #include "util.h" #include "gui.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "random.h" #include "texturecache.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "sprite_util.h" #include "map.h" static ItemBuilder *builder = NULL; void item_builder_init(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { builder = ec_malloc(sizeof(ItemBuilder)); builder->renderer = renderer; } static void check_builder(void) { if (!builder) fatal("item_builder_init() not run"); } static void eat_flesh(Item *item, Player *player) { int original_hp = player->stats.hp; player->stats.hp += (int) item->value; if (player->stats.hp > player->stats.maxhp) player->stats.hp = player->stats.maxhp; mixer_play_effect(EAT); gui_log("You eat some foul meat and gain %d health", player->stats.hp - original_hp); } static void drink_health(Item *item, Player *player) { player->potion_sips += (int) item->value; mixer_play_effect(BOTTLE); gui_log("You collect %u sips of health", (unsigned int) item->value); } static void pickup_dagger(Item *item, Player *player) { player->daggers += (Uint32) item->value; mixer_play_effect(DAGGER_PICKUP); double count = player->class == ROGUE ? item->value * 2 : item->value; if (count > 1) gui_log("You collect %u daggers", (Uint32) count); else gui_log("You collect a dagger"); } static Item * create_item(const char *path0, const char *path1, SDL_Rect clip, void (*cb)(Item*, Player*)) { Item *item; item = item_create(); Texture *t0 = texturecache_add(path0); Texture *t1 = NULL; if (path1) t1 = texturecache_add(path1); item->sprite = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(item->sprite, t0, 0); sprite_set_texture(item->sprite, t1, 1); item->sprite->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; item->sprite->clip = clip; item->effect = cb; return item; } static void pickup_gold(Item *item, Player *player) { player->gold += item->value; mixer_play_effect(COIN); gui_log("You pick up %s", &item->label); } Item * item_builder_build_treasure(Treasure type, double goldAmt) { double amt = goldAmt; char label[50] = ""; SDL_Rect clip = CLIP16(0, 0); switch (type) { case COPPER: m_sprintf(label, 50, "%.0f copper", amt); amt /= 100; break; case SILVER: m_sprintf(label, 50, "%.0f silver", amt); clip.x = 48; amt /= 10; break; case GOLD: m_sprintf(label, 50, "%.0f gold", amt); clip.y = 16; break; case PLATINUM: m_sprintf(label, 50, "%.0f platinum", amt); clip.x = 48; clip.y = 16; amt *= 10; break; default: break; } if (amt > 15 && amt < 30) clip.x += 16; else if (amt <= 15) clip.x += 32; Item *item = create_item("Items/Money.png", NULL, clip, &pickup_gold); m_strcpy(item->label, 50, label); item->value = amt; return item; } static void pickup_silver_key(Item *item, Player *player) { gui_log("You pickup %s", item->label); mixer_play_effect(KEY_PICKUP); player->equipment.keys |= LOCK_SILVER; } static void pickup_gold_key(Item *item, Player *player) { gui_log("You pickup %s", item->label); mixer_play_effect(KEY_PICKUP); player->equipment.keys |= LOCK_GOLD; } Item * item_builder_build_key(unsigned int type) { char label[20]; SDL_Rect clip = CLIP16(0, 0); Item *item; switch (type) { case 1: m_sprintf(label, 20, "a silver key"); item = create_item("Items/Key.png", NULL, clip, &pickup_silver_key); break; case 2: m_sprintf(label, 20, "a gold key"); item = create_item("Items/Key.png", NULL, clip, &pickup_gold_key); clip.x = 16; break; default: fatal("Bad keytype provided"); } m_strcpy(item->label, 20, label); return item; } static Item * create_treasure(int current_level) { double amt; unsigned int highest_treasure; unsigned int value; amt = (unsigned int) 1 + get_random(5*current_level) % 40; amt = amt == 0 ? 1 : amt; if (current_level > 9) { highest_treasure = PLATINUM; } else if (current_level > 3) { highest_treasure = GOLD; } else { highest_treasure = SILVER; } value = get_random(highest_treasure); return item_builder_build_treasure((Treasure) value, amt); } Item * item_builder_build_item(ItemKey key, int level) { static const char *path_flesh = "Items/Flesh.png"; static const char *path_potion = "Items/Potion.png"; static const char *path_short_wep = "Items/ShortWep.png"; check_builder(); Item *item = NULL; switch (key) { case TREASURE: item = create_treasure(level*2); break; case FLESH: item = create_item(path_flesh, NULL, CLIP16(get_random(7) * 16, get_random(1) * 16), &eat_flesh); item->value = 1 + get_random(level); break; case HEALTH: item = create_item(path_potion, NULL, CLIP16(0, 0), &drink_health); item->value = 1 + get_random(level); break; case DAGGER: item = create_item(path_short_wep, NULL, CLIP16(0, 0), &pickup_dagger); item->value = 1; break; default: fatal("in item_builder_build() : Unhandled item key %d", key); break; } if (item->value != 1) { Sprite *valueSprite = sprite_util_create_text_sprite("GUI/SDS_8x8.ttf", 8, C_BLUE, C_BLACK, "%g", item->value); valueSprite->offset.x = item->sprite->dim.width - valueSprite->dim.width; valueSprite->offset.y = item->sprite->dim.height - valueSprite->dim.height; linkedlist_append(&item->subsprites, valueSprite); } return item; } Item * item_builder_build_sack(void) { return create_item("Items/Chest0.png", NULL, CLIP16(0, 32), NULL); } Item * item_builder_build_container(const char *path0, const char *path1, SDL_Rect clip) { Item *chest = create_item(path0, path1, clip, NULL); chest->openable = true; chest->sprite->animate = false; return chest; } void item_builder_close(void) { free(builder); }