#include #include #include #include #include "linkedlist.h" #include "player.h" #include "screenresolution.h" #include "dimension.h" #include "camera.h" #include "map.h" #include "map_lua.h" #include "timer.h" #include "roommatrix.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "gui.h" static SDL_Window *gWindow = NULL; static SDL_Renderer *gRenderer = NULL; static Player *gPlayer = NULL; static LinkedList *gSpriteList = NULL; static Map *gMap = NULL; static RoomMatrix *gRoomMatrix = NULL; static Gui *gGui = NULL; static GameState gGameState; static Camera gCamera; static bool initSDL(void) { int imgFlags = IMG_INIT_PNG; Dimension dim = getScreenDimensions(); //Dimension dim = (Dimension) { 1920, 1080 }; double scale = 1.0; if (dim.height > 1080) { printf("[**] Hi resolution screen detected (%u x %u)\n", dim.width, dim.height); scale = ((double) dim.height)/1080; printf("[**] Scaling by %f\n", scale); } if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("[!!] Could not initiate SDL2: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } if ( (IMG_Init(imgFlags) & imgFlags) == 0 ) { printf("[!!] Unable to initiate img loading: %s\n", IMG_GetError()); return false; } if ( TTF_Init() == -1 ) { printf("[!!] Unable to initiate ttf library: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); return false; } gWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Breakhack", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, (int)(SCREEN_WIDTH * scale), (int)(SCREEN_HEIGHT * scale), SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (gWindow == NULL) { printf("[!!] Unable to create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } gRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(gWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); if (gRenderer == NULL) { printf("[!!] Unable to create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } if (SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(gRenderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) < 0) { printf("[!!] Unable to set blend mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } if (SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(gRenderer, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) < 0) { printf("[!!] Unable to initiate scaling: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } return true; } static bool initGame(void) { gSpriteList = linkedlist_create(); gMap = map_lua_generator_run(gRenderer); return gSpriteList == NULL; } static bool init(void) { bool result = true; result = result && initSDL(); result = result && initGame(); if (result) { gCamera.pos = (Position) { 0, 0 }; gCamera.renderer = gRenderer; gRoomMatrix = roommatrix_create(); gGui = gui_create(); } gGameState = PLAYING; return result; } static void loadMedia(void) { gPlayer = player_create(ROGUE, gRenderer); } static bool handle_events(void) { static SDL_Event event; bool quit = false; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = true; } else if (gGameState == PLAYING) { gPlayer->handle_event(gPlayer, gRoomMatrix, &event); camera_follow_position(&gCamera, &gPlayer->sprite->pos); map_set_current_room(gMap, &gPlayer->sprite->pos); } } return quit; } static void check_next_level(void) { Room *room = gMap->rooms[gMap->currentRoom.x][gMap->currentRoom.y]; Position pos = position_to_matrix_coords(&gPlayer->sprite->pos); MapTile *tile = room->tiles[pos.x][pos.y]; if (!tile) { printf("[!!] Looks like we are out of place\n"); return; } if (tile->levelExit) { printf("[**] Building new map\n"); map_destroy(gMap); gMap = map_lua_generator_run(gRenderer); gPlayer->sprite->pos = (Position) { TILE_DIMENSION, TILE_DIMENSION }; } } static void run_game(void) { map_clear_dead_monsters(gMap); roommatrix_populate_from_map(gRoomMatrix, gMap); roommatrix_add_lightsource(gRoomMatrix, &gPlayer->sprite->pos); roommatrix_build_lightmap(gRoomMatrix); gui_set_max_health(gGui, gPlayer->stats.maxhp, gRenderer); gui_set_current_health(gGui, gPlayer->stats.hp); if (gPlayer->steps == gPlayer->stats.speed) { player_reset_steps(gPlayer); roommatrix_update_with_player(gRoomMatrix, gPlayer); map_move_monsters(gMap, gRoomMatrix); } SDL_RenderClear(gRenderer); map_render(gMap, &gCamera); player_render(gPlayer, &gCamera); roommatrix_render_lightmap(gRoomMatrix, &gCamera); gui_render(gGui, &gCamera); SDL_RenderPresent(gRenderer); check_next_level(); } static void run(void) { bool quit = false; Timer* fpsTimer = timer_create(); while (!quit) { timer_start(fpsTimer); quit = handle_events(); switch (gGameState) { case PLAYING: run_game(); break; case MENU: fprintf(stderr, "[!!] MENU not implemented\n"); break; case IN_GAME_MENU: fprintf(stderr, "[!!] IN_GAME_MENU not implemented\n"); break; case GAME_OVER: fprintf(stderr, "[!!] GAME_OVER not implemented\n"); break; default: break; } int ticks = timer_get_ticks(fpsTimer); if (ticks < 1000/60) SDL_Delay((1000/60) - ticks); timer_stop(fpsTimer); } timer_destroy(fpsTimer); } static void close(void) { player_destroy(gPlayer); map_destroy(gMap); roommatrix_destroy(gRoomMatrix); gui_destroy(gGui); SDL_DestroyRenderer(gRenderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(gWindow); gWindow = NULL; TTF_Quit(); IMG_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); if (!init()) return 1; loadMedia(); run(); close(); return 0; }