/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "texturecache.h" #include "skill.h" #include "util.h" #include "player.h" #include "roommatrix.h" #include "stats.h" #include "monster.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "gui.h" #include "random.h" #include "particle_engine.h" #include "projectile.h" #include "linkedlist.h" #include "item.h" #include "animation.h" #include "artifact.h" #include "trap.h" static Skill * create_default(const char *s_label, Sprite *s) { Skill *skill = ec_malloc(sizeof(Skill)); m_strcpy(skill->label, 20, s_label); skill->resetTime = 5; skill->resetCountdown = 0; skill->icon = s; skill->actionRequired = true; skill->instantUse = false; skill->active = false; skill->available = NULL; skill->use = NULL; skill->levelcap = 1; return skill; } static bool skill_use_flurry(Skill *skill, SkillData *data) { UNUSED (skill); Position playerPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&data->player->sprite->pos); Position targetPos = playerPos; targetPos.x += (int) data->direction.x; targetPos.y += (int) data->direction.y; player_turn(data->player, &data->direction); if (!position_in_roommatrix(&targetPos)) { return false; } animation_run(data->player->swordAnimation); Monster *monster = data->matrix->spaces[targetPos.x][targetPos.y].monster; mixer_play_effect(TRIPPLE_SWING); if (monster) { gui_log("You attack %s with a flurry of strikes", monster->lclabel); unsigned int hitCount = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { unsigned int originalHp = monster->stats.hp; unsigned int dmg = stats_fight(&data->player->stats, &monster->stats); if (dmg > 0 && originalHp > 0) { gui_log("You hit for %u damage", dmg); hitCount++; } monster_hit(monster, dmg); } if (hitCount == 1) { mixer_play_effect(SWORD_HIT); } else if (hitCount == 2) { mixer_play_effect(DOUBLE_SWORD_HIT); } else if (hitCount == 3) { mixer_play_effect(TRIPPLE_SWORD_HIT); } data->player->stat_data.hits += hitCount; } else { gui_log("You swing at thin air with a flurry of strikes"); } player_monster_kill_check(data->player, monster); return true; } static Skill * create_flurry(void) { Texture *t = texturecache_add("Extras/Skills.png"); Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; s->clip = CLIP32(0, 0); s->fixed = true; Skill *skill = create_default("Flurry", s); skill->levelcap = 2; skill->use = skill_use_flurry; return skill; } static bool skill_throw_dagger_available(Player *player) { return player->daggers > 0; } static bool skill_throw_dagger(Skill *skill, SkillData *data) { UNUSED(skill); if (data->player->daggers == 0) return false; data->player->daggers--; Projectile *p = projectile_dagger_create(); if (vector2d_equals(VECTOR2D_UP, data->direction)) { p->velocity = (Vector2d) { 0, -DAGGER_VELOCITY }; p->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL; } else if (vector2d_equals(VECTOR2D_DOWN, data->direction)) { p->velocity = (Vector2d) { 0, DAGGER_VELOCITY }; p->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; } else if (vector2d_equals(VECTOR2D_RIGHT, data->direction)) { p->velocity = (Vector2d) { DAGGER_VELOCITY, 0 }; p->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; } else { p->velocity = (Vector2d) { -DAGGER_VELOCITY, 0 }; p->sprite->angle = -270; } player_turn(data->player, &data->direction); mixer_play_effect(SWOOSH); p->sprite->pos = data->player->sprite->pos; linkedlist_append(&data->player->projectiles, p); return true; } static Skill * create_throw_dagger(void) { Texture *t = texturecache_add("Extras/Skills.png"); Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; s->clip = CLIP32(64, 0); s->fixed = true; Skill *skill = create_default("Throw dagger", s); skill->levelcap = 1; skill->instantUse = false; skill->resetTime = 1; skill->available = skill_throw_dagger_available; skill->use = skill_throw_dagger; skill->actionRequired = false; return skill; } static bool skill_bash(Skill *skill, SkillData *data) { UNUSED (skill); Position playerPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&data->player->sprite->pos); Position targetPos = playerPos; targetPos.x += (int) data->direction.x; targetPos.y += (int) data->direction.y; player_turn(data->player, &data->direction); if (!position_in_roommatrix(&targetPos)) { return false; } animation_run(data->player->swordAnimation); Monster *monster = data->matrix->spaces[targetPos.x][targetPos.y].monster; mixer_play_effect(SWING0); if (monster) { gui_log("You bash %s with your shield", monster->lclabel); unsigned int dmg = stats_fight(&data->player->stats, &monster->stats); if (dmg > 0) { gui_log("You hit for %u damage", dmg); if (monster->stats.hp > 0) { gui_log("%s seems dazed and confused", monster->label); monster_set_state(monster, STUNNED, (Uint8) (3 + player_has_artifact(data->player, INCREASED_STUN))); } mixer_play_effect(SLAM); data->player->stat_data.hits += 1; } else { gui_log("You missed %s", monster->lclabel); } monster_hit(monster, dmg); } else { gui_log("You bash your shield at nothing"); } player_monster_kill_check(data->player, monster); return true; } static Skill * create_bash(void) { Texture *t = texturecache_add("Extras/Skills.png"); Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; s->clip = CLIP32(96, 0); s->fixed = true; Skill *skill = create_default("Bash", s); skill->levelcap = 3; skill->instantUse = false; skill->resetTime = 2; skill->available = NULL; skill->use = skill_bash; skill->actionRequired = true; return skill; } static bool skill_sip_health_available(Player *player) { return player->potion_sips > 0 && player->stats.hp != player->stats.maxhp; } static bool skill_sip_health(Skill *skill, SkillData *data) { UNUSED (skill); player_sip_health(data->player); return true; } static Skill * create_sip_health(void) { Texture *t = texturecache_add("Items/Potion.png"); Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->dim = DEFAULT_DIMENSION; s->clip = CLIP16(0, 0); s->fixed = true; Skill *skill = create_default("Sip health", s); skill->levelcap = 1; skill->instantUse = true; skill->available = skill_sip_health_available; skill->use = skill_sip_health; skill->resetTime = 0; return skill; } static void skill_charge_check_path(SkillData *data, Position origin, Position dest) { RoomMatrix *matrix = data->matrix; Player *player = data->player; Position itPos = origin; Position lastPos = dest; lastPos.x += (int) data->direction.x * 2; lastPos.y += (int) data->direction.y * 2; Uint8 steps = 1; while (position_in_roommatrix(&itPos) && !position_equals(&itPos, &lastPos)) { RoomSpace *space = &matrix->spaces[itPos.x][itPos.y]; if (space->monster) { Monster *monster = matrix->spaces[itPos.x][itPos.y].monster; Stats tmpStats = player->stats; tmpStats.dmg *= steps > 0 ? steps : 1; mixer_play_effect(SWING0 + get_random(3) - 1); unsigned int dmg = stats_fight(&tmpStats, &monster->stats); if (dmg > 0) { gui_log("You charged %s for %u damage", monster->lclabel, dmg); mixer_play_effect(SWORD_HIT); data->player->stat_data.hits += 1; } monster_hit(monster, dmg); player_monster_kill_check(data->player, monster); } // Pick up items in the path LinkedList *items = space->items; while (items != NULL) { Item *item = items->data; items = items->next; item_collected(item, player); } LinkedList *artifacts = space->artifacts; while (artifacts != NULL) { Artifact *artifact = artifacts->data; artifacts = artifacts->next; player_add_artifact(player, artifact); } if (space->trap) space->trap->sprite->animate = true; itPos.x += (int) data->direction.x; itPos.y += (int) data->direction.y; steps++; } } static bool skill_charge(Skill *skill, SkillData *data) { UNUSED(skill); Player *player = data->player; RoomMatrix *matrix = data->matrix; Position playerStartPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&player->sprite->pos); Position destination = playerStartPos; // Find collider destination.x += (int) data->direction.x; destination.y += (int) data->direction.y; RoomSpace *space = &matrix->spaces[destination.x][destination.y]; Uint32 passThroughCount = 0; Uint32 chargeThroughLvl = player_has_artifact(data->player, CHARGE_THROUGH); Position lastAvailableDest = playerStartPos; while (position_in_roommatrix(&destination)) { if (space->occupied) { if (!space->monster || passThroughCount >= chargeThroughLvl) break; else passThroughCount++; } else { lastAvailableDest = destination; } destination.x += (int) data->direction.x; destination.y += (int) data->direction.y; space = &matrix->spaces[destination.x][destination.y]; } destination = lastAvailableDest; // Move player Position playerOriginPos = player->sprite->pos; Sint32 xdiff = destination.x - playerStartPos.x; Sint32 ydiff = destination.y - playerStartPos.y; player->sprite->pos.x += xdiff * TILE_DIMENSION; player->sprite->pos.y += ydiff * TILE_DIMENSION; Position playerDestinationPos = player->sprite->pos; player_turn(data->player, &data->direction); // Add motion particles bool horizontal = data->direction.x != 0; Dimension particleArea; if (horizontal) particleArea = (Dimension) { abs(xdiff) * TILE_DIMENSION, TILE_DIMENSION }; else particleArea = (Dimension) { TILE_DIMENSION, abs(ydiff) * TILE_DIMENSION }; Position speedLinePos; if (playerOriginPos.x < playerDestinationPos.x || playerOriginPos.y < playerDestinationPos.y) speedLinePos = playerOriginPos; else speedLinePos = playerDestinationPos; particle_engine_speed_lines(speedLinePos, particleArea, horizontal); mixer_play_effect(SWOOSH); skill_charge_check_path(data, playerStartPos, destination); return true; } static Skill * create_charge(void) { Texture *t = texturecache_add("Extras/Skills.png"); Sprite *s = sprite_create(); sprite_set_texture(s, t, 0); s->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; s->clip = CLIP32(32, 0); s->fixed = true; Skill *skill = create_default("Charge", s); skill->levelcap = 4; skill->use = skill_charge; return skill; } Skill* skill_create(enum SkillType t) { Skill *skill; switch (t) { case FLURRY: skill = create_flurry(); break; case SIP_HEALTH: skill = create_sip_health(); break; case CHARGE: skill = create_charge(); break; case DAGGER_THROW: skill = create_throw_dagger(); break; case BASH: skill = create_bash(); break; default: fatal("Unknown SkillType %u", (unsigned int) t); return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_SKILLS skill->levelcap = 1; #endif return skill; } void skill_destroy(Skill *skill) { sprite_destroy(skill->icon); free(skill); }