56af37e Removing natural lighting debug.
c16caf3 Comments out unused function
353b4ed Adds raycasting debug
68cf24d Dropps the particle line slash effect.
2aee360 Merge branch 'master' into dev
1491dfb Minor dev-env change
1124e88 Minor fixes
4819eda Adds "NEW GAME" menu option to game over menu
4612cab Adds sword animation to flurry
b9a4a80 Fixes: #27 Suspicious code: sign conversion
58e9c7e Fixes: #21 Complex method issue in monster.c
b12e5d4 Fixes: #26 Dagger kills should now give XP
b3b8208 Adds complete rewrite of lua scripts
18e7022 Restructured main game loop a bit. Reduced function size
252955b Removes "resume" option from menu when game over.
988d6c5 Implemented the sword swing effect.
79b0869 Adds sword swing effect that isn't horrible
c96d0b6 Removes bug that made it possible to move with daggers in air.
c6b6438 Added codefactor badge and fixed blank line issue.
be42981 Fixed errors and adapted to new vim 8.1
60052af Merge branch 'master' into dev
4684e04 Minor cleaning of lua scripts
ec67221 Adds an idea for slash animations that didn't look very good.