/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "player.h" #include "monster.h" #include "util.h" #include "gui.h" #include "item.h" #include "particle_engine.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "random.h" #include "projectile.h" #include "texturecache.h" #include "vector2d.h" #include "actiontextbuilder.h" #include "animation.h" #include "trap.h" #ifdef STEAM_BUILD #include "steam/steamworks_api_wrapper.h" #endif // STEAM_BUILD #define ENGINEER_STATS { 12, 12, 5, 7, 2, 2, 1, false, false } #define MAGE_STATS { 12, 12, 5, 7, 1, 2, 1, false, false } #define PALADIN_STATS { 12, 12, 8, 9, 3, 1, 1, false, false } #define ROGUE_STATS { 12, 12, 5, 7, 1, 2, 1, false, false } #define WARRIOR_STATS { 12, 12, 8, 9, 3, 1, 1, false, false } void player_levelup(Player *player) { mixer_play_effect(LEVEL_UP); player->stats.lvl += 1; player->stats.maxhp += 9; player->stats.dmg += 5; player->stats.atk += 1; // Limit health to 3 rows of hearts if (player->stats.maxhp > 72) player->stats.maxhp = 72; player->stats.hp = player->stats.maxhp; } static unsigned int next_level_threshold(unsigned int current_level) { unsigned int last_level = 0; unsigned int padding = 0; if (current_level > 0) { last_level = next_level_threshold(current_level - 1); padding = (current_level - 1) * 150; } return last_level + (current_level * 50) + padding; } static void player_gain_xp(Player *player, unsigned int xp_gain) { char msg[10]; m_sprintf(msg, 10, "+%dxp", xp_gain); actiontextbuilder_create_text(msg, C_GREEN, &player->sprite->pos); player->xp += xp_gain; if (player->xp >= next_level_threshold(player->stats.lvl)) { player_levelup(player); gui_log("You have reached level %u", player->stats.lvl); gui_event_message("You reached level %u", player->stats.lvl); actiontextbuilder_create_text("Level up", C_GREEN, &player->sprite->pos); } } static void action_spent(Player *p) { p->stat_data.steps++; p->stat_data.total_steps++; for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_SKILL_COUNT; ++i) { if (p->skills[i] != NULL && p->skills[i]->resetCountdown > 0) p->skills[i]->resetCountdown--; } } static void on_monster_collision(Player *player, Monster *monster, RoomMatrix *matrix, Vector2d direction) { unsigned int hit = stats_fight(&player->stats, &monster->stats); mixer_play_effect(SWING0 + get_random(2)); monster_hit(monster, hit); animation_run(player->swordAnimation); if (hit > 0) { gui_log("You hit %s for %u damage", monster->lclabel, hit); player->stat_data.hits += 1; mixer_play_effect(SWORD_HIT); } else { gui_log("You missed %s", monster->lclabel); player->stat_data.misses += 1; } player_monster_kill_check(player, monster); if (monster->stats.hp > 0) { if (get_random(10) < player_has_artifact(player, PUSH_BACK)) { gui_log("The force of your blow sends %s reeling", monster->lclabel); monster_push(monster, matrix, direction); } if (get_random(10) < player_has_artifact(player, FEAR_INDUCING)) { gui_log("%s shivers with fear at the sight of you", monster->label); if (monster->state.current != STUNNED) monster_set_state(monster, SCARED, 3); } } action_spent(player); } static bool has_collided(Player *player, RoomMatrix *matrix, Vector2d direction) { bool collided = false; Position roomCoord = position_to_room_coords(&player->sprite->pos); if (roomCoord.x != matrix->roomPos.x || roomCoord.y != matrix->roomPos.y) { return collided; } Position matrixPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&player->sprite->pos); RoomSpace *space = &matrix->spaces[matrixPos.x][matrixPos.y]; collided = space->occupied; if (collided) { player->sprite->pos.x -= TILE_DIMENSION * (int)direction.x; player->sprite->pos.y -= TILE_DIMENSION * (int)direction.y; } if (space->monster != NULL) { on_monster_collision(player, space->monster, matrix, direction); } else if (collided) { mixer_play_effect(BONK); camera_shake(direction, 100); gui_log("Ouch! There is something in the way"); } if (space->items != NULL && !collided) { LinkedList *items = space->items; while (items != NULL) { Item *item = items->data; items = items->next; item_collected(item, player); } } if (space->artifacts != NULL && !collided) { LinkedList *artifacts = space->artifacts; while (artifacts) { player_add_artifact(player, artifacts->data); artifacts = artifacts->next; } } if (space->objects && !collided) { LinkedList *objects = space->objects; while (objects) { object_damage(objects->data, player); objects = objects->next; } } if (space->lethal && !collided) { player_set_falling(player); } if (space->trap && !collided) { trap_activate(space->trap, player); } return collided; } static void set_clip_for_direction(Player *player, Vector2d *direction) { if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_LEFT)) player->sprite->clip.y = 16; else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_RIGHT)) player->sprite->clip.y = 32; else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_UP)) player->sprite->clip.y = 48; else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_DOWN)) player->sprite->clip.y = 0; } void player_turn(Player *player, Vector2d *direction) { set_clip_for_direction(player, direction); if (!vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_NODIR)) player->swordAnimation->sprite->pos = player->sprite->pos; if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_UP)) { player->swordAnimation->sprite->pos.y -= 32; player->swordAnimation->sprite->angle = -90; player->swordAnimation->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE; } else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_DOWN)) { player->swordAnimation->sprite->pos.y += 32; player->swordAnimation->sprite->angle = 90; player->swordAnimation->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE; } else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_LEFT)) { player->swordAnimation->sprite->pos.x -= 32; player->swordAnimation->sprite->angle = 0; player->swordAnimation->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; } else if (vector2d_equals(*direction, VECTOR2D_RIGHT)) { player->swordAnimation->sprite->pos.x += 32; player->swordAnimation->sprite->angle = 0; player->swordAnimation->sprite->flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE; } } static void move(Player *player, RoomMatrix *matrix, Vector2d direction) { player_turn(player, &direction); player->sprite->pos.x += TILE_DIMENSION * (int) direction.x; player->sprite->pos.y += TILE_DIMENSION * (int) direction.y; if (!has_collided(player, matrix, direction)) { action_spent(player); } } void player_sip_health(Player *player) { if (player->potion_sips > 0) { --player->potion_sips; ++player->stats.hp; mixer_play_effect(BUBBLE0 + get_random(2)); gui_log("You take a sip from a health potion"); actiontextbuilder_create_text("+1", C_GREEN, &player->sprite->pos); } else { gui_log("You have nothing to sip"); } } static Vector2d read_direction_from(Input *input) { if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_LEFT)) return VECTOR2D_LEFT; else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_RIGHT)) return VECTOR2D_RIGHT; else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_UP)) return VECTOR2D_UP; else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_DOWN)) return VECTOR2D_DOWN; else return VECTOR2D_NODIR; } static void handle_next_move(UpdateData *data) { static unsigned int step = 1; Player *player = data->player; Position originPos = player->sprite->pos; // Don't move when projectiles are still moving if (linkedlist_size(player->projectiles) > 0) return; if (input_key_is_pressed(data->input, KEY_SPACE)) { action_spent(data->player); gui_log("You take a moment and stare at your feet"); return; } RoomMatrix *matrix = data->matrix; Vector2d nextDir = read_direction_from(data->input); if (!vector2d_equals(nextDir, VECTOR2D_NODIR)) move(player, matrix, nextDir); if (!position_equals(&originPos, &player->sprite->pos) && matrix->modifier->type == RMOD_TYPE_FIRE) { Object *o = object_create_fire(); o->damage *= player->stats.lvl; o->sprite->pos = originPos; linkedlist_append(&data->map->objects, o); } map_room_modifier_player_effect(player, matrix, &nextDir, move); if (!vector2d_equals(VECTOR2D_NODIR, nextDir)) { player->sprite->clip.x = 16*step; ++step; step = step % 4; } } static void use_skill(Skill *skill, SkillData *skillData) { skill->active = false; skill->use(skill, skillData); if (skill->actionRequired) action_spent(skillData->player); skill->resetCountdown = skill->resetTime; } static void check_skill_activation(UpdateData *data) { // TODO(Linus): This could be "smarter" Player *player = data->player; Input *input = data->input; RoomMatrix *matrix = data->matrix; unsigned int selected = 0; if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_NUM1)) { selected = 1; } else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_NUM2)) { selected = 2; } else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_NUM3)) { selected = 3; } else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_NUM4)) { selected = 4; } else if (input_key_is_pressed(input, KEY_NUM5)) { selected = 5; } if (selected == 0) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_SKILL_COUNT; ++i) { if (!player->skills[i]) continue; Skill *skill = player->skills[i]; if (skill->levelcap > player->stats.lvl) continue; if (skill->available && !skill->available(player)) continue; skill->active = (selected - 1) == i && !skill->active && skill->resetCountdown == 0; if (skill->active && skill->instantUse) { SkillData skillData = { player, matrix, VECTOR2D_NODIR }; use_skill(skill, &skillData); } } } static bool check_skill_trigger(UpdateData *data) { Player *player = data->player; RoomMatrix *matrix = data->matrix; Input *input = data->input; int activeSkill = -1; for (int i = 0; i < PLAYER_SKILL_COUNT; ++i) { if (player->skills[i] && player->skills[i]->active) { activeSkill = i; break; } } if (activeSkill < 0) return false; Vector2d nextDir = read_direction_from(input); if (vector2d_equals(nextDir, VECTOR2D_NODIR)) return false; SkillData skillData = { player, matrix, nextDir }; use_skill(player->skills[activeSkill], &skillData); return true; } static void build_sword_animation(Player *p, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { animation_load_texture(p->swordAnimation, "Extras/SwordSwing.png", renderer); animation_set_frames(p->swordAnimation, (AnimationClip[]) { { 0, 0, 16, 16, 20 }, { 16, 0, 16, 16, 20 }, { 32, 0, 16, 16, 20 }, { 48, 0, 16, 16, 20 }, { 64, 0, 16, 16, 20 } }); p->swordAnimation->loop = false; p->swordAnimation->sprite->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; p->swordAnimation->sprite->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 0, 0, 16, 16 }; p->swordAnimation->sprite->rotationPoint = (SDL_Point) { 16, 16 }; } Player* player_create(class_t class, Camera *cam) { Player *player = malloc(sizeof(Player)); player->sprite = sprite_create(); #ifdef DEBUG player->daggers = 10; #else player->daggers = 0; #endif player->stat_data.total_steps = 0; player->stat_data.steps = 0; player->stat_data.hits = 0; player->stat_data.kills = 0; player->stat_data.misses = 0; player->xp = 0; player->gold = 0; player->potion_sips = 0; player->class = class; player->state = ALIVE; player->projectiles = linkedlist_create(); player->animationTimer = timer_create(); player->swordAnimation = animation_create(5); player->equipment.hasArtifacts = false; build_sword_animation(player, cam->renderer); memset(&player->skills, 0, PLAYER_SKILL_COUNT * sizeof(Skill*)); for (size_t i = 0; i < LAST_ARTIFACT_EFFECT; ++i) player->equipment.artifacts[i].level = 0; char asset[100]; switch (class) { case ENGINEER: m_strcpy(asset, 100, "Commissions/Engineer.png"); player->stats = (Stats) ENGINEER_STATS; break; case MAGE: m_strcpy(asset, 100, "Commissions/Mage.png"); player->stats = (Stats) MAGE_STATS; break; case PALADIN: m_strcpy(asset, 100, "Commissions/Paladin.png"); player->stats = (Stats) PALADIN_STATS; break; case ROGUE: m_strcpy(asset, 100, "Commissions/Rogue.png"); player->stats = (Stats) ROGUE_STATS; break; case WARRIOR: m_strcpy(asset, 100, "Commissions/Warrior.png"); player->stats = (Stats) WARRIOR_STATS; player->skills[0] = skill_create(FLURRY, cam); player->skills[1] = skill_create(BASH, cam); player->skills[2] = skill_create(CHARGE, cam); player->skills[3] = skill_create(DAGGER_THROW, cam); break; } player->skills[4] = skill_create(SIP_HEALTH, cam); sprite_load_texture(player->sprite, asset, 0, cam->renderer); player->sprite->pos = (Position) { TILE_DIMENSION, TILE_DIMENSION }; player->sprite->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; player->sprite->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 0, 0, 16, 16 }; return player; } ExperienceData player_get_xp_data(Player *p) { ExperienceData data; data.previousLevel = next_level_threshold(p->stats.lvl - 1); data.current = p->xp; data.nextLevel = next_level_threshold(p->stats.lvl); data.level = p->stats.lvl; return data; } void player_monster_kill_check(Player *player, Monster *monster) { if (!monster) return; if (monster->stats.hp <= 0) { unsigned int gained_xp = 5 * monster->stats.lvl; player->stat_data.kills += 1; mixer_play_effect(DEATH); gui_log("You killed %s and gained %d xp", monster->lclabel, gained_xp); player_gain_xp(player, gained_xp); #ifdef STEAM_BUILD if (strcmp("The Shadow", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(LIGHTS_ON); else if (strcmp("The Hell Hound", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(BAD_DOG); else if (strcmp("Platino", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(DRAGON_SLAYER); else if (strcmp("The Cleric", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(THE_DOCTOR_IS_OUT); else if (strcmp("Linus, the Developer", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(BUGGFIXER); else if (strcmp("Ti, the Mage", monster->label) == 0) steam_set_achievement(BUGGCREATOR); #endif // STEAM_BUILD } } void player_hit(Player *p, unsigned int dmg) { if (dmg > 0) { Position pos = p->sprite->pos; pos.x += 8; pos.y += 8; particle_engine_bloodspray(pos, DIM(8, 8), dmg); mixer_play_effect(PLAYER_HIT0 + get_random(2)); char msg[5]; m_sprintf(msg, 5, "-%d", dmg); actiontextbuilder_create_text(msg, C_RED, &p->sprite->pos); } else { actiontextbuilder_create_text("Dodged", C_YELLOW, &p->sprite->pos); } } void player_render(Player *player, Camera *cam) { sprite_render(player->sprite, cam); LinkedList *projectile = player->projectiles; while (projectile) { projectile_render(projectile->data, cam); projectile = projectile->next; } } void player_render_toplayer(Player *player, Camera *camera) { animation_render(player->swordAnimation, camera); } void player_reset_steps(Player *p) { p->stat_data.steps = 0; } void player_update(UpdateData *data) { Player *player = data->player; if (player->stats.hp <= 0) return; check_skill_activation(data); if (player->state != FALLING && !check_skill_trigger(data)) handle_next_move(data); if (player->state == FALLING && player->stats.hp > 0) { if (!timer_started(player->animationTimer)) { timer_start(player->animationTimer); player->sprite->clip = CLIP16(0, 0); } else { if (timer_get_ticks(player->animationTimer) > 100) { timer_start(player->animationTimer); player->sprite->angle += 60; player->sprite->dim.width -= 4; player->sprite->dim.height -= 4; player->sprite->pos.x += 2; player->sprite->pos.y += 2; player->sprite->rotationPoint = (SDL_Point) { player->sprite->dim.width /2, player->sprite->dim.height /2 }; if (player->sprite->dim.width <= 4) player->stats.hp = 0; } } } LinkedList *remaining = linkedlist_create(); while (player->projectiles) { Projectile *p = linkedlist_pop(&player->projectiles); projectile_update(p, data); if (p->alive) { linkedlist_push(&remaining, p); } else { projectile_destroy(p); action_spent(player); } } linkedlist_destroy(&player->projectiles); player->projectiles = remaining; animation_update(player->swordAnimation); } static void player_reset(Player *player) { for (size_t i = 0; i < LAST_ARTIFACT_EFFECT; ++i) player->equipment.artifacts[i].level = 0; player->equipment.hasArtifacts = false; while (player->projectiles) projectile_destroy(linkedlist_pop(&player->projectiles)); } void player_destroy(Player *player) { player_reset(player); if (player->sprite) sprite_destroy(player->sprite); animation_destroy(player->swordAnimation); timer_destroy(player->animationTimer); for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_SKILL_COUNT; ++i) { if (player->skills[i]) skill_destroy(player->skills[i]); player->skills[i] = NULL; } free(player); } bool player_turn_over(Player *player) { return player->stat_data.steps >= player->stats.speed; } Uint32 player_has_artifact(Player *p, MagicalEffect effect) { return p->equipment.artifacts[effect].level; } void player_add_artifact(Player *p, Artifact *a) { if (a->collected) return; mixer_play_effect(MAGIC_PICKUP); a->collected = true; ArtifactData *ad = &p->equipment.artifacts[a->effect]; ad->name = a->info.name; ad->desc = a->info.desc; ad->level += a->level; gui_log("You pick an ancient %s", ad->name); gui_log("%s (%u)", ad->desc, ad->level); p->equipment.hasArtifacts = true; } void player_set_falling(Player *player) { mixer_play_effect(FALL0 + get_random(2) - 1); player->state = FALLING; }