x Add walls and stuff to maps x Implement simple box collisions x Add enemies (generated through lua) x Monster object created x Lua bindings for creation x Making some better geneation and randomeness x Move "clip" from texture to sprite x Hitting enemies x Nicer enemy hits (Text textures, healthbars?) x Add hits to stats x Player hits x Moving enemies x Stupid roaming enemies x Smart agressive enemies x Fleeing enemies x Add hooks to lua x Add movement depending on state (aggro, scared, passive) x Lower dungeon levels x GUI x Items x More GUI x XP x Some xp amount logic x Level threshholds x Statistics x More stuff to count x Particle engine for blood splatter (keep it light!!!) x Prevent level exit from spawning on occupied spot x Menus x Main menu x In game menu x Player death (GAME_OVER state) (graphic or text?) o Sound? x Fix crash when clicking menu items with pointer - Make things less difficult and more interesting - Interesting items - A different license perhaps? - Credit screen showing music and graphics guys: - Music: http://soundimage.org/ (Eric Matyas) - SFX (Eric Matyas & https://opengameart.org/users/artisticdude & ZapSplat.com) - Graphics: (see README) Legend: ( '-' = future) ( 'x' = completed ) ( 'o' = begun )