#include #include #include "steamworks_api_wrapper.h" #include "steamworks_c_wrapper.h" #include "../util.h" #include "../defines.h" #include "../gui.h" #include "../timer.h" static const char *LB_HIGHSCORE = "Highscore"; static const char *LB_KILLS = "Most Kills"; static Achievement g_Achievements[] = { _ACH_ID(BAD_DOG, "Bad Dog"), _ACH_ID(THE_DOCTOR_IS_OUT, "The Doctor is Out"), _ACH_ID(LIGHTS_ON, "Omnidirectional light"), _ACH_ID(BACK_TO_WORK, "Back to work"), _ACH_ID(DRAGON_SLAYER, "Platinum dragon slayer") }; static Uint8 numAchievements = 5; static bool m_Initiated = false; static bool m_bStatsReceived = false; static Sint64 m_AppID = 0; static Sint64 m_hHighscoreLeaderboard = 0; static Sint64 m_hKillsLeaderboard = 0; static Timer *requestDataTimer = NULL; static bool steam_request_stats(void) { if (m_Initiated) return c_SteamUserStats_RequestCurrentStats(); return false; } static void stats_received(void) { debug("Steam stats received"); m_bStatsReceived = true; } static void stats_stored(void) { debug("Steam stats stored"); } static void leaderboard_received(Sint64 hLeaderboard, const char *name) { debug("Leaderboard received: %s", name); if (strcmp(LB_HIGHSCORE, name) == 0) m_hHighscoreLeaderboard = hLeaderboard; else if (strcmp(LB_KILLS, name) == 0) m_hKillsLeaderboard = hLeaderboard; } void steam_init() { m_AppID = c_SteamAPI_Init(); m_Initiated = m_AppID != 0; if (m_Initiated) c_SteamAPI_SetCallbacks(stats_received, stats_stored, leaderboard_received); requestDataTimer = timer_create(); } void steam_shutdown(void) { c_SteamAPI_Shutdown(); timer_destroy(requestDataTimer); } static void request_data_queue_run(void) { if (!timer_started(requestDataTimer)) timer_start(requestDataTimer); if (timer_get_ticks(requestDataTimer) > 1000) { if (!m_bStatsReceived) steam_request_stats(); else if (!m_hHighscoreLeaderboard) c_SteamUserStats_FindLeaderboard(LB_HIGHSCORE); else if (!m_hKillsLeaderboard) c_SteamUserStats_FindLeaderboard(LB_KILLS); timer_start(requestDataTimer); } } void steam_run_callbacks(void) { if (m_Initiated) { c_SteamAPI_RunCallbacks(); request_data_queue_run(); } } void steam_set_achievement(EAchievement eAch) { for (Uint8 i = 0; i < numAchievements; ++i) { Achievement *a = &g_Achievements[i]; if (a->m_eAchievementID == eAch && !a->m_bAchieved) { c_SteamUserStats_SetAchievement(g_Achievements[i].m_pchAchievementID); gui_log("You just earned the \"%s\" achievement", a->m_rgchName); } } } void steam_register_score(Sint32 nScore, const int32_t *details, int32_t nDetails) { if (!m_hHighscoreLeaderboard) return; c_SteamUserStats_UploadLeaderboardScore(m_hHighscoreLeaderboard, nScore, details, nDetails); } void steam_register_kills(Sint32 nKills, const int32_t *details, int32_t nDetails) { if (!m_hKillsLeaderboard) return; c_SteamUserStats_UploadLeaderboardScore(m_hKillsLeaderboard, nKills, details, nDetails); }