/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "mixer.h" #include "util.h" #include "io_util.h" static Mix_Chunk *effects[LAST_EFFECT]; static Mix_Music *current_song = NULL; static Music loaded_song = LAST_MUSIC; static char *music[LAST_MUSIC] = { "Sounds/Music/fantasy-game-background-looping.ogg", // GAME_MUSIC0 "Sounds/Music/bog-creatures-on-the-move-looping.ogg", // GAME_MUSIC1 "Sounds/Music/fantascape-looping.ogg", // GAME_MUSIC2 "Sounds/Music/fantasy-forest-battle.ogg" // MENU_MUSIC }; static bool sound_enabled = true; static bool music_enabled = true; static Mix_Music* load_song(char *path) { Mix_Music *m = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(io_load_rwops(path), true); if (m == NULL) fatal("Failed to load music: %s", Mix_GetError()); return m; } static Mix_Chunk* load_effect(char *path) { Mix_Chunk *effect = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(io_load_rwops(path), true); if (effect == NULL) fatal("Failed to load effect: %s", Mix_GetError()); return effect; } static void load_effects(void) { effects[CLICK] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/click.wav"); effects[SWING0] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/swing.wav"); effects[SWING1] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/swing2.wav"); effects[SWING2] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/swing3.wav"); effects[SWOOSH] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/swoosh.wav"); effects[TRIPPLE_SWING] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/tripple_swing.wav"); effects[SWORD_HIT] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/sword_hit.wav"); effects[DOUBLE_SWORD_HIT] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/double_sword_hit.wav"); effects[TRIPPLE_SWORD_HIT] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/tripple_sword_hit.wav"); effects[BONK] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/bonk.wav"); effects[DEATH] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/death.wav"); effects[COIN] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/coin.wav"); effects[BOTTLE] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/bottle.wav"); effects[BUBBLE0] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/bubble.wav"); effects[BUBBLE1] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/bubble2.wav"); effects[BUBBLE2] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/bubble3.wav"); effects[EAT] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/eat.wav"); effects[LEVEL_UP] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/level_up.wav"); effects[NEXT_LEVEL] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/next_level.wav"); effects[SPLAT] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/splat.wav"); effects[PLAYER_HIT0] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/fistpunch_vocal_01.wav"); effects[PLAYER_HIT1] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/fistpunch_vocal_02.wav"); effects[PLAYER_HIT2] = load_effect("Sounds/FX/fistpunch_vocal_03.wav"); } void mixer_init(void) { if (Mix_OpenAudio( 44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048 ) == -1) { fatal("Failed to load sound: %s", Mix_GetError()); } load_effects(); } bool mixer_toggle_sound(void) { sound_enabled = !sound_enabled; return sound_enabled; } bool mixer_toggle_music(void) { music_enabled = !music_enabled; if (Mix_PlayingMusic() && !music_enabled) Mix_PauseMusic(); else if (Mix_PausedMusic()) Mix_ResumeMusic(); return music_enabled; } void mixer_play_effect(Fx fx) { if (!sound_enabled) return; if (Mix_PlayChannel( -1, effects[fx], 0) == -1) error("Unable to play sound: %u", (unsigned int) fx); } void mixer_play_music(Music mus) { if (!music_enabled) return; if (mus != loaded_song) { if (current_song) Mix_FreeMusic(current_song); current_song = load_song(music[mus]); loaded_song = mus; } if (Mix_PlayingMusic()) mixer_stop_music(); if (Mix_PlayMusic(current_song, -1) == -1) fatal("Failed to play music"); } void mixer_stop_music(void) { if (Mix_PlayingMusic()) Mix_HaltMusic(); } void mixer_close(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < LAST_EFFECT; ++i) Mix_FreeChunk(effects[i]); if (current_song) Mix_FreeMusic(current_song); Mix_CloseAudio(); }