/* * BreakHack - A dungeone crawler RPG * Copyright (C) 2018 Linus Probert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "monster.h" #include "util.h" #include "player.h" #include "monster.h" #include "random.h" #include "gui.h" #include "item.h" #include "item_builder.h" #include "map.h" #include "particle_engine.h" #include "defines.h" static void monster_load_texts(Monster *m, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { ActionText *t = actiontext_create(); actiontext_load_font(t, "GUI/SDS_6x6.ttf", 14); t->color = (SDL_Color) { 255, 100, 0, 255 }; actiontext_set_text(t, "HIT", renderer); t->pos = m->sprite->pos; m->hitText = t; t = actiontext_create(); actiontext_load_font(t, "GUI/SDS_6x6.ttf", 14); t->color = (SDL_Color) { 255, 255, 0, 255 }; actiontext_set_text(t, "MISS", renderer); t->pos = m->sprite->pos; m->missText = t; } Monster* monster_create(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Monster *m = ec_malloc(sizeof(Monster)); m->sprite = sprite_create(); m->sprite->dim = GAME_DIMENSION; m->sprite->clip = (SDL_Rect) { 0, 0, 16, 16 }; m->stats = (Stats) { 12, // Max HP 12, // hp 2, // dmg 0, // atk 0, // def 1, // speed 1 // lvl }; m->state.normal = PASSIVE; m->state.challenge = AGRESSIVE; m->state.current = m->state.normal; m->label = NULL; m->lclabel = NULL; m->steps = 0; monster_load_texts(m, renderer); return m; } void monster_update_pos(Monster *m, Position pos) { m->sprite->pos = pos; Position textPos = pos; textPos.y += 10; m->hitText->pos = textPos; m->missText->pos = textPos; } static bool has_collided(Monster *monster, RoomMatrix *matrix) { if (!position_in_room(&monster->sprite->pos, &matrix->roomPos)) return true; Position roomPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&monster->sprite->pos); RoomSpace *space = &matrix->spaces[roomPos.x][roomPos.y]; if (space->player && monster->state.current == AGRESSIVE) { unsigned int dmg = stats_fight(&monster->stats, &space->player->stats); player_hit(space->player, dmg); if (dmg > 0) gui_log("%s hit you for %u damage", monster->label, dmg); else gui_log("%s missed you", monster->label); } return space->occupied || space->lethal; } static bool move_left(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { m->sprite->pos.x -= TILE_DIMENSION; if (has_collided(m, rm)) { m->sprite->pos.x += TILE_DIMENSION; return false; } return true; } static bool move_right(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { m->sprite->pos.x += TILE_DIMENSION; if (has_collided(m, rm)) { m->sprite->pos.x -= TILE_DIMENSION; return false; } return true; } static bool move_up(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { m->sprite->pos.y -= TILE_DIMENSION; if (has_collided(m, rm)) { m->sprite->pos.y += TILE_DIMENSION; return false; } return true; } static bool move_down(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { m->sprite->pos.y += TILE_DIMENSION; if (has_collided(m, rm)) { m->sprite->pos.y -= TILE_DIMENSION; return false; } return true; } static void monster_drunk_walk(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { unsigned int i, maxMoveAttempts = 6; if (get_random(5) >= 2) return; for (i = 0; i < maxMoveAttempts; ++i) { int move = get_random(3); if (move == 0 && move_left(m, rm)) break; else if (move == 1 && move_right(m, rm)) break; else if (move == 2 && move_up(m, rm)) break; else if (move == 3 && move_down(m, rm)) break; } } static void monster_agressive_walk(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { int x_dist, y_dist; Position mPos; mPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&m->sprite->pos); unsigned int currentScore = 100; unsigned int chosenDirection = UP; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Position next = mPos; unsigned int nextScore = 0; switch (i) { case UP: next.y -= 1; break; case DOWN: next.y += 1; break; case LEFT: next.x -= 1; break; case RIGHT: next.x += 1; break; } if (position_equals(&next, &rm->playerRoomPos)) { chosenDirection = (Direction) i; break; } if (!position_in_roommatrix(&next)) continue; x_dist = abs(next.x - rm->playerRoomPos.x); y_dist = abs(next.y - rm->playerRoomPos.y); if (rm->spaces[next.x][next.y].occupied || rm->spaces[next.x][next.y].lethal) { nextScore += 50; } nextScore += x_dist > y_dist ? x_dist : y_dist; if (nextScore < currentScore) { currentScore = nextScore; chosenDirection = (Direction)i; } } switch (chosenDirection) { case UP: move_up(m, rm); break; case DOWN: move_down(m, rm); break; case LEFT: move_left(m, rm); break; case RIGHT: move_right(m, rm); break; } } static void monster_coward_walk(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { int x_dist, y_dist; Position mPos; mPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&m->sprite->pos); x_dist = mPos.x - rm->playerRoomPos.x; y_dist = mPos.y - rm->playerRoomPos.y; if (abs(x_dist) > abs(y_dist)) { if (x_dist > 0) move_right(m, rm); else move_left(m, rm); } else { if (y_dist > 0) move_down(m, rm); else move_up(m, rm); } } bool monster_move(Monster *m, RoomMatrix *rm) { Position monsterRoomPos; monsterRoomPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&m->sprite->pos); rm->spaces[monsterRoomPos.x][monsterRoomPos.y].occupied = false; rm->spaces[monsterRoomPos.x][monsterRoomPos.y].monster = NULL; switch (m->state.current) { case PASSIVE: monster_drunk_walk(m, rm); break; case AGRESSIVE: monster_agressive_walk(m, rm); break; case SCARED: monster_coward_walk(m, rm); break; }; monster_update_pos(m, m->sprite->pos); monsterRoomPos = position_to_matrix_coords(&m->sprite->pos); rm->spaces[monsterRoomPos.x][monsterRoomPos.y].occupied = true; rm->spaces[monsterRoomPos.x][monsterRoomPos.y].monster = m; m->steps++; if (m->steps >= m->stats.speed) { m->steps = 0; return true; } return false; } void monster_hit(Monster *monster, unsigned int dmg) { if (dmg > 0) { monster->hitText->active = true; monster->missText->active = false; Position p = monster->sprite->pos; p.x += 8; p.y += 8; Dimension d = { 8, 8 }; particle_engine_bloodspray(p, d, dmg); } else { monster->missText->active = true; monster->hitText->active = false; } monster->state.current = monster->state.challenge; } void monster_update_stats_for_level(Monster *m, unsigned int level) { m->stats.lvl = level; m->stats.maxhp *= level; m->stats.hp = m->stats.maxhp; m->stats.dmg *= level; m->stats.atk *= level; m->stats.def *= level; } void monster_drop_loot(Monster *monster, Map *map, Player *player) { static unsigned int treasure_drop_chance = 1; unsigned int item_drop_chance = 1; Item *item; Item *items[3]; unsigned int item_count = 0; bool player_full_health = player->stats.hp >= player->stats.maxhp; if (player->stats.hp < player->stats.maxhp / 2) item_drop_chance = 0; if (get_random(treasure_drop_chance) == 0) { item = item_builder_build_item(TREASURE, map->level); item->sprite->pos = monster->sprite->pos; items[item_count++] = item; } if (get_random(item_drop_chance) == 0) { ItemKey key; key = get_random(DAGGER); item = item_builder_build_item(key, map->level); item->sprite->pos = monster->sprite->pos; items[item_count++] = item; } if (!player_full_health && get_random(2) == 0) { item = item_builder_build_item(FLESH, map->level); item->sprite->pos = monster->sprite->pos; items[item_count++] = item; } if (item_count == 0) return; gui_log("%s dropped something", monster->label); if (item_count == 1) { linkedlist_append(&map->items, items[0]); } else { Item *container = item_builder_build_sack(); container->sprite->pos = monster->sprite->pos; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < item_count; ++i) { linkedlist_append(&container->items, items[i]); } linkedlist_append(&map->items, container); } } void monster_render(Monster *m, Camera *cam) { sprite_render(m->sprite, cam); if (m->hitText) actiontext_render(m->hitText, cam); if (m->missText) actiontext_render(m->missText, cam); } void monster_destroy(Monster *m) { sprite_destroy(m->sprite); if (m->label) free(m->label); if (m->lclabel) free(m->lclabel); if (m->hitText) actiontext_destroy(m->hitText); if (m->missText) actiontext_destroy(m->missText); free(m); }