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2017-06-04 22:51:48 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
# Cert: Some extra CERT checkers
# Cppcheck itself handles many CERT rules. Cppcheck warns when there is undefined behaviour.
# Example usage of this addon (scan a sourcefile main.cpp)
# cppcheck --dump main.cpp
# python cert.py main.cpp.dump
import cppcheckdata
import sys
import re
2015-08-21 10:55:19 +02:00
2017-08-15 20:34:54 +02:00
def reportError(token, severity, msg, id):
2017-08-15 20:34:54 +02:00
'[' + token.file + ':' + str(token.linenr) + '] (' + severity + '): ' + msg + ' [' + id + ']\n')
def simpleMatch(token, pattern):
for p in pattern.split(' '):
if not token or token.str != p:
return False
token = token.next
return True
2015-08-21 10:55:19 +02:00
def isUnpackedStruct(var):
decl = var.typeStartToken
while decl and decl.isName:
if decl.str == 'struct':
structScope = decl.next.typeScope
if structScope:
linenr = int(structScope.classStart.linenr)
for line in open(structScope.classStart.file):
2017-06-05 13:23:00 +02:00
linenr -= 1
if linenr == 0:
return True
if re.match(r'#pragma\s+pack\s*\(', line):
return False
decl = decl.next
return False
def isLocalUnpackedStruct(arg):
if arg and arg.str == '&' and not arg.astOperand2:
arg = arg.astOperand1
return arg and arg.variable and (arg.variable.isLocal or arg.variable.isArgument) and isUnpackedStruct(arg.variable)
2015-08-21 10:55:19 +02:00
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
def isBitwiseOp(token):
2017-06-04 22:51:48 +02:00
return token and (token.str in {'&', '|', '^'})
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
2015-08-21 10:55:19 +02:00
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
def isComparisonOp(token):
2017-06-04 22:51:48 +02:00
return token and (token.str in {'==', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='})
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
def isCast(expr):
if not expr or expr.str != '(' or not expr.astOperand1 or expr.astOperand2:
return False
if simpleMatch(expr, '( )'):
return False
return True
# EXP42-C
# do not compare padding data
def exp42(data):
for token in data.tokenlist:
if token.str != '(' or not token.astOperand1:
arg1 = None
arg2 = None
if token.astOperand2 and token.astOperand2.str == ',':
if token.astOperand2.astOperand1 and token.astOperand2.astOperand1.str == ',':
arg1 = token.astOperand2.astOperand1.astOperand1
arg2 = token.astOperand2.astOperand1.astOperand2
if token.astOperand1.str == 'memcmp' and (isLocalUnpackedStruct(arg1) or isLocalUnpackedStruct(arg2)):
2017-08-15 20:34:54 +02:00
token, 'style', "Comparison of struct padding data " +
2017-08-15 21:44:43 +02:00
"(fix either by packing the struct using '#pragma pack' or by rewriting the comparison)", 'cert-EXP42-C')
2017-06-04 22:51:48 +02:00
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
# EXP46-C
# Do not use a bitwise operator with a Boolean-like operand
# int x = (a == b) & c;
def exp46(data):
for token in data.tokenlist:
if isBitwiseOp(token) and (isComparisonOp(token.astOperand1) or isComparisonOp(token.astOperand2)):
2017-08-15 21:44:43 +02:00
token, 'style', 'Bitwise operator is used with a Boolean-like operand', 'cert-EXP46-c')
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
# INT31-C
# Ensure that integer conversions do not result in lost or misinterpreted data
def int31(data, platform):
if not platform:
for token in data.tokenlist:
if not isCast(token):
if not token.valueType or not token.astOperand1.values:
bits = None
if token.valueType.type == 'char':
bits = platform.char_bit
elif token.valueType.type == 'short':
bits = platform.short_bit
elif token.valueType.type == 'int':
bits = platform.int_bit
elif token.valueType.type == 'long':
bits = platform.long_bit
if bits >= 64:
maxval = (1 << (bits - 1) - 1)
for value in token.astOperand1.values:
if value.intvalue > maxval:
'Loss of information when casting ' + str(value.intvalue) + ' to ' + token.valueType.type,
2015-08-18 16:14:53 +02:00
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
2015-08-21 10:55:19 +02:00
print('Checking ' + arg + '...')
data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(arg)
for cfg in data.configurations:
if len(data.configurations) > 1:
print('Checking ' + arg + ', config "' + cfg.name + '"...')
int31(cfg, data.platform)