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Cppcheck for 64-bit Windows
This is quick start to get you started with compiling Cppcheck for 64-bit
Windows with free VS Express editions. This is work in progress so these
instructions will be updated as we progress with the work...
Software needed:
- Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 Express edition
- Windows SDK 7.0 (for VS2008) or Windows SDK 7.1 (for VS2010)
Make sure you have the Windows SDK installed! VS Express doesn't have 64-bit
tools, libraries or headers so you cannot compile 64-bit binaries without
Windows SDK.
To compile 64-bit binaries you need to start VS Express to 64-bit environment.
(by default VS Express starts to 32-bit enviroment). To do this, open Windows
SDK Command Prompt and switch to 64-bit environment with command:
> setenv /x64 /debug
Then start VS Express:
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress" /useenv
VS Express starts otherwise normally but now all environment variables point to
64-bit folders for libraries.
Now you can open the cppcheck.sln (or cppcheck_vs2010.sln) solution file and
compile 64-bit targets. With VS 2008 there are configurations Debug-x64 and
Release-x64 for 64-bit targets. This is because VS 2008 express does not allow
adding new platform. For VS 2010 there is platform x64 and Debug/Release
You can use e.g. Dependency Walker -program (http://www.dependencywalker.com/)
to check that build binaries are really 64-bit binaries.
Software needed:
- Visual Studio 2010 Express (Free download from MS) or VS 2010 Pro
- latest Windows SDK (currently v 7.1) if compiling with VS Express
- latest Qt SDK (4.7.0 or later, earlier versions don't support VS 2010)