Cleanup variable names, reduce unneeded operations

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry-Me 2014-09-17 15:52:03 +04:00
parent 776e720d8f
commit 57c379d300
1 changed files with 20 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -105,60 +105,58 @@ void CheckUnusedFunctions::parseTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer, const char Fi
if (!settings->library.markupFile(FileName) // only check source files
&& settings->library.isexporter(tok->str()) && tok->next() != 0) {
const Token * qPropToken = tok;
qPropToken = qPropToken->next();
while (qPropToken && qPropToken->str() != ")") {
if (settings->library.isexportedprefix(tok->str(), qPropToken->str())) {
const Token* qNextPropToken = qPropToken->next();
const std::string& value = qNextPropToken->str();
const Token * propToken = tok->next();
while (propToken && propToken->str() != ")") {
if (settings->library.isexportedprefix(tok->str(), propToken->str())) {
const Token* nextPropToken = propToken->next();
const std::string& value = nextPropToken->str();
if (_functions.find(value) != _functions.end()) {
_functions[value].usedOtherFile = true;
if (settings->library.isexportedsuffix(tok->str(), qPropToken->str())) {
const Token* qNextPropToken = qPropToken->previous();
const std::string& value = qNextPropToken->str();
if (settings->library.isexportedsuffix(tok->str(), propToken->str())) {
const Token* prevPropToken = propToken->previous();
const std::string& value = prevPropToken->str();
if (value != ")" && _functions.find(value) != _functions.end()) {
_functions[value].usedOtherFile = true;
qPropToken = qPropToken->next();
propToken = propToken->next();
if (settings->library.markupFile(FileName)
&& settings->library.isimporter(FileName, tok->str()) && tok->next()) {
const Token * qPropToken = tok;
qPropToken = qPropToken->next();
if (qPropToken->next()) {
qPropToken = qPropToken->next();
while (qPropToken && qPropToken->str() != ")") {
const std::string& value = qPropToken->str();
const Token * propToken = tok->next();
if (propToken->next()) {
propToken = propToken->next();
while (propToken && propToken->str() != ")") {
const std::string& value = propToken->str();
if (!value.empty()) {
_functions[value].usedOtherFile = true;
qPropToken = qPropToken->next();
propToken = propToken->next();
if (settings->library.isreflection(tok->str())) {
const int index = settings->library.reflectionArgument(tok->str());
if (index >= 0) {
const int argIndex = settings->library.reflectionArgument(tok->str());
if (argIndex >= 0) {
const Token * funcToken = tok->next();
int p = 0;
int index = 0;
std::string value;
while (funcToken) {
if (funcToken->str()==",") {
if (++p==index)
if (++index == argIndex)
value = "";
} else
value += funcToken->str();
funcToken = funcToken->next();
if (p==index) {
if (index == argIndex) {
value = value.substr(1, value.length() - 2);
_functions[value].usedOtherFile = true;