Match compiler: Add support for Token::findmatch
(still disabled for performance reasons)
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,22 +110,29 @@ def compilePattern(matchStrs, pattern, nr, varid):
return ret
def compileFindPattern(matchFunctions, matchStrs, pattern, findmatchnr, matchnr, endToken):
arg2 = ''
def compileFindPattern(matchFunctions, matchStrs, pattern, findmatchnr, matchnr, endToken, varId):
more_args = ''
endCondition = ''
if endToken:
arg2 = ', const Token *end'
more_args += ', const Token *end'
endCondition = ' && tok != end'
if varId:
more_args += ', unsigned int varId'
ret = '// ' + pattern + '\n'
ret += 'static const Token *findmatch' + str(findmatchnr) + '(const Token *tok'+arg2+') {\n'
ret += 'static const Token *findmatch' + str(findmatchnr) + '(const Token *tok'+more_args+') {\n'
ret += ' for (; tok' + endCondition + '; tok = tok->next()) {\n'
ret += ' if (match' + str(matchnr) + '(tok))\n';
ret += ' if (match' + str(matchnr) + '(tok'
if varId:
ret += ', varId'
ret += '))\n';
ret += ' return tok;\n'
ret += ' }\n'
ret += ' return NULL;\n}\n'
matchFunctions.append(compilePattern(matchStrs, pattern, matchnr, None))
matchFunctions.append(compilePattern(matchStrs, pattern, matchnr, varId))
return ret
@ -221,15 +228,11 @@ def replaceTokenMatch(matchFunctions, matchStrs, line):
def replaceTokenFindMatch(matchFunctions, matchStrs, line):
pos1 = 0
while True:
# TODO: Add support for Token::findmatch()
# Function prototypes from token.h:
# static const Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[]);
# static const Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const Token *end);
# static const Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], unsigned int varId = 0);
# static const Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const Token *end, unsigned int varId = 0);
is_findmatch = False
pos1 = line.find('Token::findsimplematch(')
# if pos1 == -1:
# pos1 = line.find('Token::findmatch(')
if pos1 == -1:
is_findmatch = True
pos1 = line.find('Token::findmatch(')
if pos1 == -1:
@ -237,27 +240,49 @@ def replaceTokenFindMatch(matchFunctions, matchStrs, line):
if res == None:
assert(len(res)==3 or len(res)==4) # assert that Token::Match has either 2 or 3 arguments
assert(len(res)>=3 or len(res) < 6) # assert that Token::find(simple)match has either 2, 3 or four arguments
g0 = res[0]
arg1 = res[1]
arg2 = res[2]
arg3 = None
if len(res) == 4:
arg3 = res[3]
pattern = res[2]
res = re.match(r'\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$', arg2)
# Check for varId
varId = None
if is_findmatch and g0.find("%varid%") != -1:
if len(res) == 5:
varId = res[4]
varId = res[3]
# endToken support. We resolve the overloaded type by checking if varId is used or not.
# Function protoypes:
# Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[]);
# Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const Token *end);
# Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], unsigned int varId = 0);
# Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const Token *end, unsigned int varId = 0);
endToken = None
if is_findmatch == False and len(res) == 4:
endToken = res[3]
elif is_findmatch == True:
if varId and len(res) == 5:
endToken = res[3]
elif varId == None and len(res) == 4:
endToken = res[3]
res = re.match(r'\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$', pattern)
if res == None:
break # Non-const pattern - bailout
arg2 =
pattern =
a3 = ''
if arg3:
a3 = ',' + arg3
if endToken:
a3 += ',' + endToken
if varId:
a3 += ',' + varId
findMatchNumber = len(matchFunctions) + 2
matchNumber = len(matchFunctions) + 1
line = line[:pos1]+'findmatch'+str(findMatchNumber)+'('+arg1+a3+')'+line[pos1+len(g0):]
matchFunctions.append(compileFindPattern(matchFunctions, matchStrs, arg2, findMatchNumber, matchNumber, arg3))
matchFunctions.append(compileFindPattern(matchFunctions, matchStrs, pattern, findMatchNumber, matchNumber, endToken, varId))
return line
Reference in New Issue