diff --git a/addons/cppcheckdata.py b/addons/cppcheckdata.py
index 6ae232884..cc704def3 100644
--- a/addons/cppcheckdata.py
+++ b/addons/cppcheckdata.py
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
-## @mainpage cppcheckdata
-# @brief This is a Python module that helps you access Cppcheck dump data.
-# License: No restrictions, use this as you need.
+This is a Python module that helps you access Cppcheck dump data.
+License: No restrictions, use this as you need.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import argparse
-## Directive class. Contains information about each preprocessor directive in the source code.
-# file and linenr denote the location where the directive is defined.
-# To iterate through all directives use such code:
-# @code
-# data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
-# for cfg in data.configurations:
-# for directive in cfg.directives:
-# print(directive.str)
-# @endcode
class Directive:
- ## The directive line, with all C or C++ comments removed
+ """
+ Directive class. Contains information about each preprocessor directive in the source code.
+ Attributes:
+ str The directive line, with all C or C++ comments removed
+ file Name of (possibly included) file where directive is defined
+ linenr Line number in (possibly included) file where directive is defined
+ To iterate through all directives use such code:
+ @code
+ data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
+ for cfg in data.configurations:
+ for directive in cfg.directives:
+ print(directive.str)
+ @endcode
+ """
str = None
- ## name of (possibly included) file where directive is defined
file = None
- ## line number in (possibly included) file where directive is defined
linenr = None
def __init__(self, element):
@@ -36,152 +38,97 @@ class Directive:
self.linenr = element.get('linenr')
-## Token class. Contains information about each token in the source code.
-# The CppcheckData.tokenlist is a list of Token items
-# C++ class: http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classToken.html
-# To iterate through all tokens use such code:
-# @code
-# data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
-# for cfg in data.configurations:
-# code = ''
-# for token in cfg.tokenlist:
-# code = code + token.str + ' '
-# print(code)
-# @endcode
class Token:
+ """
+ Token class. Contains information about each token in the source code.
+ The CppcheckData.tokenlist is a list of Token items
+ C++ class: http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classToken.html
+ Attributes:
+ str Token string
+ next Next token in tokenlist. For last token, next is None.
+ previous Previous token in tokenlist. For first token, previous is None.
+ link Linked token in tokenlist. Each '(', '[' and '{' are linked to the
+ corresponding '}', ']' and ')'. For templates, the '<' is linked to
+ the corresponding '>'.
+ scope Scope information for this token. See the Scope class.
+ isName Is this token a symbol name
+ isNumber Is this token a number, for example 123, 12.34
+ isInt Is this token a int value such as 1234
+ isFloat Is this token a int value such as 12.34
+ isString Is this token a string literal such as "hello"
+ strlen string length for string literal
+ isChar Is this token a char literal such as 'x'
+ isOp Is this token a operator
+ isArithmeticalOp Is this token a arithmetic operator
+ isAssignmentOp Is this token a assignment operator
+ isComparisonOp Is this token a comparison operator
+ isLogicalOp Is this token a logical operator: && ||
+ varId varId for token, each variable has a unique non-zero id
+ variable Variable information for this token. See the Variable class.
+ function If this token points at a function call, this attribute has the Function
+ information. See the Function class.
+ values Possible values of token
+ typeScope type scope (token->type()->classScope)
+ astParent ast parent
+ astOperand1 ast operand1
+ astOperand2 ast operand2
+ file file name
+ linenr line number
+ To iterate through all tokens use such code:
+ @code
+ data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
+ for cfg in data.configurations:
+ code = ''
+ for token in cfg.tokenlist:
+ code = code + token.str + ' '
+ print(code)
+ @endcode
+ """
Id = None
- ## Token string
str = None
- ## Next token in tokenlist. For last token, next is None.
next = None
- ## Previous token in tokenlist. For first token, previous is None,
previous = None
linkId = None
- ## Linked token in tokenlist. Each '(', '[' and '{' are linked to the
- # corresponding '}', ']' and ')'. For templates, the '<' is linked to
- # the corresponding '>'.
link = None
scopeId = None
- ## Scope information for this token. See the Scope class.
scope = None
- ## Is this token a symbol name
isName = False
- ## Is this token a number, for example 123, 12.34
isNumber = False
- ## Is this token a int value such as 1234
isInt = False
- ## Is this token a int value such as 12.34
isFloat = False
- ## Is this token a string literal such as "hello"
isString = False
- ## string length for string literal
strlen = None
- ## Is this token a char literal such as 'x'
isChar = False
- ## Is this token a operator
isOp = False
- ## Is this token a arithmetic operator
isArithmeticalOp = False
- ## Is this token a assignment operator
isAssignmentOp = False
- ## Is this token a comparison operator
isComparisonOp = False
- ## Is this token a logical operator: && ||
isLogicalOp = False
- ## varId for token, each variable has a unique non-zero id
varId = None
variableId = None
- ## Variable information for this token. See the Variable class.
- #
- # Example code:
- # @code
- # data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
- # code = ''
- # for token in data.tokenlist:
- # code = code + token.str
- # if token.variable:
- # if token.variable.isLocal:
- # code = code + ':localvar'
- # if token.variable.isArgument:
- # code = code + ':arg'
- # code = code + ' '
- # print(code)
- # @endcode
variable = None
functionId = None
- ## If this token points at a function call, this attribute has the Function
- # information. See the Function class.
function = None
valuesId = None
- ## Possible values of token
- #
- # Example code:
- # @code
- # data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
- # code = ''
- # for token in data.tokenlist:
- # code = code + token.str
- # if token.values:
- # # print values..
- # code = code + '{'
- # for value in token.values:
- # if value.intvalue:
- # code = code + str(value.intvalue) + ' '
- # code = code + '}'
- # code = code + ' '
- # print(code)
- # @endcode
values = None
typeScopeId = None
- ## type scope (token->type()->classScope)
typeScope = None
astParentId = None
- ## syntax tree parent
astParent = None
astOperand1Id = None
- ## syntax tree operand1
- #
- # Example code:
- # @code
- # data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
- # for token in data.tokenlist:
- #
- # # is this a addition?
- # if token.str == '+':
- #
- # # print LHS operand
- # print(token.astOperand1.str)
- #
- # @endcode
astOperand1 = None
astOperand2Id = None
- ## syntax tree operand2
- #
- # Example code:
- # @code
- # data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
- # for token in data.tokenlist:
- #
- # # is this a division?
- # if token.str == '/':
- #
- # # print RHS operand
- # print(token.astOperand2.str)
- #
- # @endcode
astOperand2 = None
- ## file name
file = None
- ## line number
linenr = None
def __init__(self, element):
@@ -246,9 +193,12 @@ class Token:
self.astOperand1 = IdMap[self.astOperand1Id]
self.astOperand2 = IdMap[self.astOperand2Id]
- ## Get value if it exists
- # Returns None if it doesn't exist
def getValue(self, v):
+ """
+ Get value if it exists
+ Returns None if it doesn't exist
+ """
if not self.values:
return None
for value in self.values:
@@ -256,24 +206,28 @@ class Token:
return value
return None
-## Scope. Information about global scope, function scopes, class scopes, inner scopes, etc.
-# C++ class: http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classScope.html
class Scope:
+ """
+ Scope. Information about global scope, function scopes, class scopes, inner scopes, etc.
+ C++ class: http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classScope.html
+ Attributes
+ classStart The { Token for this scope
+ classEnd The } Token for this scope
+ className Name of this scope.
+ For a function scope, this is the function name;
+ For a class scope, this is the class name.
+ type Type of scope: Global, Function, Class, If, While
+ """
Id = None
classStartId = None
- ## The { Token for this scope
classStart = None
classEndId = None
- ## The } Token for this scope
classEnd = None
- ## Name of this scope.
- # For a function scope, this is the function name;
- # for a class scope, this is the class name.
className = None
- ## Type of scope: Global, Function, Class, If, While
type = None
def __init__(self, element):
@@ -292,12 +246,15 @@ class Scope:
self.classEnd = IdMap[self.classEndId]
self.nestedIn = IdMap[self.nestedInId]
-## Information about a function
-# C++ class:
-# http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classFunction.html
class Function:
+ """
+ Information about a function
+ C++ class:
+ http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classFunction.html
+ """
Id = None
argument = None
argumentId = None
@@ -319,35 +276,39 @@ class Function:
self.argument[argnr] = IdMap[argid]
self.tokenDef = IdMap[self.tokenDefId]
-## Information about a variable
-# C++ class:
-# http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classVariable.html
class Variable:
+ """
+ Information about a variable
+ C++ class:
+ http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classVariable.html
+ Attributes:
+ nameToken name token in variable declaration
+ typeStartToken start token of variable declaration
+ typeEndToken end token of variable declaration
+ isArgument Is this variable a function argument?
+ isArray Is this variable an array?
+ isClass Is this variable a class or struct?
+ isLocal Is this variable a local variable?
+ isPointer Is this variable a pointer
+ isReference Is this variable a reference
+ isStatic Is this variable static?
+ """
Id = None
nameTokenId = None
- ## name token in variable declaration
nameToken = None
typeStartTokenId = None
- ## start token of variable declaration
typeStartToken = None
typeEndTokenId = None
- ## end token of variable declaration
typeEndToken = None
- ## Is this variable a function argument?
isArgument = False
- ## Is this variable an array?
isArray = False
- ## Is this variable a class or struct?
isClass = False
- ## Is this variable a local variable?
isLocal = False
- ## Is this variable a pointer
isPointer = False
- ## Is this variable a reference
isReference = False
- ## Is this variable static?
isStatic = False
def __init__(self, element):
@@ -371,22 +332,36 @@ class Variable:
self.typeStartToken = IdMap[self.typeStartTokenId]
self.typeEndToken = IdMap[self.typeEndTokenId]
-## ValueFlow class
class ValueFlow:
- ## ValueFlow::Value class
- # Each possible value has a ValueFlow::Value item.
- # Each ValueFlow::Value either has a intvalue or tokvalue
- # C++ class:
- # http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classValueFlow_1_1Value.html
+ """
+ ValueFlow::Value class
+ Each possible value has a ValueFlow::Value item.
+ Each ValueFlow::Value either has a intvalue or tokvalue
+ C++ class:
+ http://cppcheck.net/devinfo/doxyoutput/classValueFlow_1_1Value.html
+ Attributes:
+ values Possible values
+ """
+ Id = None
+ values = None
class Value:
- ## integer value
+ """
+ Value class
+ Attributes:
+ intvalue integer value
+ tokvalue token value
+ condition condition where this Value comes from
+ """
intvalue = None
- ## token value
tokvalue = None
- ## condition where this Value comes from
condition = None
def __init__(self, element):
@@ -398,36 +373,36 @@ class ValueFlow:
if self.condition:
self.condition = int(self.condition)
- Id = None
- ## Possible values
- values = None
def __init__(self, element):
self.Id = element.get('id')
self.values = []
for value in element:
-## Configuration class
-# This class contains the directives, tokens, scopes, functions,
-# variables and value flows for one configuration.
class Configuration:
- ## Name of the configuration, "" for default
+ """
+ Configuration class
+ This class contains the directives, tokens, scopes, functions,
+ variables and value flows for one configuration.
+ Attributes:
+ name Name of the configuration, "" for default
+ directives List of Directive items
+ tokenlist List of Token items
+ scopes List of Scope items
+ functions List of Function items
+ variables List of Variable items
+ valueflow List of ValueFlow values
+ """
name = ''
- ## List of Directive items
directives = []
- ## List of Token items
tokenlist = []
- ## List of Scope items
scopes = []
- ## List of Function items
functions = []
- ## List of Variable items
variables = []
- ## List of ValueFlow values
valueflow = []
def __init__(self, confignode):
@@ -492,41 +467,44 @@ class Configuration:
for variable in self.variables:
-## Class that makes cppcheck dump data available
-# Contains a list of Configuration instances
-# To iterate through all configurations use such code:
-# @code
-# data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
-# for cfg in data.configurations:
-# print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
-# @endcode
-# To iterate through all tokens in each configuration use such code:
-# @code
-# data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
-# for cfg in data.configurations:
-# print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
-# code = ''
-# for token in cfg.tokenlist:
-# code = code + token.str + ' '
-# print(' ' + code)
-# @endcode
-# To iterate through all scopes (functions, types, etc) use such code:
-# @code
-# data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
-# for cfg in data.configurations:
-# print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
-# for scope in cfg.scopes:
-# print(' type:' + scope.type + ' name:' + scope.className)
-# @endcode
class CppcheckData:
- ## List of Configurations
+ """
+ Class that makes cppcheck dump data available
+ Contains a list of Configuration instances
+ Attributes:
+ configurations List of Configurations
+ To iterate through all configurations use such code:
+ @code
+ data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
+ for cfg in data.configurations:
+ print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
+ @endcode
+ To iterate through all tokens in each configuration use such code:
+ @code
+ data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
+ for cfg in data.configurations:
+ print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
+ code = ''
+ for token in cfg.tokenlist:
+ code = code + token.str + ' '
+ print(' ' + code)
+ @endcode
+ To iterate through all scopes (functions, types, etc) use such code:
+ @code
+ data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(...)
+ for cfg in data.configurations:
+ print('cfg: ' + cfg.name)
+ for scope in cfg.scopes:
+ print(' type:' + scope.type + ' name:' + scope.className)
+ @endcode
+ """
configurations = []
def __init__(self, filename):
@@ -537,16 +515,21 @@ class CppcheckData:
for cfgnode in data.getroot():
-## parse a cppcheck dump file
def parsedump(filename):
+ """
+ parse a cppcheck dump file
+ """
return CppcheckData(filename)
-## Check if type of ast node is float/double
def astIsFloat(token):
+ """
+ Check if type of ast node is float/double
+ """
if not token:
return False
if token.str == '.':
@@ -572,13 +555,11 @@ def astIsFloat(token):
return True
return False
-# Create a cppcheck parser
class CppCheckFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
- '''
- Properly formats multiline argument helps
- '''
+ """
+ Properly formats multiline argument helps
+ """
def _split_lines(self, text, width):
# this is the RawTextHelpFormatter._split_lines
if text.startswith('R|'):
@@ -586,10 +567,10 @@ class CppCheckFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width)
def ArgumentParser():
- '''
+ """
Returns an argparse argument parser with an already-added
argument definition for -t/--template
- '''
+ """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=CppCheckFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', metavar='',
default='{callstack}: ({severity}) {message}',
@@ -600,10 +581,8 @@ def ArgumentParser():
"Pre-defined templates: gcc, vs, edit")
return parser
-# Format an error message.
def reportError(template, callstack=[], severity='', message='', id=''):
- '''
+ """
Format an error message according to the template.
:param template: format string, or 'gcc', 'vs' or 'edit'.
@@ -611,7 +590,7 @@ def reportError(template, callstack=[], severity='', message='', id=''):
:param severity: e.g. 'error', 'warning' ...
:param id: message ID.
:param message: message text.
- '''
+ """
# expand predefined templates
if template == 'gcc':
template = '{file}:{line}: {severity}: {message}'