diff --git a/gui/projectfile.txt b/gui/projectfile.txt
index 37670a6bc..31be50bde 100644
--- a/gui/projectfile.txt
+++ b/gui/projectfile.txt
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ program. The format is:
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ where:
recommended that relative paths are used for paths inside the project root
folder for better portability.
- defines element contains a list of C/C++ preprocessor defines.
-- ignore element contains list of paths to ignore. The path can be a
- directory (must end with path separator) or file.
+- exclude element contains list of paths to exclude from the check. The path
+ can be a directory (must end with path separator) or a file.
For real life examples see the cppcheck.cppcheck-file in the Cppcheck sources
root-directory or gui.cppcheck file in gui-directory.