diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index dea990c1d..046da9395 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -12,28 +12,25 @@ env: matrix: # special CXXFLAGS for maximum speed, overrides global CXXFLAGS, CHECK_CLANG is the var that controls if we download and check clang in that travis job - CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -DCHECK_INTERNAL" - - MAKEFLAGS="HAVE_RULES=yes" SRCDIR=build VERIFY=1 - - SRCDIR=build CHECK_KERNEL=yes + - SRCDIR=build CHECK_CLANG=yes VERIFY=1 + - CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -DCHECK_INTERNAL" MAKEFLAGS="HAVE_RULES=yes" SRCDIR=build VERIFY=1 matrix: # do notify immediately about it when a job of a build fails. fast_finish: true -# exclude kernel checking with clang binary, not needed +# exclude clang checking with clang binary, not needed exclude: - compiler: clang - env: SRCDIR=build CHECK_KERNEL=yes -# kernel check can time out during travis rush hour, so make failure of it less grave... - allow_failures: - - env: SRCDIR=build CHECK_KERNEL=yes + env: SRCDIR=build CHECK_CLANG=yes VERIFY=1 before_install: # install needed deps - sudo apt-get update -qq - - sudo apt-get install -qq python-pygments libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake libxml2-utils libpcre3 gdb + - sudo apt-get install -qq python-pygments libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake libxml2-utils libpcre3 gdb unzip script: -# download 3.14-rc6 kernel, compile cppcheck, run cppcheck on the kernel to look for crashes in cppcheck. if this is done, terminate build to prevent it from timing out - - if [[ "$CHECK_KERNEL" == "yes" ]] && [[ "$CC" == "gcc" ]]; then wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.14.tar.xz; mkdir kernel; tar -xJf linux-3.14.tar.xz -C kernel & make -j 4 & wait; touch /tmp/kernel.cppcheck; ./cppcheck kernel --max-configs=1 --exception-handling -j 2 |& tee /tmp/kernel.cppcheck; ! grep "process crashed with signal" /tmp/kernel.cppcheck; exit; fi +# download clang git, compile cppcheck, run cppcheck on clang code to look for crashes in cppcheck. if this is done, terminate build + - if [[ "$CHECK_CLANG" == "yes" ]] && [[ "$CC" == "gcc" ]]; then wget "https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang/archive/0d9772d6c4fd0f69f7bdbb692768f07f9af2a3d0.zip" & make -j 4 & wait; unzip 0d9772d6c4fd0f69f7bdbb692768f07f9af2a3d0.zip > /dev/null; touch /tmp/clang.cppcheck; cd ./clang-0d9772d6c4fd0f69f7bdbb692768f07f9af2a3d0 ; ../cppcheck . --max-configs=1 --enable=all --inconclusive --exception-handling -iINPUTS -itest/CXX/temp/temp.decls/temp.mem/p5.cpp -itest/CodeGenCXX/mangle-alias-template.cpp -itest/Lexer/unicode.c -j 2 |& tee /tmp/clang.cppcheck; cd ../ ; ! grep "process crashed with signal\|Internal error\. compiled" /tmp/clang.cppcheck; exit; fi # compile cppcheck, default build - make -j4 - make test -j4 @@ -43,7 +40,7 @@ script: - make -j4 # building gui generates some more files that cppcheck can check, so check the repo *after* building gui - cd ../ -# use same hack as for kernel to work around cppchecks broken exit status with -j 2 ; create file, tee everything to the file and stdout, grep for errors in the file +# use same hack as for clang to work around cppchecks broken exit status with -j 2 ; create file, tee everything to the file and stdout, grep for errors in the file - touch /tmp/cppcheck.cppcheck - ./cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 -Ilib --enable=style,performance,portability,warning,internal --exception-handling --suppressions-list=.travis_suppressions . -j 2 |& tee /tmp/cppcheck.cppcheck - sh -c "! grep '^\[' /tmp/cppcheck.cppcheck" diff --git a/.travis_suppressions b/.travis_suppressions index 3d3e60eb8..86a9a74f0 100644 --- a/.travis_suppressions +++ b/.travis_suppressions @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ unusedPrivateFunction:test/testcmdlineparser.cpp redundantNextPrevious:test/testtoken.cpp +uselessAssignmentPtrArg:build/checkstl.cpp *:gui/test* *:test/test.cxx