--addon: Use json for addon output

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Marjamäki 2019-06-24 19:28:52 +02:00
parent 66e0f06494
commit c97dc79815
3 changed files with 33 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ License: No restrictions, use this as you need.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import argparse
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import json
import sys
@ -847,11 +848,19 @@ def simpleMatch(token, pattern):
return True
def reportError(location, severity, message, addon, errorId):
def reportError(location, severity, message, addon, errorId, extra=''):
if '--cli' in sys.argv:
errout = sys.stdout
loc = '[%s:%i:%i]' % (location.file, location.linenr, location.col)
msg = { 'file': location.file,
'linenr': location.linenr,
'col': location.col,
'severity': severity,
'message': message,
'addon': addon,
'errorId': errorId,
'extra': extra}
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(msg) + '\n')
errout = sys.stderr
loc = '[%s:%i]' % (location.file, location.linenr)
errout.write('%s (%s) %s [%s-%s]\n' % (loc, severity, message, addon, errorId))
if len(extra) > 0:
message += ' (' + extra + ')'
sys.stderr.write('%s (%s) %s [%s-%s]\n' % (loc, severity, message, addon, errorId))

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "tokenlist.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <picojson.h>
#include <simplecpp.h>
#include <tinyxml2.h>
@ -617,66 +618,36 @@ unsigned int CppCheck::checkFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string
const std::string &results = executeAddon(addonInfo, dumpFile);
for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < results.size();) {
const std::string::size_type pos2 = results.find("\n", pos);
if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
const std::string results = executeAddon(addonInfo, dumpFile);
std::istringstream istr(results);
std::string line;
const std::string::size_type pos1 = pos;
pos = pos2 + 1;
if (pos1 + 5 > pos2)
if (results[pos1] != '[')
if (results[pos2-1] != ']')
while (std::getline(istr, line)) {
if (line.compare(0,1,"{") != 0)
// Example line:
// [test.cpp:123]: (style) some problem [abc-someProblem]
const std::string line = results.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
// Line must start with [filename:line:column]: (
const std::string::size_type loc1 = 1;
const std::string::size_type loc4 = line.find("]");
if (loc4 + 5 >= line.size() || line.compare(loc4, 3, "] (", 0, 3) != 0)
const std::string::size_type loc3 = line.rfind(':', loc4);
if (loc3 == std::string::npos)
const std::string::size_type loc2 = line.rfind(':', loc3 - 1);
if (loc2 == std::string::npos)
picojson::value res;
std::istringstream istr2(line);
istr2 >> res;
if (!res.is<picojson::object>())
// Then there must be a (severity)
const std::string::size_type sev1 = loc4 + 3;
const std::string::size_type sev2 = line.find(")", sev1);
if (sev2 == std::string::npos)
picojson::object obj = res.get<picojson::object>();
// line must end with [addon-x]
const std::string::size_type id1 = line.rfind("[" + addonInfo.name + "-");
if (id1 == std::string::npos || id1 < sev2)
const std::string filename = obj["file"].get<std::string>();
const int64_t lineNumber = obj["linenr"].get<int64_t>();
const int64_t column = obj["col"].get<int64_t>();
ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg;
const std::string filename = line.substr(loc1, loc2-loc1);
const int lineNumber = std::atoi(line.c_str() + loc2 + 1);
const int column = std::atoi(line.c_str() + loc3 + 1);
errmsg._callStack.emplace_back(ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation(filename, lineNumber));
errmsg._callStack.back().col = column;
errmsg._id = line.substr(id1+1, line.size()-id1-2);
std::string text = line.substr(sev2 + 2, id1 - sev2 - 2);
if (text[0] == ' ')
text = text.substr(1);
if (endsWith(text, " ", 1))
text = text.erase(text.size() - 1);
errmsg._id = obj["errorId"].get<std::string>();
const std::string text = obj["message"].get<std::string>();
const std::string sev = line.substr(sev1, sev2-sev1);
errmsg._severity = Severity::fromString(sev);
const std::string severity = obj["severity"].get<std::string>();
errmsg._severity = Severity::fromString(severity);
if (errmsg._severity == Severity::SeverityType::none)
errmsg.file0 = filename;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "tokenize.h"
#include "tokenlist.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <picojson.h>
#include <cstring>