diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_de.ts b/gui/cppcheck_de.ts
index 5ce19823d..d72b4f97d 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_de.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_de.ts
@@ -430,16 +430,16 @@ Parameter: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -626,8 +626,8 @@ Parameter: -l(line) (file)
+ InformationInformation
@@ -893,22 +893,37 @@ Parameter: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkVerzeichnis zum Überprüfen auswählen
+ No suitable files found to check!Keine passenden Dateien zum Überprüfen gefunden!
+ Quick Filter:Schnellfilter:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -917,7 +932,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
Möchten Sie stattdessen diese öffnen?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -926,73 +941,73 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not foundDatei nicht gefunden
+ Bad XMLFehlerhaftes XML
+ Missing attributeFehlendes Attribut
+ Bad attribute valueFalscher Attributwert
+ Duplicate platform typePlattformtyp doppelt
+ Platform type redefinedPlattformtyp neu definiert
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
%2Laden der ausgewählten Bibliothek '%1' schlug fehl. %2
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.Laden von %1 fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Cppcheck-Installation ist defekt. Sie können --data-dir=<Verzeichnis> als Kommandozeilenparameter verwenden, um anzugeben, wo die Datei sich befindet.
+ LicenseLizenz
+ AuthorsAutoren
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML-Dateien Version 2 (*.xml);;XML-Dateien Version 1 (*.xml);;Textdateien (*.txt);;CSV-Dateien (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileSpeichert die Berichtdatei
+ XML files (*.xml)XML-Dateien (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -1001,49 +1016,48 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
Dies wurde vermutlich durch einen Wechsel der Cppcheck-Version hervorgerufen. Bitte prüfen (und korrigieren) Sie die Einstellungen, andernfalls könnte die Editor-Anwendung nicht korrekt starten.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!Sie müssen die Projektdatei schließen, bevor Sie neue Dateien oder Verzeichnisse auswählen!
+ Select files to checkDateien zum Überprüfen auswählen
- C/C++ Source (%1)
- C/C++-Code (%1)
+ C/C++-Code (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
%2Die Bibliothek '%1' enthält unbekannte Elemente:
+ Unsupported formatNicht unterstütztes Format
+ Unknown elementUnbekanntes Element
+ Unknown issueUnbekannter Fehler
+ ErrorFehler
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1052,12 +1066,12 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report fileBerichtdatei öffnen
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1066,59 +1080,69 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
Möchten Sie die Prüfung abbrechen und Cppcheck beenden?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XML-Dateien Version 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XML-Dateien Version 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Textdateien (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV-Dateien (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Projektdateien (*.cppcheck);;Alle Dateien(*.*)
+ Select Project FileProjektdatei auswählen
+ Project:Projekt:
+ Select Project FilenameProjektnamen auswählen
+ No project file loadedKeine Projektdatei geladen
+ The project file
@@ -1205,18 +1229,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.Projektdatei konnte nicht gelesen werden.
+ Could not write the project file.Projektdatei konnte nicht geschrieben werden.
@@ -1234,95 +1258,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'Definitionen müssen mit einem Semikolon getrennt werden.
+ Root:Wurzelverzeichnis:
+ Libraries:Bibliotheken:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.Hinweis: Legen Sie eigene .cfg-Dateien in den Ordner der Projektdatei. Dann sollten sie oben sichtbar werden.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Pfade:
+ Add...Hinzufügen...
+ EditBearbeiten
+ RemoveEntfernen
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Includes
+ Includes
- Include directories:
- Include-Verzeichnisse:
+ Include-Verzeichnisse:
+ UpAuf
+ DownAb
+ ExcludeAusschließen
+ SuppressionsFehlerunterdrückungen
+ Suppression list:Fehlerunterdrückungsliste:
+ AddHinzufügen
+ Defines:Definitionen:
@@ -1335,27 +1405,47 @@ Options:
Projektdatei: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directoryWähle Include-Verzeichnisse
+ Select a directory to checkWähle zu prüfendes Verzeichnis
+ Select directory to ignoreWähle zu ignorierendes Verzeichnis
+ Add SuppressionFehlerunterdrückung hinzufügen
+ Select error id suppress:Wähle Fehler-ID zum Unterdrücken:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_es.ts b/gui/cppcheck_es.ts
index 975ad51ff..962d56db0 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_es.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_es.ts
@@ -409,16 +409,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ InformationInformación
@@ -876,75 +876,90 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
Mostrar &ocultos
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
+ No suitable files found to check!¡No se han encontrado ficheros para comprobar!
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!¡Tienes que cerrar el proyecto antes de seleccionar nuevos ficheros o carpetas!
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select directory to checkSelecciona una carpeta para comprobar
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ File not foundArchivo no encontrado
+ Bad XMLXML malformado
+ Missing attributeFalta el atributo
+ Bad attribute value
+ Unsupported formatFormato no soportado
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ XML files (*.xml)Archivos XML (*.xml)
+ Open the report fileAbrir informe
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -953,42 +968,37 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
¿Quieres parar la comprobación y salir del Cppcheck?
+ LicenseLicencia
+ AuthorsAutores
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)Archivos XML versión 2 (*.xml);;Archivos XML versión 1 (*.xml);;Archivos de texto (*.txt);;Archivos CSV (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileGuardar informe
+ Quick Filter:Filtro rápido:
+ Select files to checkSelecciona los archivos a comprobar
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -997,7 +1007,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
¿Quiere cargar este fichero de proyecto en su lugar?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -1006,39 +1016,39 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
%2La biblioteca '%1' contiene elementos deconocidos:
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ ErrorError
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1047,59 +1057,69 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)Archivos XML versión 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)Archivos XML versión 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Ficheros de texto (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)Ficheros CVS (*.cvs)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Ficheros de proyecto (*.cppcheck;;Todos los ficheros (*.*)
+ Select Project FileSelecciona el archivo de proyecto
+ Project:Proyecto:
+ Select Project FilenameSelecciona el nombre del proyecto
+ No project file loadedNo hay ningún proyecto cargado
+ The project file
@@ -1177,18 +1197,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.No se ha podido leer el fichero.
+ Could not write the project file.No se ha podido escribir el fichero de proyecto.
@@ -1206,95 +1226,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:Raíz:
+ Libraries:Bibliotecas:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.Nota: Ponga sus propios archivos .cfg en la misma carpeta que el proyecto. Debería verlos arriba.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Rutas:
+ Add...Añadir...
+ EditEditar
+ RemoveEliminar
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Incluir
+ Incluir
- Include directories:
- Incluir los directorios:
+ Incluir los directorios:
+ UpSubir
+ DownBajar
+ ExcludeExcluir
+ SuppressionsSupresiones
+ Suppression list:Lista de supresiones:
+ AddAñadir
+ Defines:Definiciones:
@@ -1307,27 +1373,47 @@ Options:
Archivo de proyecto: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directorySelecciona una carpeta para incluir
+ Select a directory to checkSelecciona la carpeta a comprobar
+ Select directory to ignoreSelecciona la carpeta a ignorar
+ Add SuppressionAñadir supresión
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_fi.ts b/gui/cppcheck_fi.ts
index e91d18b9b..47c645ecb 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_fi.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_fi.ts
@@ -412,16 +412,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -612,8 +612,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Information
@@ -879,222 +879,242 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkValitse tarkistettava hakemisto
+ No suitable files found to check!Tarkistettavaksi sopivia tiedostoja ei löytynyt!
+ Quick Filter:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ LicenseLisenssi
+ AuthorsTekijät
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML-tiedostot (*.xml);;Tekstitiedostot (*.txt);;CSV-tiedostot (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileTallenna raportti
+ XML files (*.xml)XML-tiedostot (*xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!
+ Select files to checkValitse tarkistettavat tiedostot
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ Unsupported format
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report file
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Tekstitiedostot (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)
+ Select Project File
+ Project:
+ Select Project Filename
+ No project file loaded
+ The project file
@@ -1162,18 +1182,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.
+ Could not write the project file.
@@ -1191,95 +1211,133 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:
+ Add...
+ Edit
+ Remove
- Includes
+ Include Paths:
- Include directories:
+ Up
+ Down
+ Exclude
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:
@@ -1292,27 +1350,47 @@ Options:
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directory
+ Select a directory to check
+ Select directory to ignore
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_fr.ts b/gui/cppcheck_fr.ts
index 3dbe311d8..8cb9d80c9 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_fr.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_fr.ts
@@ -881,10 +881,6 @@ Options:
&Recheck all files&Revérifier tous les fichiers
- C/C++ Source (%1)
- Unknown element
@@ -893,6 +889,26 @@ Options:
Unknown issue
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ Platforms
@@ -968,11 +984,11 @@ Options:
- Inclusions
+ InclusionsInclude directories:
- Inclure les répertoires
+ Inclure les répertoiresRoot:
@@ -1014,6 +1030,46 @@ Options:
Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Include Paths:
+ ProjectFileDialog
@@ -1041,6 +1097,22 @@ Options:
Select error id suppress:
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ QDialogButtonBox
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_it.ts b/gui/cppcheck_it.ts
index 9edf21f11..cd45d7311 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_it.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_it.ts
@@ -421,16 +421,16 @@ Parametri: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -621,8 +621,8 @@ Parametri: -l(line) (file)
+ InformationInformazione
@@ -888,22 +888,37 @@ Parametri: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkSeleziona una cartella da scansionare
+ No suitable files found to check!Nessun file trovato idoneo alla scansione!
+ Quick Filter:Rapido filtro:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -912,7 +927,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
Vuoi piuttosto caricare questo file di progetto?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -921,68 +936,68 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Unsupported format
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ LicenseLicenza
+ AuthorsAutori
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)File XML Versione 2 (*.xml);;File XML Versione 1 (*.xml);;File di testo (*.txt);;File CSV (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileSalva il file di rapporto
+ XML files (*.xml)File XML (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -991,53 +1006,48 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
Probabilmente ciò è avvenuto perché le impostazioni sono state modificate tra le versioni di Cppcheck. Per favore controlla (e sistema) le impostazioni delle applicazioni editor, altrimenti il programma editor può non partire correttamente.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!Devi chiudere il file di progetto prima di selezionare nuovi file o cartelle!
+ Select files to checkSeleziona i file da scansionare
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1046,12 +1056,12 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report fileApri il file di rapporto
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1060,27 +1070,37 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
Vuoi fermare la scansione ed uscire da Cppcheck?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)Files XML versione 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)Files XML versione 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)File di testo (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)Files CSV (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
@@ -1097,34 +1117,34 @@ The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dial
L'interfaccia utente è stata risettata in Inglese. Apri la finestra di dialogo Preferenze per selezionare una qualunque lingua a disposizione.
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Files di progetto (*.cppcheck);;Tutti i files(*.*)
+ Select Project FileSeleziona il file di progetto
+ Project:Progetto:
+ Select Project FilenameSeleziona il nome del file di progetto
+ No project file loadedNessun file di progetto caricato
+ The project file
@@ -1202,18 +1222,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.Non è stato possibile leggere il file di progetto.
+ Could not write the project file.Non è stato possibile scrivere il file di progetto.
@@ -1231,95 +1251,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:Root:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Percorsi:
+ Add...Aggiungi...
+ EditModifica
+ RemoveRimuovi
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Inclusioni
+ Inclusioni
- Include directories:
- Cartelle di inclusione:
+ Cartelle di inclusione:
+ UpSu
+ DownGiù
+ ExcludeEscludi
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:Definizioni:
@@ -1332,27 +1398,47 @@ Options:
File di progetto: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directorySeleziona la cartella da includere
+ Select a directory to checkSeleziona una cartella da scansionare
+ Select directory to ignoreSeleziona la cartella da ignorare
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_ja.ts b/gui/cppcheck_ja.ts
index fb77def7b..6768f58e2 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_ja.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_ja.ts
@@ -430,16 +430,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Information情報
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -910,37 +910,51 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
+ No suitable files found to check!解析可能なファイルではありません
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!新しいファイル/ディレクトリを解析するには現在のプロジェクトを閉じてください
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select directory to checkチェック対象のディレクトリを選択
+ Quick Filter:クイックフィルタ:
+ Select files to checkチェック対象のファイルを選択
- C/C++ Source (%1)
- C/C++ ソース (%1)
+ C/C++ ソース (%1)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -949,7 +963,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -959,74 +973,74 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
%2このライブラリ '%1' には不明要素が含まれています。
+ File not foundファイルがありません
+ Bad XML不正なXML
+ Missing attribute属性がありません
+ Bad attribute value不正な属性があります
+ Unsupported formatサポートされていないフォーマット
+ Duplicate platform typeプラットフォームの種類が重複しています
+ Platform type redefinedプラットフォームの種類が再定義されました
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
%2選択したライブラリの読み込みに失敗しました '%1'
+ Errorエラー
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.%1の読み込みに失敗しました。CppCheckのインストールに失敗しています。コマンドライン引数に --data-dir=<directory> を指定して、このファイルの場所を指定してください。
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1035,17 +1049,17 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ XML files (*.xml)XML ファイル (*.xml)
+ Open the report fileレポートを開く
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1054,80 +1068,90 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
+ Licenseライセンス
+ Authors作者
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML ファイル (*.xml);;テキストファイル (*.txt);;CSV形式ファイル (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileレポートを保存
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XMLファイルのバージョン1
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XMLファイルのバージョン2
+ Text files (*.txt)テキストファイル (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV形式ファイル (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)プロジェクトファイル (*.cppcheck);;すべてのファイル(*.*)
+ Select Project Fileプロジェクトファイルを選択
+ Project:プロジェクト:
+ Select Project Filenameプロジェクトファイル名を選択
+ No project file loadedプロジェクトファイルが読み込まれていません
+ The project file
@@ -1211,18 +1235,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.プロジェクトファイルが読み込めませんでした
+ Could not write the project file.プロジェクトファイルが保存できませんでした
@@ -1240,95 +1264,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'定義(Define)はセミコロン';'で区切る必要があります。
+ Root:ルート:
+ Libraries:ライブラリ
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.カスタマイズした cfgファイルを同じフォルダにプロジェクトファイルとして保存してください。ここに表示できるようになります。
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:パス:
+ Add...追加...
+ Edit編集
+ Remove取り除く
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- インクルード
+ インクルード
- Include directories:
- インクルードディレクトリ:
+ インクルードディレクトリ:
+ Up上
+ Down下
+ Exclude除外する
+ Suppressions指摘の抑制
+ Suppression list:抑制リスト
+ Add追加
+ Defines:定義(Defines):
@@ -1341,27 +1411,47 @@ Options:
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directoryincludeディレクトリを選択
+ Select a directory to checkチェックするディレクトリを選択してください
+ Select directory to ignore除外するディレクトリを選択してください
+ Add Suppression抑制する指摘を追加
+ Select error id suppress:抑制するエラーID(error id)を選択してください
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_ko.ts b/gui/cppcheck_ko.ts
index b5f5b6571..33d2db5de 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_ko.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_ko.ts
@@ -927,10 +927,6 @@ Options:
&Recheck all files
- C/C++ Source (%1)
- Unknown element
@@ -939,6 +935,26 @@ Options:
Unknown issue
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ Platforms
@@ -1022,11 +1038,11 @@ Options:
- Includes
+ IncludesInclude directories:
- Include 디렉토리:
+ Include 디렉토리:Up
@@ -1064,6 +1080,46 @@ Options:
Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Include Paths:
+ ProjectFileDialog
@@ -1091,6 +1147,22 @@ Options:
Select error id suppress:
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ QDialogButtonBox
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_nl.ts b/gui/cppcheck_nl.ts
index 62dafba55..65d1e429b 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_nl.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_nl.ts
@@ -422,16 +422,16 @@ Parameters: -l(lijn) (bestand)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ Parameters: -l(lijn) (bestand)
+ InformationInformatie
@@ -889,22 +889,37 @@ Parameters: -l(lijn) (bestand)
+ Select directory to checkSelecteer een map om te controleren
+ No suitable files found to check!Geen geschikte bestanden gevonden om te controleren!
+ Quick Filter:Snel Filter:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -912,7 +927,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
Wilt u dit project laden in plaats van?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -920,64 +935,64 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ LicenseLicentie
+ AuthorsAuteurs
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML bestanden (*.xml);;Tekst bestanden (*.txt);;CSV bestanden (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileRapport opslaan
+ XML files (*.xml)XML bestanden (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -986,58 +1001,53 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
Dit is waarschijnlijk omdat de instellingen zijn gewijzigd tussen de versies van cppcheck. Controleer (en maak) de bewerker instellingen, anders zal de bewerker niet correct starten.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!Je moet project bestanden sluiten voordat je nieuwe bestanden of mappen selekteerd!
+ Select files to checkSelecteer bestanden om te controleren
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ Unsupported format
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1046,12 +1056,12 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report fileOpen het rapport bestand
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1060,59 +1070,69 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
Wil je het controleren stoppen en Cppcheck sluiten?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XML files version 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XML files version 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Tekst bestanden (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV bestanden (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Project bestanden (*.cppcheck);;Alle bestanden(*.*)
+ Select Project FileSelecteer project bestand
+ Project:Project:
+ Select Project FilenameSelecteer project bestandsnaam
+ No project file loadedGeen project bestand geladen
+ The project file
@@ -1212,18 +1232,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.Kon project bestand niet lezen.
+ Could not write the project file.Kon niet naar project bestand schrijven.
@@ -1241,95 +1261,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:Hoofdmap:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Paden:
+ Add...Toevoegen...
+ EditBewerk
+ RemoveVerwijder
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Inclusief
+ Inclusief
- Include directories:
- Include mappen:
+ Include mappen:
+ UpOmhoog
+ DownOmlaag
+ ExcludeExclusief
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:Omschrijft:
@@ -1342,27 +1408,47 @@ Options:
Project Bestand %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directorySelecteer include map
+ Select a directory to checkSelecteer een map om te controleren
+ Select directory to ignoreSelecteer een map om te negeren
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_ru.ts b/gui/cppcheck_ru.ts
index ca7942702..596ee4c9d 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_ru.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_ru.ts
@@ -422,16 +422,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ InformationИнформационные сообщения
@@ -889,22 +889,37 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkВыберите каталог для проверки
+ No suitable files found to check!Не найдено подходящих файлов для проверки!
+ Quick Filter:Быстрый фильтр:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -913,7 +928,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
Вы хотите загрузить этот проект?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -921,70 +936,70 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not foundФайл не найден
+ Bad XMLНекорректный XML
+ Missing attributeПропущен атрибут
+ Bad attribute valueНекорректное значение атрибута
+ Unsupported formatНеподдерживаемый формат
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
%2Не удалось загрузить выбранную библиотеку '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.Не удалось загрузить %1. Установленный Cppcheck поврежден. Вы можете использовать ключ --data-dir=<directory> в командной строке, чтобы указать, где расположен этот файл.
+ LicenseЛицензия
+ AuthorsАвторы
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML файлы версии 2 (*.xml);;XML файлы версии 1 (*.xml);;Текстовые файлы (*.txt);;CSV файлы (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileСохранить файл с отчетом
+ XML files (*.xml)XML-файлы (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -993,54 +1008,49 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
Возможно, это связано с изменениями в версии программы. Пожалуйста, проверьте (и исправьте) настройки приложения.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!Вы должны закрыть проект перед выбором новых файлов или директорий!
+ Select files to checkВыберите файлы для проверки
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
%2Библиотека '%1' содержит неизвестные элементы:
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1049,12 +1059,12 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report fileОткрыть файл с отчетом
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1063,27 +1073,37 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
Вы хотите завершить проверку и выйти?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XML файлы версии 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XML файлы версии 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Текстовые файлы (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV файлы(*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
@@ -1100,34 +1120,34 @@ The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dial
The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dialog to select any of the available languages.
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Файлы проекта (*.cppcheck);;Все файлы(*.*)
+ Select Project FileВыберите файл проекта
+ Project:Проект:
+ Select Project FilenameВыберите имя файла для проекта
+ No project file loadedФайл с проектом не загружен
+ The project file
@@ -1228,18 +1248,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.Не удалось прочитать файл проекта.
+ Could not write the project file.Не удалось записать файл проекта.
@@ -1257,95 +1277,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'Defines должны быть разделены точкой с запятой ';'
+ Root:Корневая директория:
+ Libraries:Библиотеки:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.Note: Положите свои .cfg-файлы в одну директорию с файлом проекта. Вы увидите их сверху.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Пути:
+ Add...Добавить...
+ EditИзменить
+ RemoveУдалить
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Пути для заголовочных файлов
+ Пути для заголовочных файлов
- Include directories:
- Пути для поиска заголовочных файлов:
+ Пути для поиска заголовочных файлов:
+ UpВверх
+ DownВниз
+ ExcludeИсключенные пути
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ AddДобавить
+ Defines:Макросы:
@@ -1358,27 +1424,47 @@ Options:
Файл проекта: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directoryВыберите директорию для поиска заголовочных файлов
+ Select a directory to checkВыберите директорию для проверки
+ Select directory to ignoreВыберите директорию, которую надо проигнорировать
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_sr.ts b/gui/cppcheck_sr.ts
index 5bd1a8179..df439fd98 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_sr.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_sr.ts
@@ -410,16 +410,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Information
@@ -881,221 +881,241 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkSelect directory to check
+ No suitable files found to check!No suitable files found to check!
+ Quick Filter:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ LicenseLicense
+ AuthorsAuthors
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileSave the report file
+ XML files (*.xml)XML files (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!
+ Select files to checkSelect files to check
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ Unsupported format
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report file
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Text files (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)
+ Select Project File
+ Project:
+ Select Project Filename
+ No project file loaded
+ The project file
@@ -1163,18 +1183,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.
+ Could not write the project file.
@@ -1192,95 +1212,133 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:
+ Add...
+ Edit
+ Remove
- Includes
+ Include Paths:
- Include directories:
+ Up
+ Down
+ Exclude
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:
@@ -1293,27 +1351,47 @@ Options:
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directory
+ Select a directory to check
+ Select directory to ignore
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_sv.ts b/gui/cppcheck_sv.ts
index 815de2041..64bb57a0a 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_sv.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_sv.ts
@@ -434,16 +434,16 @@ Parametrar: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ Parametrar: -l(line) (file)
+ InformationInformation
@@ -902,22 +902,37 @@ Parametrar: -l(line) (file)
+ Select directory to checkVälj katalog som skall kontrolleras
+ No suitable files found to check!Inga lämpliga filer hittades!
+ Quick Filter:Snabbfilter:
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -926,7 +941,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
Vill du ladda denna projektfil istället?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -935,69 +950,69 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Unsupported format
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ LicenseLicens
+ AuthorsUtvecklare
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML filer version 2 (*.xml);;XML filer version 1 (*.xml);;Text filer (*.txt);;CSV filer (*.csv)
+ Save the report fileSpara rapport
+ XML files (*.xml)XML filer (*.xml)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -1006,53 +1021,48 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
En trolig orsak är att inställningarna ändrats för olika Cppcheck versioner. Kontrollera programinställningarna.
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!Du måste stänga projektfilen innan nya filer eller sökvägar kan väljas!
+ Select files to checkVälj filer att kontrollera
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Error
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1061,12 +1071,12 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ Open the report fileÖppna rapportfilen
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1075,27 +1085,37 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
Vill du stoppa analysen och avsluta Cppcheck?
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XML filer version 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XML filer version 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)Text filer (*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV filer (*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
@@ -1112,34 +1132,34 @@ The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dial
Språket har nollställts till Engelska. Öppna Preferences och välj något av de tillgängliga språken.
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)Projektfiler (*.cppcheck);;Alla filer(*.*)
+ Select Project FileVälj projektfil
+ Project:Projekt:
+ Select Project FilenameVälj Projektfil
+ No project file loadedInget projekt laddat
+ The project file
@@ -1241,18 +1261,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.Kunde ej läsa projektfilen.
+ Could not write the project file.Kunde ej skriva projektfilen
@@ -1270,95 +1290,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:Rot:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:Sökvägar:
+ Add...Lägg till...
+ EditRedigera
+ RemoveTa bort
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- Include
+ Include
- Include directories:
- Include sökvägar
+ Include sökvägar
+ UpUpp
+ DownNed
+ ExcludeExkludera
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:Defines:
@@ -1371,27 +1437,47 @@ Options:
Projektfil: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directoryVälj include sökväg
+ Select a directory to checkVälj mapp att analysera
+ Select directory to ignoreVälj sökväg att ignorera
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress:
diff --git a/gui/cppcheck_zh_CN.ts b/gui/cppcheck_zh_CN.ts
index 6c8b61f3c..edbd82375 100644
--- a/gui/cppcheck_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/gui/cppcheck_zh_CN.ts
@@ -419,16 +419,16 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ CppcheckCppcheck
@@ -613,8 +613,8 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ Information信息
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ Parameters: -l(line) (file)
+ There was a problem with loading the editor application settings.
This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly.
@@ -895,37 +895,47 @@ This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions
这可能是因为 Cppcheck 不同版本间的设置有所不同。请检查(并修复)编辑器应用程序设置,否则编辑器程序可能不会正确启动。
+ No suitable files found to check!未发现适合检查的文件!
+ You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories!在选择新的文件或目录之前,你必须先关闭此项目文件!
+ C/C++ Source, Compile database, Visual Studio (%1 %2 *.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select directory to check选择目录来检查
+ Quick Filter:快速滤器:
+ Select files to check选择要检查的文件
- C/C++ Source (%1)
+ Select configuration
+ Select the configuration that will be checked
+ Found project file: %1
Do you want to load this project file instead?
@@ -934,7 +944,7 @@ Do you want to load this project file instead?
+ Found project files from the directory.
Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
@@ -943,74 +953,74 @@ Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files?
+ The library '%1' contains unknown elements:
+ File not found
+ Bad XML
+ Missing attribute
+ Bad attribute value
+ Unsupported format
+ Duplicate platform type
+ Platform type redefined
+ Unknown element
+ Unknown issue
+ Failed to load the selected library '%1'.
+ Error
+ Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located.
+ Current results will be cleared.
Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
@@ -1019,17 +1029,17 @@ Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed?
+ XML files (*.xml)XML 文件(*.xml)
+ Open the report file打开报告文件
+ Checking is running.
Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
@@ -1038,48 +1048,58 @@ Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck?
你是否需要停止检查并退出 Cppcheck?
+ License许可证
+ Authors作者
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv)XML 文件版本 2 (*.xml);;XML 文件版本 1 (*.xml);; 文本文件(*.txt);; CSV 文件(*.csv)
+ Save the report file保存报告文件
+ XML files version 1 (*.xml)XML 文件版本 1 (*.xml)
+ Deprecated XML format
+ XML format 1 is deprecated and will be removed in cppcheck 1.81.
+ XML files version 2 (*.xml)XML 文件版本 2 (*.xml)
+ Text files (*.txt)文本文件(*.txt)
+ CSV files (*.csv)CSV 文件(*.csv)
+ Cppcheck - %1Cppcheck - %1
@@ -1096,34 +1116,34 @@ The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dial
+ Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*)项目文件(*.cppcheck);;所有文件(*.*)
+ Select Project File选择项目文件
+ Project:项目:
+ Select Project Filename选择项目文件名
+ No project file loaded项目文件未加载
+ The project file
@@ -1201,18 +1221,18 @@ Options:
+ CppcheckCppcheck
+ Could not read the project file.无法读取项目文件。
+ Could not write the project file.无法写入项目文件。
@@ -1230,95 +1250,141 @@ Options:
+ Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';'
+ Root:根目录:
+ Libraries:
+ Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above.
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio
+Cppcheck can import visual studio solutions and projects.
+Files to check, include paths, configurations, defines, platform settings are imported.
+Library settings are not imported.
+ ...
+ CMake
+ Compile database
+Cppcheck can import files to analyse, include paths, defines from the compile database.
+Platform settings are not provided in compile database and must be configured.
+Library settings are not provided in compile database, be careful about this configuration also.
+ Other
+ Paths:路径:
+ Add...添加...
+ Edit编辑
+ Remove移除
+ Include Paths:
+ Includes
- 包含
+ 包含
- Include directories:
- Include 目录:
+ Include 目录:
+ Up向上
+ Down向下
+ Exclude排除
+ Suppressions
+ Suppression list:
+ Add
+ Defines:定义:
@@ -1331,27 +1397,47 @@ Options:
项目文件: %1
+ Compile Database
+ Compile database (compile_database.json)
+ Visual Studio
+ Visual Studio Solution/Project (*.sln *.vcxproj)
+ Select include directory选择 Include 目录
+ Select a directory to check选择一个检查目录
+ Select directory to ignore选择忽略的目录
+ Add Suppression
+ Select error id suppress: