On some platforms, the 'd_name' field of struct dirent is not a static
fixed-sized array but a "flexarray" (i.e. a single character); in this
situation, 'd_name' points to a buffer allocated somewhere, usually
at the end of the buffer used for dirent (which is then allocated in a
bigger memory). Because of this, creating a struct dirent on stack as
buffer for readdir_r is not enough to store all the memory needed for
a dirent on those platforms.
As result, create an helper union with all the needed space, calculated
statically at build time. NAME_MAX+1 is still not a perfect option, but
it will do the job in the vast majority of cases.
* cppcheck.cpp: Check for JSON error when parsing addon .json files
This fixes that errors in JSON files given via `--addon=*.json` are
silently ignored and maybe only a part of the JSON file is used.
Now the error message which picojson can return is checked and a
corresponding error message is returned again by getAddonInfo().
* naming.json: Fix missing comma
* CLI: Fix naming violations detected by addon naming.py via naming.json
* Addon naming: Add argument for validating names of constants
* LIB: Rename functions/variables so they are valid, loosen naming rules
* GUI: Fix naming violations
The dir_result->d_type == DT_DIR does not work on XFS file systems.
This is fixed by using the FileLister::isDirectory when dir_result->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN.
According to readdir_r documentation, the case where d_type == DT_UNKNOWN should be handled.
- Apply PathMatch in FileLister::recursiveAddFiles() already to avoid touching directories that are ignored (#5775)
- Simplified code to warn about header exclusion; use Path::isHeader() instead of custom header filename detection
- Passed string parameters as const references
- Give correct string size to WinAPI functions (they take the number of characters, not the size in bytes (as used two times) and not the size in bytes plus 1 (as used one time))
- Fixed compiler warning C4293 by hiding the code for 32bit systems
- store result of wcslen(ffd.cFileName) instead of calculating it twice