- Function that stringifies one token: Token::stringify()
- Functions that stringify a list of tokens: Token::stringifyList()
-- Single and powerful "base" function, used by several "light" functions
- testtokenize.cpp and testsimplifytokens.cpp: Use improved stringification functions instead of several local implementations
- Avoided redundand creation of std::string when using TestTokenizer::tokenizeAndStringify and in cmdlineparser.cpp
- Generalized check for inefficient emptiness check to detect !%var%.size() calls also outside of if and while; detect it also for %var%.size() when linked with && or ||.
Refactorizations in CheckStl:
- Removed an indendation counter and an offset variable
- Reduced distance given to tokAt calls in CheckStl::redundantCondition
- Rearranged code in CheckStl::missingComparison to use more efficient comparision of varIds instead of variable names. Use varId in pattern instead of variable name.
- Improved message of stlIfStrFind according to discussion on github (77d9ed1877)
- Generalized pattern for substr in CheckStl::uselessCalls; added check for substr calls like ".substr(%any%,0)" which result in an empty string.
- Added support for comparision of bool constant with number constant (-> fixed#1877) and integer variable with boolean expression
- Moved a check from checkComparisonOfBoolWithInt to checkComparisonOfBoolExpressionWithInt
- Generalized some patterns
- Made error message more accurate concnerning the "neither 0 nor 1" part.
- Reduced number of Token::Match calls
- Use more generic patterns
- Look on operator precedence more consequently
-> Made a TODO test case from a test case that worked previously, because the calculation is simplified so that the problem isn't detected any more.
Changed comment "Coding style checks" to "Checks", because it didn't fit
- Increased encapsulation by making some functions private
- Removed redundant function CheckBufferOverrun::ArrayInfo::declare
- Avoided copy of ArrayInfo object
- Removed unnecessary and suspicious "if(sizeof(int) == 4)"