Use dmake to generate a test/testfiles.pri with all the files
containing tests. The testfiles.pri is included by the test/,
which compiles the test runner. This automates the test file listing
instead of former way to hand-edit the file list.
Fixes ticket #3885 (dmake needs to create a list of test files for qmake)
Updated VS9 solution
New VS10 solution that builds cppcheck into a dll used by cli and testrunner.
Functional changes and advantages of new solution:
- Share code between testrunner and cli; ability to share code with gui as well (not yet implemented)
- Files of /lib are no longer compiled twice (should improve build time on single core machines)
- Added configuration for building with PCRE support
- Executables are build into /bin (/bin/debug in debug mode) folder (Should no longer require rebuild when switching between debug and release)
- Completely x64 compatible (contains also x64-debug configuration now)
- Implemented consistent behaviour of Variable::typeStartToken/typeEndToken: Skip const and static on all variables.
- Simplified patterns containing "static|" or "const|" when matching typeStartToken.
Refactorized usage of SymbolDatabase in checkOther:
- Don't copy Function instances in checkExpressionRange
- Simplifications by more accurate usage of information in database
- More accurate usage of symbolDatabase to reduce code and false negatives
- Avoided unnecessary construction of pattern string
- Only search for class/struct definition before usage
- File I/O without positioning function call (#1742)
- Read/Write to a file that was opened for writing/reading (#463)
- Operations on closed file
Old fflushOnInputStream check is now part of the new check.
- Implement createOnly mode in givenACodeSampleToTokenize so that only createTokens is called instead of tokenize
-> Ensures that no simplifications are done which could make the testing basic functions (like Token::Match) less accurate. We often don't need this simplifications in testtoken.cpp.
-> Ensures that no validation of the source is done (Fix#2104)
- reduced overhead of givenACodeSampleToTokenize: Don't store a std::istringstream instance, avoid creation of std::string when ctor is called
- Moved all test cases to a single file (testconstructors.cpp)
- Removed some redundant test cases that became unnecessary after the symbolDatabase was established as independant from this check
- Added support for pointers in self assignement check
- Removed redundant for loop in checknullpointer.cpp
- Fixed warning about signed/unsigned mismatch in cppcheck.cpp by making Settings::_maxConfig unsigned
- Moved complete evaluation of variables type into one function executed when the variable is constructed
- Moved SymbolDatabase::ArrayDimensions to Variable::ArrayDimensions
- Print "inconclusive" tag in cli
- Fixed inconclusive handling in checkbufferoverrun.cpp
- Merged reportInconclusiveError into reportError by adding an additional parameter "bool inconclusive" which is false per default
- Use symbolDatabase more often to increase performance and accuracy.
- Replaced indendation counter
- Replaced custom stringify implementation
Benchmark results (sqlite checking):
4% complete, 7% on "Memory leaks (function variables)", 9% on "Memory leaks (address not taken)" and 82% on "Memory leaks (struct members)"
- Skip struct keywords in argument list so that Variables declared like "Struct Foo bar" get a type
- Remvoved redundant argument from Function::addArguments
- Set Function::functionScope for global functions
- Replaced some indendation counters by Token::findClosingBracket
- Replace _isNumber, _isName, _isBoolean attributes by a single _type attribute (enum Token::Type), because not two of the old booleans could be true at the same time.
-> Add support for lots of different other kinds of tokens. (More precise checking of token type possible)
-> Replaced instant checking of type for Operators, etc. by a value calculated at creation time. (Faster checking)
- Removed local isVirtual implementation in checkclass.cpp, use Function::isImplicitlyVirtual instead
- Don't bailout when we see C++-style casts in checkConst
- Don't bailout for this pattern "any << member << any"
- Improved/Fixed some test cases (-> #1305)
- Replaced Scope::access by a locally stored std::map, because its a temporary status variable that is only necessary when creating the symboldatabase
- Moved SymbolDatabase::argsMatch to Function::argsMatch, because its function specific
- Improved Scope::findClosingBracket: Improved reliability, made it static and faster
- Removed redundant tokenization helper functions in testtokenize.cpp and testsimplifytokens.cpp
- Pass arguments as const char[] or const std::string& to avoid instanciation or at least copying of strings
- Removed redundant calls to Tokenizer::validate() - This function is already called implicitly by tokenize() and simplifyTokenList()
- Function that stringifies one token: Token::stringify()
- Functions that stringify a list of tokens: Token::stringifyList()
-- Single and powerful "base" function, used by several "light" functions
- testtokenize.cpp and testsimplifytokens.cpp: Use improved stringification functions instead of several local implementations
- Avoided redundand creation of std::string when using TestTokenizer::tokenizeAndStringify and in cmdlineparser.cpp
- Generalized check for inefficient emptiness check to detect !%var%.size() calls also outside of if and while; detect it also for %var%.size() when linked with && or ||.
Refactorizations in CheckStl:
- Removed an indendation counter and an offset variable
- Reduced distance given to tokAt calls in CheckStl::redundantCondition
- Rearranged code in CheckStl::missingComparison to use more efficient comparision of varIds instead of variable names. Use varId in pattern instead of variable name.
- Improved message of stlIfStrFind according to discussion on github (77d9ed1877)
- Generalized pattern for substr in CheckStl::uselessCalls; added check for substr calls like ".substr(%any%,0)" which result in an empty string.
- Added support for comparision of bool constant with number constant (-> fixed#1877) and integer variable with boolean expression
- Moved a check from checkComparisonOfBoolWithInt to checkComparisonOfBoolExpressionWithInt
- Generalized some patterns
- Made error message more accurate concnerning the "neither 0 nor 1" part.
- Reduced number of Token::Match calls
- Use more generic patterns
- Look on operator precedence more consequently
-> Made a TODO test case from a test case that worked previously, because the calculation is simplified so that the problem isn't detected any more.
Changed comment "Coding style checks" to "Checks", because it didn't fit
- Increased encapsulation by making some functions private
- Removed redundant function CheckBufferOverrun::ArrayInfo::declare
- Avoided copy of ArrayInfo object
- Removed unnecessary and suspicious "if(sizeof(int) == 4)"
- Bailout on expanded macros for conclusive checking
- Support for more operators
- Removed indendation counter
Improved checkSignOfUnsignedVariable:
- Made the patterns more generic
- Improved verbose error message (-> Fixed#3080)
Implemented support for linkage between < and > (Information: It is possible that under certain circumstances comparision operators are linked, since its sometimes difficult to separate between them.)
Improvements to CheckUnusedVar:
- Improved handling of arrays of struct/class instances
- Differ between addressof and bitwise-and operator
- Made some members private to improve encapsulation
- Replaced some simple patterns by direct function calls
- Removed an unnecessary condition
- Replaced || by %oror% in Token::Match patterns
- Replaced some simple patterns by direct comparisions, replaced Match call with simpleMatch
- Increased data encapsulation by making more members private in CheckNullpointer
- Added a lot of additional pattern
- Rewrote error messages to make them more understandable and better fitting to the situation. (Fixed#3664)
- Cleanup in unit tests
Improved message of static string comparision check
Fixed false negative on argument count of fnprintf/snprintf when first variable argument is a string. (#3655)
Uncommented call of virtualDestructorError in getErrorMessages in checkclass.h
- Rearranged code in checkother.h to make ordering more consistent and to increase encapsulation of private data
- Replaced some single-token-patterns
Refactorizations in checkother.cpp:
- Make use of symboldabase instead of: indentation counters, manual detection of variable declarations
- Removed some indexing variables to reduce calls to tokAt and the numbers given to this function
- Use tok->nextArgument() to jump to a specific argument
- Added support for checking a few more code patterns
- Simplified code by using more information from the symboldatabase
- Moved redundant part of c_str-check to checkstl
Two fixes according to output of pvs studio in testsimplifytokens.cpp
Detect sign extension problems when variable is a reference (#3637)
- Tokenizer::getFiles returns a reference instead of a pointer, because its guaranteed that no nullpointer is returned
- Remove signed/unsigned in one step for "%type% signed|unsigned"
- Fixed recently introduced compiler warning in symboldatabase.cpp
- Added performance checking for .c_str() for return values and function parameters (#1079)
- Added more containers (basic_string, C++11 containers) and more functions to checking (.at, .resize, .reserve, ...)
- Make use of symboldatabase in missingComparision check
- Fixed#3628
- Added support for friend
Improved symbol database:
- friend scopes are now set
- Added findScopeByName function
- Removed some unnecessary "virtual" keywords
- Removed unnecessary _filename member variable, pass it as argument instead
- Made CppCheck::replaceAll static, since it is independant from a specific CppCheck instance, Pass string to be modified by reference
-- Use MathLib::toLongNumber for conversion in tokenizer (Fix#3610)
-- Handle octal numbers in tokenizer
- Refactorizations in MathLib::toLongNumber and Settings