* cleaned up compiler options related code in CMake
* moved cmake_minimum_required() and raised to latest 2.8.x version
* use proper compiler version check / print compiler version
* fixed linking of sanitized builds
* added proper version checks to newer Clang warnings and enabled them / moved tinyxml_objs flags to proper compiler
* disabled -Wdeprecated-declarations for Clang
* compileroptions.cmake: removed unnecessary check for clang++ existence - CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID is determined by CMake
* printInfo.cmake: removed unnecessary message for ANALYZE_ADDRESS - LSAN is part of ASAN and enabled by default
* cleaned up if() comparisons in CMake
* added/adjusted TODOs
* lib: isNonBoolStdType no longer needed
lib/checkbool.cpp:50:13: warning: unused function 'isNonBoolStdType'
static bool isNonBoolStdType(const Variable* var)
* cmake: C++11 is required
also change instructions to a more common syntax