Further to pull request #1938. Changes were missed in previous commit.
Resolve warnings `warning: zero as null pointer constant` in code by
using C++ 11 recommended `nullptr`.
Sources were built with Clang but with increased verbosity of error detection.
A number of syntax and semantic warnings were encountered. Commit adds
changes to correct these warnings.
Some changes involve removing extra, and unncessary, semi-colons at EOL
(e.g. at end of switch clause).
Project astyle settings are not currently setup to detect if a file is to
have an extra carriage return after the last line of data. Two files were
altered to ensure an extra carriage return.
An advisory to enhance code was encountered in triage code. Clang advisory
on a for-loop interation value suggested that:
`use reference type 'const QString &' to prevent copying`
Building with enhanced clang warnings indicated a large number of
instances with the warning:
`warning: zero as null pointer constant`
Recommended practice in C++11 is to use `nullptr` as value for
a NULL or empty pointer value. All instances where this warning
was encountered were corrected in this commit.
Where warning was encountered in dependency code (i.e. external library)
no chnages were made. Patching will be offered upstream.
Functionality for `copy` and `select all` text already exists as part
of widget construction. Commit adds connection of those existing
functions to execution with keyboard shortcuts user would normally expect.
(e.g. CTRL+C for copy text)
Qt does translation of keyboard shortcuts for platform
(i.e. Mac OS uses command key rather than control).
Building on #1874, commit adds user controls to choose
or edit style in cppcheck-gui ONLY. Commit does not
address CodeEditor style usage in triage app at this time.
Code Editor style can be altered from the added "Code Editor"
tab in the user preferences. The user has the option to select
default light, default dark, or to customize.
If user leaves the style set to light or dark defaults, this
will be reflected in the choices shown in the preferences
User choice for Code Editor Style is saved in the cppcheck-gui
preferences under the heading "EditorStyle".
* CodeEditor Widget Styling
With profileration of Qt5 styling methods, problems with presentation
can occur when using cppcheck-gui and user choosen themes. With a dark
theme, a highlighted line in the CodeEditor appears with white text on
a light background or dark colors on a dark background.
Commit makes changes to enforce a default style on the Code Editor widget.
Mechanism is provided, if desired, where a user defined styling can
be provided to CodeEditor widget.
* CodeEditor Widget Styling
With profileration of Qt5 styling methods, problems with presentation
can occur when using cppcheck-gui and user choosen themes. With a dark
theme, a highlighted line in the CodeEditor appears with white text on
a light background or dark colors on a dark background.
Commit makes changes to enforce a default style on the Code Editor widget.
Mechanism is provided, if desired, where a user defined styling can
be provided to CodeEditor widget.
2nd commit - remove declarations in gui/codeeditorstyle.h to possibly
resolve appveyor window builds.
Compile of gui would result in repeated warnings from two conditions:
1) gui/erroritem.h:104:30: warning: extra ‘;’ [-Wpedantic]
Message points to Qt Macro Q_DECLARE_METATYPE usage.
Semi Colon at EOL removed.
2) gui/resultstree.h:201:10: warning [-Woverloaded-virtual]
Message is indicating that function ResultsTree::selectionChanged
is being iterpreted as overloading function of the same name
in base clase (QTreeView::selectionChanged).
Refactored - function renamed to ResultsTree::treeSelectionChanged
Update CMake search for Qt5 componets to be consistent
with recommended practice from Kitware.
(see https://blog.kitware.com/cmake-finding-qt5-the-right-way/)
Incorporate ability to build cppcheck-gui with Qt Charts
via CMake switch. Option "WITH_QCHARTS" will enable
search for Qt Charts to Qt5 component search and add
build flag "HAVE_QCHART".
- CLI: Save the libraries that should be loaded to a list and load them
after the std.cfg has been loaded.
- GUI: Load std.cfg (and windows.cfg / posix.cfg when applicable) before
setting other options and loading the other libraries.
In the project-file-dialog the std.cfg is searched first. If some
other library fails to load is is retried with first loading std.cfg.
- boost.cfg: Enable containers that depend on std containers.