* lib: isNonBoolStdType no longer needed
lib/checkbool.cpp:50:13: warning: unused function 'isNonBoolStdType'
static bool isNonBoolStdType(const Variable* var)
* cmake: C++11 is required
also change instructions to a more common syntax
From CMake Docs( https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.html ),
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS may not be defined. This can result in printinfo.cmake outputing
variable without a value. A conditional is applied to ensure that some output is
provided to the user should variable not be defined.
Removed explicit C++ standard flag. Any setting user would add on the command
line would be replaced due to ordering. `-std=c++0x` would be last value added
to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and ultimately the one used by the compiler.
Update CMake search for Qt5 componets to be consistent
with recommended practice from Kitware.
(see https://blog.kitware.com/cmake-finding-qt5-the-right-way/)
Incorporate ability to build cppcheck-gui with Qt Charts
via CMake switch. Option "WITH_QCHARTS" will enable
search for Qt Charts to Qt5 component search and add
build flag "HAVE_QCHART".
* build: remove -Wabi and add -Wundef
gcc >= 8 throws a warning about -Wabi (without a specific ABI version)
being ignored, while -Wundef seems more useful (as shown by the change
in config.h, which was probably an unfortunate typo)
travis.yaml should probably be updated soon, but was left out from this
change as the current images don't yet need it
* lib: unused function in valueflow
refactored out since 8c03be3212
lib/valueflow.cpp:3124:21: warning: unused function 'endTemplateArgument' [-Wunused-function]
* readme: include picojson
* make: also clean exe
* Add CFGDIR as CMake variable
Adds CFGDIR as a CMake variable.
Previously CFGDIR was hardcoded.
* Add CFGDIR as CMake variable
Adds CFGDIR as a CMake variable.
Previously CFGDIR was hardcoded.
* added CLion project folder to .gitignore
* adjusted project name in CMakeLists.txt
* avoid warning when compiling "Debug" with Visual Studio via CMake
There was a GCC-style compiler flag in the common flags in compileroptions.cmake which caused the following warning:
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-O0'
* compileroptions.cmake: restored original formatting