
Number of threads
Number of threads to use in analysis. Each thread checks its own source file.

Force checking of all #ifdef configurations
Cppcheck try to check all code and will therefore guess different preprocessor configurations. The maximum number of configurations that is checked is 14 by default.

Show full path of files
Show the full paths in the results.

Show "No errors found" message when no errors found
If you want to get a message box about this.

Display error id column "Id"
Show error id in results

Enable inline suppressions
You can suppress warnings with comments. See the Cppcheck manual ( for more information about inline suppressions.

Check for inconclusive errors also
When full analysis of the code can not determine if there should be a warning or not, it is inconclusive. Normally Cppcheck does not warn then.

Show statistics on check completion
Show statistics in a window when analysis finish.

Show internal warnings in log
Internal warnings (for debugging) is shown in the Analysis log.

Configure external editor to open from context menu when you right click on a warning.

Save all errors when creating report
If hidden warnings should be saved or not.

Save full path to files in report
If you use Root path the warnings on the screen will not have the full path.

Configure language to use for GUI.

Python binary
To be able to execute addons, Cppcheck needs to know where python is. Unless you configure something, Cppcheck will try to execute python in your PATH.

MISRA rule texts
Only needed if you want to use the MISRA addon. Cppcheck is not legally allowed to distribute the MISRA rule texts and these must be provided by users. The MISRA rule texts are proprietary. An example rule text file:

Appendix A Summary of guidelines
Rule 1.1
Text of rule 1.1
Rule 1.2
Text of rule 1.2

Clang path
The path to clang binary. If no path is provided then system PATH is used.

Visual studio headers
If you want to use the Visual Studio headers in the analysis you can provide the path(s) here. Hint: Open a visual studio command prompt and type SET INCLUDE. Then copy/paste the paths.

Code editor style
The visual theme to use for the code editor that is used when you investigate results.