#!/bin/bash # # uncrustify-0.72 is used to format cppcheck source code. # # 1. Download source code: https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify/archive/refs/tags/uncrustify-0.72.0.zip # It's important that all Cppcheck developers use the exact same version so we don't get a "format battle". # 2. Building: # - Linux: mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make # - Windows: mkdir build && cd build && cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && nmake # 3. Ensure that the binary "uncrustify" is found by runformat. Either: # - you can put uncrustify in your PATH # - you can create an environment variable UNCRUSTIFY that has the full path of the binary UNCRUSTIFY_VERSION="0.72.0" UNCRUSTIFY="${UNCRUSTIFY-uncrustify}" DETECTED_VERSION=$("$UNCRUSTIFY" --version 2>&1 | grep -o -E '[0-9.]+') if [ "$DETECTED_VERSION" != "${UNCRUSTIFY_VERSION}" ]; then echo "You should use version: ${UNCRUSTIFY_VERSION}" echo "Detected version: ${DETECTED_VERSION}" exit 1 fi # OS variables [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ] && export OSX=1 && export UNIX=1 [ $(uname -s) = "Linux" ] && export LINUX=1 && export UNIX=1 uname -s | grep -q "_NT-" && export WINDOWS=1 if [ $OSX ] then export CPUCOUNT=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) elif [ $LINUX ] then export CPUCOUNT=$(nproc) else export CPUCOUNT="1" fi function formatCplusplus { find $1 -iname '*.h' \ -o -iname '*.c' \ -o -iname '*.cpp' \ | xargs -n 1 -P $CPUCOUNT -I{} -t $UNCRUSTIFY -c .uncrustify.cfg --no-backup {} } formatCplusplus cli/ formatCplusplus democlient/ formatCplusplus gui/ formatCplusplus lib/ formatCplusplus oss-fuzz/ formatCplusplus test/ formatCplusplus tools/ formatCplusplus samples/