/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "checkthread.h" #include "erroritem.h" #include "threadresult.h" #include "cppcheck.h" #include "common.h" CheckThread::CheckThread(ThreadResult &result) : mState(Ready), mResult(result), mCppcheck(result, true), mAnalyseWholeProgram(false) { //ctor } CheckThread::~CheckThread() { //dtor } void CheckThread::check(const Settings &settings) { mFiles.clear(); mCppcheck.settings() = settings; start(); } void CheckThread::analyseWholeProgram(const QStringList &files) { mFiles = files; mAnalyseWholeProgram = true; start(); } void CheckThread::run() { mState = Running; if (!mFiles.isEmpty() || mAnalyseWholeProgram) { mAnalyseWholeProgram = false; qDebug() << "Whole program analysis"; const std::string &buildDir = mCppcheck.settings().buildDir; if (!buildDir.empty()) { std::map files2; for (QString file : mFiles) files2[file.toStdString()] = 0; mCppcheck.analyseWholeProgram(buildDir, files2); } mFiles.clear(); emit done(); return; } const QString addonPath = getAddonPath(); QString file = mResult.getNextFile(); while (!file.isEmpty() && mState == Running) { qDebug() << "Checking file" << file; mCppcheck.check(file.toStdString()); runAddonsAndTools(addonPath, nullptr, file); emit fileChecked(file); if (mState == Running) file = mResult.getNextFile(); } ImportProject::FileSettings fileSettings = mResult.getNextFileSettings(); while (!fileSettings.filename.empty() && mState == Running) { file = QString::fromStdString(fileSettings.filename); qDebug() << "Checking file" << file; mCppcheck.check(fileSettings); runAddonsAndTools(addonPath, &fileSettings, QString::fromStdString(fileSettings.filename)); emit fileChecked(file); if (mState == Running) fileSettings = mResult.getNextFileSettings(); } if (mState == Running) mState = Ready; else mState = Stopped; emit done(); } void CheckThread::runAddonsAndTools(const QString &addonPath, const ImportProject::FileSettings *fileSettings, const QString &fileName) { QString dumpFile; foreach (const QString addon, mAddonsAndTools) { if (addon == CLANG_ANALYZER || addon == CLANG_TIDY) { if (!fileSettings) continue; if (!fileSettings->cfg.empty() && fileSettings->cfg.compare(0,5,"Debug") != 0) continue; QStringList args; for (std::list::const_iterator I = fileSettings->includePaths.begin(); I != fileSettings->includePaths.end(); ++I) args << ("-I" + QString::fromStdString(*I)); for (std::list::const_iterator i = fileSettings->systemIncludePaths.begin(); i != fileSettings->systemIncludePaths.end(); ++i) args << "-isystem" << QString::fromStdString(*i); foreach (QString D, QString::fromStdString(fileSettings->defines).split(";")) { args << ("-D" + D); } if (!mClangPath.isEmpty()) { QDir dir(mClangPath + "/../lib/clang"); foreach (QString ver, dir.entryList()) { QString includePath = dir.absolutePath() + '/' + ver + "/include"; if (ver[0] != '.' && QDir(includePath).exists()) { args << "-isystem" << includePath; break; } } } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // To create compile_commands.json in windows see: // https://bitsmaker.gitlab.io/post/clang-tidy-from-vs2015/ foreach (QString includePath, mClangIncludePaths) { if (!includePath.isEmpty()) { includePath.replace("\\", "/"); args << "-isystem" << includePath.trimmed(); } } args << "-U__STDC__" << "-fno-ms-compatibility"; #endif if (!fileSettings->standard.empty()) args << ("-std=" + QString::fromStdString(fileSettings->standard)); else { switch (mCppcheck.settings().standards.cpp) { case Standards::CPP03: args << "-std=c++03"; break; case Standards::CPP11: args << "-std=c++11"; break; case Standards::CPP14: args << "-std=c++14"; break; }; } QString analyzerInfoFile; const std::string &buildDir = mCppcheck.settings().buildDir; if (!buildDir.empty()) { analyzerInfoFile = QString::fromStdString(AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(buildDir, fileSettings->filename, fileSettings->cfg)); const QString cmd(mClangPath.isEmpty() ? QString("clang") : (mClangPath + "/clang.exe")); QStringList args2(args); args2.insert(0,"-E"); args2 << fileName; QProcess process; process.start(cmd,args2); process.waitForFinished(); const QByteArray &ba = process.readAllStandardOutput(); const quint16 chksum = qChecksum(ba.data(), ba.length()); QFile f1(analyzerInfoFile + '.' + addon + "-E"); if (f1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in1(&f1); const quint16 oldchksum = in1.readAll().toInt(); if (oldchksum == chksum) { QFile f2(analyzerInfoFile + '.' + addon + "-results"); if (f2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in2(&f2); parseClangErrors(addon, fileName, in2.readAll()); continue; } } f1.close(); } f1.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out1(&f1); out1 << chksum; QFile::remove(analyzerInfoFile + '.' + addon + "-results"); } if (addon == CLANG_ANALYZER) { /* // Using clang args.insert(0,"--analyze"); args.insert(1, "-Xanalyzer"); args.insert(2, "-analyzer-output=text"); args << fileName; */ // Using clang-tidy args.insert(0,"-checks=-*,clang-analyzer-*"); args.insert(1, fileName); args.insert(2, "--"); } else { args.insert(0,"-checks=*,-clang-analyzer-*,-llvm*"); args.insert(1, fileName); args.insert(2, "--"); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN const QString ext = ".exe"; #else const QString ext = ""; #endif const QString cmd(mClangPath.isEmpty() ? ("clang-tidy" + ext) : (mClangPath + "/clang-tidy" + ext)); { QString debug(cmd.contains(" ") ? ('\"' + cmd + '\"') : cmd); foreach (QString arg, args) { if (arg.contains(" ")) debug += " \"" + arg + '\"'; else debug += ' ' + arg; } qDebug() << debug; if (!analyzerInfoFile.isEmpty()) { QFile f(analyzerInfoFile + '.' + addon + "-cmd"); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << debug; } } } QProcess process; process.start(cmd, args); process.waitForFinished(600*1000); const QString errout(process.readAllStandardOutput() + "\n\n\n" + process.readAllStandardError()); if (!analyzerInfoFile.isEmpty()) { QFile f(analyzerInfoFile + '.' + addon + "-results"); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << errout; } } parseClangErrors(addon, fileName, errout); } else { QString a; if (QFileInfo(addonPath + '/' + addon + ".py").exists()) a = addonPath + '/' + addon + ".py"; else if (QFileInfo(addonPath + '/' + addon + '/' + addon + ".py").exists()) a = addonPath + '/' + addon + '/' + addon + ".py"; else continue; if (dumpFile.isEmpty()) { const std::string buildDir = mCppcheck.settings().buildDir; mCppcheck.settings().buildDir.clear(); mCppcheck.settings().dump = true; if (!buildDir.empty()) { mCppcheck.settings().dumpFile = AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(buildDir, fileName.toStdString(), fileSettings ? fileSettings->cfg : std::string()) + ".dump"; dumpFile = QString::fromStdString(mCppcheck.settings().dumpFile); } else { dumpFile = fileName + ".dump"; } if (fileSettings) mCppcheck.check(*fileSettings); else mCppcheck.check(fileName.toStdString()); mCppcheck.settings().dump = false; mCppcheck.settings().dumpFile.clear(); mCppcheck.settings().buildDir = buildDir; } const QString python = mPythonPath.isEmpty() ? QString("python") : mPythonPath; QStringList args; args << a << dumpFile; qDebug() << python << args; QProcess process; process.start(python, args); process.waitForFinished(); const QString errout(process.readAllStandardError()); QFile f(dumpFile + '-' + addon + "-results"); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << errout; f.close(); } parseAddonErrors(errout, addon); } } } void CheckThread::stop() { mState = Stopping; mCppcheck.terminate(); } QString CheckThread::getAddonPath() const { if (QFileInfo(mDataDir + "/threadsafety.py").exists()) return mDataDir; else if (QDir(mDataDir + "/addons").exists()) return mDataDir + "/addons"; else if (QDir(mDataDir + "/../addons").exists()) return mDataDir + "/../addons"; else if (mDataDir.endsWith("/cfg")) { if (QDir(mDataDir.mid(0,mDataDir.size()-3) + "addons").exists()) return mDataDir.mid(0,mDataDir.size()-3) + "addons"; } return QString(); } void CheckThread::parseAddonErrors(QString err, QString tool) { Q_UNUSED(tool); QTextStream in(&err, QIODevice::ReadOnly); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); QRegExp r1("\\[([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:]+):([0-9]+)\\][ ][(]([a-z]+)[)]: (.+) \\[([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\]"); if (!r1.exactMatch(line)) continue; const std::string &filename = r1.cap(1).toStdString(); const int lineNumber = r1.cap(2).toInt(); const std::string severity = r1.cap(3).toStdString(); const std::string message = r1.cap(4).toStdString(); const std::string id = r1.cap(5).toStdString(); std::list callstack; callstack.push_back(ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation(filename, lineNumber)); ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, filename, Severity::fromString(severity), message, id, false); mResult.reportErr(errmsg); } } void CheckThread::parseClangErrors(const QString &tool, const QString &file0, QString err) { QList errorItems; ErrorItem errorItem; QRegExp r1("(.+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+): (note|warning|error|fatal error): (.*)"); QRegExp r2("(.*)\\[([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\.]+)\\]"); QTextStream in(&err, QIODevice::ReadOnly); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("Assertion failed:")) { ErrorItem e; e.errorPath.append(QErrorPathItem()); e.errorPath.last().file = file0; e.errorPath.last().line = 1; e.errorPath.last().col = 1; e.errorId = tool + "-internal-error"; e.file0 = file0; e.message = line; e.severity = Severity::information; errorItems.append(e); continue; } if (!r1.exactMatch(line)) continue; if (r1.cap(4) != "note") { errorItems.append(errorItem); errorItem = ErrorItem(); errorItem.file0 = r1.cap(1); } errorItem.errorPath.append(QErrorPathItem()); errorItem.errorPath.last().file = r1.cap(1); errorItem.errorPath.last().line = r1.cap(2).toInt(); errorItem.errorPath.last().col = r1.cap(3).toInt(); if (r1.cap(4) == "warning") errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::warning; else if (r1.cap(4) == "error" || r1.cap(4) == "fatal error") errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::error; QString message,id; if (r2.exactMatch(r1.cap(5))) { message = r2.cap(1); const QString id1(r2.cap(2)); if (id1.startsWith("clang")) id = id1; else id = tool + '-' + r2.cap(2); if (tool == CLANG_TIDY) { if (id1.startsWith("performance")) errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::performance; else if (id1.startsWith("portability")) errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::portability; else if (id1.startsWith("cert") || (id1.startsWith("misc") && !id1.contains("unused"))) errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::warning; else errorItem.severity = Severity::SeverityType::style; } } else { message = r1.cap(5); id = CLANG_ANALYZER; } if (errorItem.errorPath.size() == 1) { errorItem.message = message; errorItem.errorId = id; } errorItem.errorPath.last().info = message; } errorItems.append(errorItem); foreach (const ErrorItem &e, errorItems) { if (e.errorPath.isEmpty()) continue; if (mSuppressions.contains(e.errorId)) continue; std::list callstack; foreach (const QErrorPathItem &path, e.errorPath) { callstack.push_back(ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation(path.file.toStdString(), path.info.toStdString(), path.line)); } const std::string f0 = file0.toStdString(); const std::string msg = e.message.toStdString(); const std::string id = e.errorId.toStdString(); ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, f0, e.severity, msg, id, false); mResult.reportErr(errmsg); } }