//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "tokenize.h" #include "CommonCheck.h" // <- IsName //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include // <- strtoul //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions.. static void Define(const char Name[], const char Value[]); static void addtoken(const char str[], const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno); static void combine_2tokens(TOKEN *tok, const char str1[], const char str2[]); static void DeleteNextToken(TOKEN *tok); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector Files; struct TOKEN *tokens, *tokens_back; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Defined symbols. // "#define abc 123" will create a defined symbol "abc" with the value 123 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct DefineSymbol { char *name; char *value; struct DefineSymbol *next; }; static struct DefineSymbol * dsymlist; static void Define(const char Name[], const char Value[]) { if (!(Name && Name[0])) return; if (!(Value && Value[0])) return; // Is 'Value' a decimal value.. bool dec = true, hex = true; for (int i = 0; Value[i]; i++) { if ( ! std::isdigit(Value[i]) ) dec = false; if ( ! std::isxdigit(Value[i]) && (!(i==1 && Value[i]=='x'))) hex = false; } if (!dec && !hex) return; char *strValue = strdup(Value); if (!dec && hex) { char str[50]; unsigned long value = strtoul(Value+2, NULL, 16); free(strValue); strValue = strdup(itoa(value, str, 10)); } DefineSymbol *NewSym = new DefineSymbol; memset(NewSym, 0, sizeof(DefineSymbol)); NewSym->name = strdup(Name); NewSym->value = strValue; NewSym->next = dsymlist; dsymlist = NewSym; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // addtoken // add a token. Used by 'Tokenizer' //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void addtoken(const char str[], const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno) { if (str[0] == 0) return; // The keyword 'unsigned' can be skipped for now. if (strcmp(str,"unsigned")==0) return; // Replace hexadecimal value with decimal char str2[50]; memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2)); if (strncmp(str,"0x",2)==0) { unsigned int value = strtoul(str+2, NULL, 16); itoa(value, str2, 10); } TOKEN *newtoken = new TOKEN; memset(newtoken, 0, sizeof(TOKEN)); newtoken->str = strdup(str2[0] ? str2 : str); newtoken->linenr = lineno; newtoken->FileIndex = fileno; if (tokens_back) { tokens_back->next = newtoken; tokens_back = newtoken; } else { tokens = tokens_back = newtoken; } // Check if str is defined.. for (DefineSymbol *sym = dsymlist; sym; sym = sym->next) { if (strcmp(str,sym->name)==0) { free(newtoken->str); newtoken->str = strdup(sym->value); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // combine_2tokens // Combine two tokens that belong to each other. Ex: "<" and "=" may become "<=" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void combine_2tokens(TOKEN *tok, const char str1[], const char str2[]) { if (!(tok && tok->next)) return; if (strcmp(tok->str,str1) || strcmp(tok->next->str,str2)) return; free(tok->str); tok->str = (char *)malloc(strlen(str1)+strlen(str2)+1); strcpy(tok->str, str1); strcat(tok->str, str2); DeleteNextToken(tok); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SizeOfType - gives the size of a type //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::map TypeSize; int SizeOfType(const char type[]) { if (!type) return 0; return TypeSize[type]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DeleteNextToken. Unlink and delete next token. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DeleteNextToken(TOKEN *tok) { TOKEN *next = tok->next; tok->next = next->next; free(next->str); delete next; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InsertTokens - Copy and insert tokens //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InsertTokens(TOKEN *dest, TOKEN *src, unsigned int n) { while (n > 0) { TOKEN *NewToken = new TOKEN; NewToken->FileIndex = src->FileIndex; NewToken->linenr = src->linenr; NewToken->str = strdup(src->str); NewToken->next = dest->next; dest->next = NewToken; dest = dest->next; src = src->next; n--; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tokenize - tokenizes a given file. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tokenize(const char FileName[]) { // Has this file been tokenized already? for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Files.size(); i++) { if ( stricmp(Files[i].c_str(), FileName) == 0 ) return; } std::ifstream fin(FileName); if (!fin.is_open()) return; unsigned int CurrentFile = Files.size(); Files.push_back(FileName); unsigned int lineno = 1; char CurrentToken[1000]; memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); char *pToken = CurrentToken; for (char ch = (char)fin.get(); !fin.eof(); ch = (char)fin.get()) { if (ch == '#' && !CurrentToken[0]) { std::string line; getline(fin,line); line = "#" + line; if (strncmp(line.c_str(),"#include",8)==0 && line.find("\"") != std::string::npos) { // Extract the filename line.erase(0, line.find("\"")+1); line.erase(line.find("\"")); // Relative path.. if (strchr(FileName,'\\')) { char path[1000]; memset(path,0,sizeof(path)); const char *p = strrchr(FileName, '\\'); memcpy(path, FileName, p-FileName+1); line = path + line; } addtoken("#include", lineno, CurrentFile); addtoken(line.c_str(), lineno, CurrentFile); Tokenize(line.c_str()); } else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "#define", 7) == 0) { char *strId = NULL; enum {Space1, Id, Space2, Value} State; State = Space1; for (unsigned int i = 8; i < line.length(); i++) { if (State==Space1 || State==Space2) { if (std::isspace(line[i])) continue; State = (State==Space1) ? Id : Value; } else if (State==Id && std::isspace(line[i])) { strId = strdup(CurrentToken); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; State = Space2; continue; } *pToken = line[i]; pToken++; } if (State==Value) { Define(strId, CurrentToken); } pToken = CurrentToken; memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); free(strId); } else { addtoken("#", lineno, CurrentFile); addtoken(";", lineno, CurrentFile); } lineno++; continue; } if (ch == '\n') { // Add current token.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno++, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } // Comments.. if (ch == '/' && !fin.eof()) { // Add current token.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; // Read next character.. ch = (char)fin.get(); // If '//'.. if (ch == '/') { while (!fin.eof() && (char)fin.get()!='\n'); lineno++; continue; } // If '/*'.. if (ch == '*') { char chPrev; ch = chPrev = 'A'; while (!fin.eof() && (chPrev!='*' || ch!='/')) { chPrev = ch; ch = (char)fin.get(); if (ch == '\n') lineno++; } continue; } // Not a comment.. add token.. addtoken("/", lineno, CurrentFile); } // char.. if (ch == '\'') { // Add previous token addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); // Read this .. CurrentToken[0] = ch; CurrentToken[1] = (char)fin.get(); CurrentToken[2] = (char)fin.get(); if (CurrentToken[1] == '\\') CurrentToken[3] = (char)fin.get(); // Add token and start on next.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } // String.. if (ch == '\"') { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; bool special = false; char c = ch; do { // Append token.. if ( pToken < &CurrentToken[sizeof(CurrentToken)-10] ) { *pToken = c; pToken++; } // Special sequence '\.' if (special) special = false; else special = (c == '\\'); // Get next character c = (char)fin.get(); } while (special || c != '\"'); *pToken = '\"'; addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } if (strchr("+-*/%&|^?!=<>[](){};:,.",ch)) { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); CurrentToken[0] = ch; addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } if (std::isspace(ch) || std::iscntrl(ch)) { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); pToken = CurrentToken; memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); continue; } *pToken = ch; pToken++; } // Combine tokens.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok && tok->next; tok = tok->next) { combine_2tokens(tok, "<", "<"); combine_2tokens(tok, ">", ">"); combine_2tokens(tok, "&", "&"); combine_2tokens(tok, "|", "|"); combine_2tokens(tok, "+", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "-", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "*", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "/", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "&", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "|", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "=", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "!", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "<", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, ">", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, ":", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "-", ">"); combine_2tokens(tok, "private", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "protected", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "public", ":"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simplify token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SimplifyTokenList() { // Replace constants.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (match(tok,"const type var = num ;")) { const char *sym = getstr(tok,2); const char *num = getstr(tok,4); for (TOKEN *tok2 = gettok(tok,6); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) { if (strcmp(tok2->str,sym) == 0) { free(tok2->str); tok2->str = strdup(num); } } } } // typedefs.. TOKEN *prev = NULL; for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (!prev) tok = tokens; if ( strcmp(tok->str, "typedef") == 0 ) { TOKEN *type0 = tok->next; int len = 0, parlevel = 0; for ( TOKEN *tok2 = gettok(type0,1); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) { if (strchr("{(", tok2->str[0])) parlevel++; else if (strchr("})", tok2->str[0])) parlevel--; else if (parlevel==0 && tok2->str[0]==';') break; len++; } const char *typestr = getstr(type0, len); if (typestr[0] != ')') // Function pointer { // Replace tokens.. for ( TOKEN *tok2 = gettok(type0, len+1); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next ) { if (strcmp(tok2->str,"typedef")==0) { int parlevel = 0; while (parlevel > 0 || tok2->next->str[0] != ';') { if (tok2->str[0] == '{') parlevel++; else if (tok2->str[0] == '}') parlevel--; tok2 = tok2->next; if (!tok2->next) break; } continue; } TOKEN *next = tok2->next; if (next && strcmp(next->str, typestr) == 0) { DeleteNextToken(tok2); InsertTokens( tok2, type0, len ); tok2 = gettok(tok2, len); } } } // Delete typedef.. if (!prev) { int parlevel = 0; while ( parlevel > 0 || tokens->str[0] != ';' ) { if ( strchr( "({", tokens->str[0] ) ) parlevel++; else if ( strchr( ")}", tokens->str[0] ) ) parlevel--; // Delete the first element in the tokens list. TOKEN *next = tokens->next; free(tokens->str); delete tokens; tokens = next; if (!tokens) break; } tok = tokens; prev = NULL; continue; } else { int parlevel = 0; while ( parlevel > 0 || prev->next->str[0] != ';' ) { if ( strchr( "({", prev->next->str[0] ) ) parlevel++; else if ( strchr( ")}", prev->next->str[0] ) ) parlevel--; DeleteNextToken(prev); if (!prev->next) break; } tok = prev; } } prev = tok; } // Fill the map TypeSize.. TypeSize.clear(); TypeSize["char"] = sizeof(char); TypeSize["short"] = sizeof(short); TypeSize["int"] = sizeof(int); TypeSize["long"] = sizeof(long); TypeSize["float"] = sizeof(float); TypeSize["double"] = sizeof(double); for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (match(tok,"class type")) { TypeSize[getstr(tok,1)] = 11; } else if (match(tok, "struct type")) { TypeSize[getstr(tok,1)] = 13; } } // Replace 'sizeof(type)'.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (strcmp(tok->str,"sizeof") != 0) continue; if (match(tok, "sizeof ( type * )")) { free(tok->str); char str[10]; // 'sizeof(type *)' has the same size as 'sizeof(char *)' tok->str = strdup(itoa(sizeof(char *), str, 10)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { DeleteNextToken(tok); } } else if (match(tok, "sizeof ( type )")) { const char *type = getstr(tok, 2); int size = SizeOfType(type); if (size > 0) { free(tok->str); char str[10]; tok->str = strdup(itoa(size, str, 10)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { DeleteNextToken(tok); } } } } // Replace 'sizeof(var)' for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { // type array [ num ] ; if ( ! match(tok, "type var [ num ] ;") ) continue; int size = SizeOfType(tok->str); if (size <= 0) continue; const char *varname = getstr(tok, 1); int total_size = size * atoi( getstr(tok, 3) ); // Replace 'sizeof(var)' with number int indentlevel = 0; for ( TOKEN *tok2 = gettok(tok,5); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next ) { if (tok2->str[0] == '{') { indentlevel++; } else if (tok2->str[0] == '}') { indentlevel--; if (indentlevel < 0) break; } else if (match(tok2, "sizeof ( var )")) { if (strcmp(getstr(tok2,2), varname) == 0) { free(tok2->str); char str[20]; tok2->str = strdup(itoa(total_size, str, 10)); // Delete the other tokens.. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { DeleteNextToken(tok2); } } } } } // Simple calculations.. bool done = false; while (!done) { done = true; for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (match(tok->next, "* 1") || match(tok->next, "1 *")) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) DeleteNextToken(tok); done = false; } // (1-2) if (strchr("[,(=<>",tok->str[0]) && IsNumber(getstr(tok,1)) && strchr("+-*/",*(getstr(tok,2))) && IsNumber(getstr(tok,3)) && strchr("],);=<>",*(getstr(tok,4))) ) { done = false; int i1 = atoi(getstr(tok,1)); int i2 = atoi(getstr(tok,3)); switch (*(getstr(tok,2))) { case '+': i1 += i2; break; case '-': i1 -= i2; break; case '*': i1 *= i2; break; case '/': i1 /= i2; break; } tok = tok->next; free(tok->str); char str[10]; tok->str = strdup(itoa(i1,str,10)); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { DeleteNextToken(tok); } } } } // Replace "*(str + num)" => "str[num]" for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if ( ! strchr(";{}(=<>", tok->str[0]) ) continue; TOKEN *next = tok->next; if ( ! next ) break; if (match(next, "* ( var + num )")) { const char *str[4] = {"var","[","num","]"}; str[0] = getstr(tok,3); str[2] = getstr(tok,5); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tok = tok->next; free(tok->str); tok->str = strdup(str[i]); } DeleteNextToken(tok); DeleteNextToken(tok); } } // Split up variable declarations if possible.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if ( ! strchr("{};", tok->str[0]) ) continue; TOKEN *type0 = tok->next; if (!type0) break; if (strcmp(type0->str, "else") == 0) continue; TOKEN *tok2 = NULL; unsigned int typelen = 0; if ( match(type0, "type var ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 2); // The ',' token typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "type * var ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 3); // The ',' token typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "type var [ num ] ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 5); // The ',' token typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "type * var [ num ] ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 6); // The ',' token typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "struct type var ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 3); typelen = 2; } else if ( match(type0, "struct type * var ,") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 4); typelen = 2; } else if ( match(type0, "type var =") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 2); typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "type * var =") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 3); typelen = 1; } else if ( match(type0, "struct type * var =") ) { tok2 = gettok(type0, 4); typelen = 2; } if (tok2) { if (tok2->str[0] == ',') { free(tok2->str); tok2->str = strdup(";"); InsertTokens(tok2, type0, typelen); } else { TOKEN *eq = tok2; int parlevel = 0; while (tok2) { if ( strchr("{(", tok2->str[0]) ) { parlevel++; } else if ( strchr("})", tok2->str[0]) ) { if (parlevel<0) break; parlevel--; } else if ( parlevel==0 && strchr(";,",tok2->str[0]) ) { // "type var =" => "type var; var =" TOKEN *VarTok = gettok(type0,typelen); if (VarTok->str[0]=='*') VarTok = VarTok->next; InsertTokens(eq, VarTok, 2); free(eq->str); eq->str = strdup(";"); // "= x, " => "= x; type " if (tok2->str[0] == ',') { free(tok2->str); tok2->str = strdup(";"); InsertTokens( tok2, type0, typelen ); } break; } tok2 = tok2->next; } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions for handling the tokens list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKEN *findtoken(TOKEN *tok1, const char *tokenstr[]) { for (TOKEN *ret = tok1; ret; ret = ret->next) { unsigned int i = 0; TOKEN *tok = ret; while (tokenstr[i]) { if (!tok) return NULL; if (*(tokenstr[i]) && strcmp(tokenstr[i],tok->str)) break; tok = tok->next; i++; } if (!tokenstr[i]) return ret; } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool match(TOKEN *tok, const std::string pattern) { if (!tok) return false; const char *p = pattern.c_str(); while (*p) { char str[50]; char *s = str; while (*p==' ') p++; while (*p && *p!=' ') { *s = *p; s++; p++; } *s = 0; if (str[0] == 0) return true; if (strcmp(str,"var")==0 || strcmp(str,"type")==0) { if (!IsName(tok->str)) return false; } else if (strcmp(str,"num")==0) { if (!std::isdigit(tok->str[0])) return false; } else if (strcmp(str, tok->str) != 0) return false; tok = tok->next; if (!tok) return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKEN *gettok(TOKEN *tok, int index) { while (tok && index>0) { tok = tok->next; index--; } return tok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *getstr(TOKEN *tok, int index) { tok = gettok(tok, index); return tok ? tok->str : ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deallocate lists.. void DeallocateTokens() { while (tokens) { TOKEN *next = tokens->next; free(tokens->str); delete tokens; tokens = next; } tokens_back = tokens; while (dsymlist) { struct DefineSymbol *next = dsymlist->next; free(dsymlist->name); free(dsymlist->value); delete dsymlist; dsymlist = next; } }