/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef RESULTSVIEW_H #define RESULTSVIEW_H #include "report.h" #include "showtypes.h" #include #include #include class ErrorItem; class ApplicationList; class ThreadHandler; class QModelIndex; class QPrinter; class QSettings; class CheckStatistics; class QObject; class QPoint; namespace Ui { class ResultsView; } /// @addtogroup GUI /// @{ /** * @brief Widget to show cppcheck progressbar and result * */ class ResultsView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ResultsView(QWidget * parent = nullptr); void initialize(QSettings *settings, ApplicationList *list, ThreadHandler *checkThreadHandler); ResultsView(const ResultsView &) = delete; ~ResultsView() override; ResultsView &operator=(const ResultsView &) = delete; /** * @brief Clear results and statistics and reset progressinfo. * @param results Remove all the results from view? */ void clear(bool results); /** * @brief Remove a file from the results. */ void clear(const QString &filename); /** * @brief Remove a recheck file from the results. */ void clearRecheckFile(const QString &filename); /** * @brief Write statistics in file * * @param filename Filename to save statistics to */ void saveStatistics(const QString &filename) const; /** * @brief Save results to a file * * @param filename Filename to save results to * @param type Type of the report. */ void save(const QString &filename, Report::Type type) const; /** * @brief Update results from old report (tag, sinceDate) */ void updateFromOldReport(const QString &filename) const; /** * @brief Update tree settings * * @param showFullPath Show full path of files in the tree * @param saveFullPath Save full path of files in reports * @param saveAllErrors Save all visible errors * @param showNoErrorsMessage Show "no errors"? * @param showErrorId Show error id? * @param showInconclusive Show inconclusive? */ void updateSettings(bool showFullPath, bool saveFullPath, bool saveAllErrors, bool showNoErrorsMessage, bool showErrorId, bool showInconclusive); /** * @brief Update Code Editor Style * * Function will read updated Code Editor styling from * stored program settings. * * @param settings Pointer to QSettings Object */ void updateStyleSetting(QSettings *settings); /** * @brief Set the directory we are checking * * This is used to split error file path to relative if necessary * @param dir Directory we are checking */ void setCheckDirectory(const QString &dir); /** * @brief Get the directory we are checking * * @return Directory containing source files */ QString getCheckDirectory(); /** * @brief Inform the view that checking has started * * @param count Count of files to be checked. */ void checkingStarted(int count); /** * @brief Inform the view that checking finished. * */ void checkingFinished(); /** * @brief Do we have visible results to show? * * @return true if there is at least one warning/error to show. */ bool hasVisibleResults() const; /** * @brief Do we have results from check? * * @return true if there is at least one warning/error, hidden or visible. */ bool hasResults() const; /** * @brief Save View's settings * * @param settings program settings. */ void saveSettings(QSettings *settings); /** * @brief Translate this view * */ void translate(); void disableProgressbar(); /** * @brief Read errors from report XML file. * @param filename Report file to read. * */ void readErrorsXml(const QString &filename); /** * @brief Return checking statistics. * @return Pointer to checking statistics. */ const CheckStatistics *getStatistics() const { return mStatistics; } /** * @brief Return Showtypes. * @return Pointer to Showtypes. */ const ShowTypes & getShowTypes() const; signals: /** * @brief Signal to be emitted when we have results * */ void gotResults(); /** * @brief Signal that results have been hidden or shown * * @param hidden true if there are some hidden results, or false if there are not */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void resultsHidden(bool hidden); /** * @brief Signal to perform recheck of selected files * * @param selectedFilesList list of selected files */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void checkSelected(QStringList selectedFilesList); /** Suppress Ids */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void suppressIds(QStringList ids); /** * @brief Show/hide certain type of errors * Refreshes the tree. * * @param type Type of error to show/hide * @param show Should specified errors be shown (true) or hidden (false) */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void showResults(ShowTypes::ShowType type, bool show); /** * @brief Show/hide cppcheck errors. * Refreshes the tree. * * @param show Should specified errors be shown (true) or hidden (false) */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void showCppcheckResults(bool show); /** * @brief Show/hide clang-tidy/clang-analyzer errors. * Refreshes the tree. * * @param show Should specified errors be shown (true) or hidden (false) */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name) - caused by generated MOC code void showClangResults(bool show); /** * @brief Collapse all results in the result list. */ void collapseAllResults(); /** * @brief Expand all results in the result list. */ void expandAllResults(); /** * @brief Show hidden results in the result list. */ void showHiddenResults(); public slots: /** * @brief Slot for updating the checking progress * * @param value Current progress value * @param description Description to accompany the progress */ void progress(int value, const QString& description); /** * @brief Slot for new error to be displayed * * @param item Error data */ void error(const ErrorItem &item); /** * @brief Filters the results in the result list. */ void filterResults(const QString& filter); /** * @brief Update detailed message when selected item is changed. * * @param index Position of new selected item. */ void updateDetails(const QModelIndex &index); /** * @brief Slot opening a print dialog to print the current report */ void print(); /** * @brief Slot printing the current report to the printer. * @param printer The printer used for printing the report. */ void print(QPrinter* printer); /** * @brief Slot opening a print preview dialog */ void printPreview(); /** * \brief Log message */ void log(const QString &str); /** * \brief debug message */ void debugError(const ErrorItem &item); /** * \brief Clear log messages */ void logClear(); /** * \brief Copy selected log message entry */ void logCopyEntry(); /** * \brief Copy all log messages */ void logCopyComplete(); protected: /** * @brief Should we show a "No errors found dialog" every time no errors were found? */ bool mShowNoErrorsMessage; Ui::ResultsView *mUI; CheckStatistics *mStatistics; private slots: /** * @brief Custom context menu for Analysis Log * @param pos Mouse click position */ void on_mListLog_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos); }; /// @} #endif // RESULTSVIEW_H