If you want to reformat the output so it looks different you can use templates.
To get Visual Studio compatible output you can use "--template vs":
cppcheck --template vs gui/test.cpp
This output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp... gui/test.cpp(31): error: Memory leak: b gui/test.cpp(16): error: Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k
To get gcc compatible output you can use "--template gcc":
cppcheck --template gcc gui/test.cpp
The output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp... gui/test.cpp:31: error: Memory leak: b gui/test.cpp:16: error: Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k
You can write your own pattern (for example a comma-separated format):
cppcheck --template "{file},{line},{severity},{id},{message}" gui/test.cpp
The output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp... gui/test.cpp,31,error,memleak,Memory leak: b gui/test.cpp,16,error,mismatchAllocDealloc,Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k