/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef fixtureH #define fixtureH #include "check.h" #include "color.h" #include "config.h" #include "errorlogger.h" #include "errortypes.h" #include "library.h" #include "platform.h" #include "settings.h" #include "standards.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class options; class Tokenizer; class TestFixture : public ErrorLogger { private: static std::ostringstream errmsg; static unsigned int countTests; static std::size_t fails_counter; static std::size_t todos_counter; static std::size_t succeeded_todos_counter; bool mVerbose{}; std::string mTemplateFormat; std::string mTemplateLocation; std::string mTestname; protected: std::string exename; std::string testToRun; bool quiet_tests{}; virtual void run() = 0; bool prepareTest(const char testname[]); std::string getLocationStr(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr) const; bool assert_(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const bool condition) const; template bool assertEquals(const char* const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const T& expected, const U& actual, const std::string& msg = emptyString) const { if (expected != actual) { std::ostringstream expectedStr; expectedStr << expected; std::ostringstream actualStr; actualStr << actual; assertEqualsFailed(filename, linenr, expectedStr.str(), actualStr.str(), msg); } return expected == actual; } //Helper function to be called when an assertEquals assertion fails. //Writes the appropriate failure message to errmsg and increments fails_counter void assertEqualsFailed(const char* const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const std::string& expected, const std::string& actual, const std::string& msg) const; bool assertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const std::string &expected, const std::string &actual, const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; void assertEqualsWithoutLineNumbers(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const std::string &expected, const std::string &actual, const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; bool assertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const char expected[], const std::string& actual, const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; bool assertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const char expected[], const char actual[], const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; bool assertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const std::string& expected, const char actual[], const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; bool assertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const long long expected, const long long actual, const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; void assertEqualsDouble(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const double expected, const double actual, const double tolerance, const std::string &msg = emptyString) const; void todoAssertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const std::string &wanted, const std::string ¤t, const std::string &actual) const; void todoAssertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const char wanted[], const char current[], const std::string &actual) const; void todoAssertEquals(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr, const long long wanted, const long long current, const long long actual) const; void assertThrow(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr) const; void assertThrowFail(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr) const; void assertNoThrowFail(const char * const filename, const unsigned int linenr) const; static std::string deleteLineNumber(const std::string &message); void setVerbose(bool v) { mVerbose = v; } void setTemplateFormat(const std::string &templateFormat); void setMultiline() { setTemplateFormat("multiline"); } void processOptions(const options& args); template static T& getCheck() { for (Check *check : Check::instances()) { //cppcheck-suppress [constVariablePointer, useStlAlgorithm] - TODO: fix constVariable FP if (T* c = dynamic_cast(check)) return *c; } throw std::runtime_error("instance not found"); } template static void runChecks(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) { T& check = getCheck(); check.runChecks(tokenizer, settings, errorLogger); } // TODO: bail out on redundant settings class SettingsBuilder { public: explicit SettingsBuilder(const TestFixture &fixture) : fixture(fixture) {} SettingsBuilder(const TestFixture &fixture, Settings settings) : fixture(fixture), settings(std::move(settings)) {} SettingsBuilder& severity(Severity::SeverityType sev, bool b = true) { settings.severity.setEnabled(sev, b); return *this; } SettingsBuilder& certainty(Certainty cert, bool b = true) { settings.certainty.setEnabled(cert, b); return *this; } SettingsBuilder& clang() { settings.clang = true; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& checkLibrary() { settings.checkLibrary = true; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& checkUnusedTemplates(bool b = true) { settings.checkUnusedTemplates = b; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& debugwarnings(bool b = true) { settings.debugwarnings = b; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& c(Standards::cstd_t std) { settings.standards.c = std; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& cpp(Standards::cppstd_t std) { settings.standards.cpp = std; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& library(const char lib[]); SettingsBuilder& libraryxml(const char xmldata[], std::size_t len); SettingsBuilder& platform(cppcheck::Platform::Type type); SettingsBuilder& checkConfiguration() { settings.checkConfiguration = true; return *this; } SettingsBuilder& checkHeaders(bool b = true) { settings.checkHeaders = b; return *this; } Settings build() { return std::move(settings); } private: const TestFixture &fixture; Settings settings; }; SettingsBuilder settingsBuilder() const { return SettingsBuilder(*this); } SettingsBuilder settingsBuilder(Settings settings) const { return SettingsBuilder(*this, std::move(settings)); } public: void reportOut(const std::string &outmsg, Color c = Color::Reset) override; void reportErr(const ErrorMessage &msg) override; void run(const std::string &str); static void printHelp(); const std::string classname; explicit TestFixture(const char * const _name); ~TestFixture() override {} static std::size_t runTests(const options& args); }; // TODO: fix these // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-redundant-declaration) extern std::ostringstream errout; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-redundant-declaration) extern std::ostringstream output; // TODO: most asserts do not actually assert i.e. do not return #define TEST_CASE( NAME ) do { if (prepareTest(#NAME)) { setVerbose(false); NAME(); } } while (false) #define ASSERT( CONDITION ) if (!assert_(__FILE__, __LINE__, (CONDITION))) return #define ASSERT_LOC( CONDITION, FILE_, LINE_ ) assert_(FILE_, LINE_, (CONDITION)) #define CHECK_EQUALS( EXPECTED, ACTUAL ) assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, (EXPECTED), (ACTUAL)) #define ASSERT_EQUALS( EXPECTED, ACTUAL ) if (!assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, (EXPECTED), (ACTUAL))) return #define ASSERT_EQUALS_WITHOUT_LINENUMBERS( EXPECTED, ACTUAL ) assertEqualsWithoutLineNumbers(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, ACTUAL) #define ASSERT_EQUALS_DOUBLE( EXPECTED, ACTUAL, TOLERANCE ) assertEqualsDouble(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, ACTUAL, TOLERANCE) #define ASSERT_EQUALS_MSG( EXPECTED, ACTUAL, MSG ) assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, ACTUAL, MSG) #define ASSERT_THROW( CMD, EXCEPTION ) do { try { CMD; assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } catch (const EXCEPTION&) {} catch (...) { assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (false) #define ASSERT_THROW_EQUALS( CMD, EXCEPTION, EXPECTED ) do { try { CMD; assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } catch (const EXCEPTION&e) { assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, e.errorMessage); } catch (...) { assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (false) #define ASSERT_THROW_EQUALS_2( CMD, EXCEPTION, EXPECTED ) do { try { CMD; assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } catch (const EXCEPTION&e) { assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, e.what()); } catch (...) { assertThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (false) #define ASSERT_NO_THROW( CMD ) do { try { CMD; } catch (...) { assertNoThrowFail(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (false) #define TODO_ASSERT_THROW( CMD, EXCEPTION ) do { try { CMD; } catch (const EXCEPTION&) {} catch (...) { assertThrow(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (false) #define TODO_ASSERT( CONDITION ) do { const bool condition=(CONDITION); todoAssertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, true, false, condition); } while (false) #define TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS( WANTED, CURRENT, ACTUAL ) todoAssertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, WANTED, CURRENT, ACTUAL) #define EXPECT_EQ( EXPECTED, ACTUAL ) assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, EXPECTED, ACTUAL) #define REGISTER_TEST( CLASSNAME ) namespace { CLASSNAME instance_ ## CLASSNAME; } #define LOAD_LIB_2_EXE( LIB, NAME, EXE ) do { if (((LIB).load((EXE), NAME).errorcode != Library::ErrorCode::OK)) throw std::runtime_error("library '" + std::string(NAME) + "' not found"); } while (false) #define LOAD_LIB_2( LIB, NAME ) LOAD_LIB_2_EXE(LIB, NAME, exename.c_str()) #define PLATFORM( P, T ) do { std::string errstr; assertEquals(__FILE__, __LINE__, true, P.set(cppcheck::Platform::toString(T), errstr, {exename}), errstr); } while (false) #endif // fixtureH