/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "librarydialog.h" #include "common.h" #include "libraryaddfunctiondialog.h" #include "libraryeditargdialog.h" #include "path.h" #include "ui_librarydialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QWidget; // TODO: get/compare functions from header class FunctionListItem : public QListWidgetItem { public: FunctionListItem(QListWidget *view, CppcheckLibraryData::Function *function, bool selected) : QListWidgetItem(view), function(function) { setText(function->name); setFlags(flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); setSelected(selected); } CppcheckLibraryData::Function *function; }; LibraryDialog::LibraryDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), mUi(new Ui::LibraryDialog), mIgnoreChanges(false) { mUi->setupUi(this); mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); mUi->buttonSaveAs->setEnabled(false); mUi->sortFunctions->setEnabled(false); mUi->filter->setEnabled(false); mUi->addFunction->setEnabled(false); //As no function selected, this disables function editing widgets selectFunction(); } LibraryDialog::~LibraryDialog() { delete mUi; } CppcheckLibraryData::Function *LibraryDialog::currentFunction() { QList selitems = mUi->functions->selectedItems(); if (selitems.count() != 1) return nullptr; return static_cast(selitems.first())->function; } void LibraryDialog::openCfg() { const QString datadir = getDataDir(); QString selectedFilter; const QString filter(tr("Library files (*.cfg)")); const QString selectedFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open library file"), datadir, filter, &selectedFilter); if (selectedFile.isEmpty()) return; QFile file(selectedFile); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Cppcheck"), tr("Cannot open file %1.").arg(selectedFile), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } CppcheckLibraryData tempdata; const QString errmsg = tempdata.open(file); if (!errmsg.isNull()) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Cppcheck"), tr("Failed to load %1. %2.").arg(selectedFile).arg(errmsg), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } mIgnoreChanges = true; mData.swap(tempdata); mFileName = selectedFile; mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); mUi->buttonSaveAs->setEnabled(true); mUi->filter->clear(); mUi->functions->clear(); for (CppcheckLibraryData::Function &function : mData.functions) { mUi->functions->addItem(new FunctionListItem(mUi->functions, &function, false)); } mUi->sortFunctions->setEnabled(!mData.functions.empty()); mUi->filter->setEnabled(!mData.functions.empty()); mUi->addFunction->setEnabled(true); mIgnoreChanges = false; } void LibraryDialog::saveCfg() { if (mFileName.isNull()) return; QFile file(mFileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream ts(&file); ts << mData.toString() << '\n'; mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(false); } else { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Cppcheck"), tr("Cannot save file %1.").arg(mFileName), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); } } void LibraryDialog::saveCfgAs() { const QString filter(tr("Library files (*.cfg)")); const QString path = Path::getPathFromFilename(mFileName.toStdString()).c_str(); QString selectedFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save the library as"), path, filter); if (selectedFile.isEmpty()) return; if (!selectedFile.endsWith(".cfg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) selectedFile += ".cfg"; mFileName = selectedFile; saveCfg(); } void LibraryDialog::addFunction() { LibraryAddFunctionDialog *d = new LibraryAddFunctionDialog; if (d->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !d->functionName().isEmpty()) { CppcheckLibraryData::Function f; f.name = d->functionName(); const int args = d->numberOfArguments(); for (int i = 1; i <= args; i++) { CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg arg; arg.nr = i; f.args.append(arg); } mData.functions.append(f); mUi->functions->addItem(new FunctionListItem(mUi->functions, &mData.functions.back(), false)); mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(true); mUi->sortFunctions->setEnabled(!mData.functions.empty()); mUi->filter->setEnabled(!mData.functions.empty()); } delete d; } void LibraryDialog::editFunctionName(QListWidgetItem* item) { if (mIgnoreChanges) return; QString functionName = item->text(); CppcheckLibraryData::Function * const function = dynamic_cast(item)->function; if (functionName != function->name) { const QRegularExpressionMatch matchRes = QRegularExpression("^" NAMES "$").match(functionName); if (matchRes.hasMatch()) { function->name = functionName; mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(true); } else { mIgnoreChanges = true; item->setText(function->name); mIgnoreChanges = false; } } } void LibraryDialog::selectFunction() { const CppcheckLibraryData::Function * const function = currentFunction(); if (function == nullptr) { mUi->comments->clear(); mUi->comments->setEnabled(false); mUi->noreturn->setCurrentIndex(0); mUi->noreturn->setEnabled(false); mUi->useretval->setChecked(false); mUi->useretval->setEnabled(false); mUi->leakignore->setChecked(false); mUi->leakignore->setEnabled(false); mUi->arguments->clear(); mUi->arguments->setEnabled(false); mUi->editArgButton->setEnabled(false); return; } mIgnoreChanges = true; mUi->comments->setPlainText(function->comments); mUi->comments->setEnabled(true); mUi->noreturn->setCurrentIndex(function->noreturn); mUi->noreturn->setEnabled(true); mUi->useretval->setChecked(function->useretval); mUi->useretval->setEnabled(true); mUi->leakignore->setChecked(function->leakignore); mUi->leakignore->setEnabled(true); updateArguments(*function); mUi->arguments->setEnabled(true); mUi->editArgButton->setEnabled(true); mIgnoreChanges = false; } void LibraryDialog::sortFunctions(bool sort) { if (sort) { mUi->functions->sortItems(); } else { mIgnoreChanges = true; const CppcheckLibraryData::Function* selfunction = currentFunction(); mUi->functions->clear(); for (CppcheckLibraryData::Function &function : mData.functions) { mUi->functions->addItem(new FunctionListItem(mUi->functions, &function, selfunction == &function)); } if (!mUi->filter->text().isEmpty()) filterFunctions(mUi->filter->text()); mIgnoreChanges = false; } } void LibraryDialog::filterFunctions(const QString& filter) { QList allItems = mUi->functions->findItems(QString(), Qt::MatchContains); if (filter.isEmpty()) { for (QListWidgetItem *item : allItems) { item->setHidden(false); } } else { for (QListWidgetItem *item : allItems) { item->setHidden(!item->text().startsWith(filter)); } } } void LibraryDialog::changeFunction() { if (mIgnoreChanges) return; CppcheckLibraryData::Function *function = currentFunction(); if (!function) return; function->comments = mUi->comments->toPlainText(); function->noreturn = (CppcheckLibraryData::Function::TrueFalseUnknown)mUi->noreturn->currentIndex(); function->useretval = mUi->useretval->isChecked(); function->leakignore = mUi->leakignore->isChecked(); mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(true); } void LibraryDialog::editArg() { CppcheckLibraryData::Function *function = currentFunction(); if (!function) return; if (mUi->arguments->selectedItems().count() != 1) return; CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg &arg = function->args[mUi->arguments->row(mUi->arguments->selectedItems().first())]; LibraryEditArgDialog d(nullptr, arg); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { const unsigned number = arg.nr; arg = d.getArg(); arg.nr = number; mUi->arguments->selectedItems().first()->setText(getArgText(arg)); } mUi->buttonSave->setEnabled(true); } QString LibraryDialog::getArgText(const CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg &arg) { QString s("arg"); if (arg.nr != CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg::ANY) s += QString::number(arg.nr); s += "\n not bool: " + QString(arg.notbool ? "true" : "false"); s += "\n not null: " + QString(arg.notnull ? "true" : "false"); s += "\n not uninit: " + QString(arg.notuninit ? "true" : "false"); s += "\n format string: " + QString(arg.formatstr ? "true" : "false"); s += "\n strz: " + QString(arg.strz ? "true" : "false"); s += "\n valid: " + QString(arg.valid.isEmpty() ? "any" : arg.valid); for (const CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg::MinSize &minsize : arg.minsizes) { s += "\n minsize: " + minsize.type + " " + minsize.arg + " " + minsize.arg2; } return s; } void LibraryDialog::updateArguments(const CppcheckLibraryData::Function &function) { mUi->arguments->clear(); for (const CppcheckLibraryData::Function::Arg &arg : function.args) { mUi->arguments->addItem(getArgText(arg)); } }