# python -m pytest test-other.py import os import pytest from testutils import cppcheck def __test_missing_include(tmpdir, use_j): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" #include "test.h" """) args = ['--enable=missingInclude', '--template={file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]', test_file] if use_j: args.insert(0, '-j2') _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert stderr == '{}:2:0: information: Include file: "test.h" not found. [missingInclude]\n'.format(test_file) def test_missing_include(tmpdir): __test_missing_include(tmpdir, False) def test_missing_include_j(tmpdir): #11283 __test_missing_include(tmpdir, True) def __test_missing_include_check_config(tmpdir, use_j): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" #include "test.h" """) # TODO: -rp is not working requiring the full path in the assert args = '--check-config -rp={} {}'.format(tmpdir, test_file) if use_j: args = '-j2 ' + args _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args.split()) assert stderr == '' # --check-config no longer reports the missing includes def test_missing_include_check_config(tmpdir): __test_missing_include_check_config(tmpdir, False) def test_missing_include_check_config_j(tmpdir): __test_missing_include_check_config(tmpdir, True) def test_missing_include_inline_suppr(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" // cppcheck-suppress missingInclude #include "missing.h" // cppcheck-suppress missingIncludeSystem #include """) args = ['--enable=missingInclude', '--inline-suppr', test_file] _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert stderr == '' def test_invalid_library(tmpdir): args = ['--library=none', '--library=posix', '--library=none2', '--platform=native', 'file.c'] exitcode, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert exitcode == 1 assert (stdout == "cppcheck: Failed to load library configuration file 'none'. File not found\n" "cppcheck: Failed to load library configuration file 'none2'. File not found\n") assert stderr == "" def test_message_j(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write("") args = ['-j2', '--platform=native', test_file] _, stdout, _ = cppcheck(args) assert stdout == "Checking {} ...\n".format(test_file) # we were adding stray \0 characters at the end # TODO: test missing std.cfg def test_progress(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" int main(int argc) { } """) args = ['--report-progress=0', '--enable=all', '--inconclusive', '--platform=native', test_file] exitcode, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert exitcode == 0 pos = stdout.find('\n') assert(pos != -1) pos += 1 assert stdout[:pos] == "Checking {} ...\n".format(test_file) assert (stdout[pos:] == "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 0%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 12%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 25%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 37%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 50%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 62%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 75%\n" "progress: Tokenize (typedef) 87%\n" "progress: SymbolDatabase 0%\n" "progress: SymbolDatabase 12%\n" "progress: SymbolDatabase 87%\n" ) assert stderr == "" def test_progress_j(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.c') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" int main(int argc) { } """) args = ['--report-progress=0', '--enable=all', '--inconclusive', '-j2', '--disable=unusedFunction', '--platform=native', test_file] exitcode, stdout, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert exitcode == 0 assert stdout == "Checking {} ...\n".format(test_file) assert stderr == "" @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_slow_array_many_strings(tmpdir): # 11901 # cppcheck valueflow takes a long time when analyzing a file with many strings filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'hang.c') with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.write("const char *strings[] = {\n") for i in range(20000): f.write(' "abc",\n') f.write("};\n") cppcheck([filename]) # should not take more than ~1 second def test_execute_addon_failure(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.cpp') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" void f(); """) args = ['--addon=naming', test_file] # provide empty PATH environment variable so python is not found and execution of addon fails env = {'PATH': ''} _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args, env) assert stderr == '{}:0:0: error: Bailing out from analysis: Checking file failed: Failed to auto detect python [internalError]\n\n^\n'.format(test_file) def test_execute_addon_failure_2(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.cpp') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" void f(); """) # specify non-existent python executbale so execution of addon fails args = ['--addon=naming', '--addon-python=python5.x', test_file] _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args) # /tmp/pytest-of-sshuser/pytest-215/test_execute_addon_failure_20/test.cpp:0:0: error: Bailing out from analysis: Checking file failed: Failed to execute addon 'naming' (command: 'python5.x /mnt/s/GitHub/cppcheck-fw/addons/runaddon.py /mnt/s/GitHub/cppcheck-fw/addons/naming.py --cli /tmp/pytest-of-sshuser/pytest-215/test_execute_addon_failure_20/test.cpp.7306.dump'). Exitcode is nonzero. [internalError]\n\n^\n # "C:\\Users\\Quotenjugendlicher\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-Quotenjugendlicher\\pytest-15\\test_execute_addon_failure_20\\test.cpp:0:0: error: Bailing out from analysis: Checking file failed: Failed to execute addon (command: 'python5.x S:\\GitHub\\cppcheck-fw\\bin\\debug\\addons\\runaddon.py S:\\GitHub\\cppcheck-fw\\bin\\debug\\addons\\naming.py --cli C:\\Users\\Quotenjugendlicher\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-Quotenjugendlicher\\pytest-15\\test_execute_addon_failure_20\\test.cpp.9892.dump'). Exitcode is nonzero. [internalError]\n\n^\n assert stderr.startswith('{}:0:0: error: Bailing out from analysis: Checking file failed: Failed to execute addon \'naming\' (command: \'python5.x '.format(test_file)) assert stderr.endswith(' [internalError]\n\n^\n') # TODO: find a test case which always fails @pytest.mark.skip def test_internal_error(tmpdir): test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.cpp') with open(test_file, 'wt') as f: f.write(""" #include void f() { double gc = 3333.3333; char stat[80]; sprintf(stat,"'%2.1f'",gc); } """) args = [test_file] _, _, stderr = cppcheck(args) assert stderr == '{}:0:0: error: Bailing from out analysis: Checking file failed: converting \'1f\' to integer failed - not an integer [internalError]\n\n^\n'.format(test_file)